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mazingerz88's avatar

What do you love most about Christmas mornings?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) December 25th, 2019 from iPhone

This year of 2019, for me it’s the zero traffic and open 711 on the way to work.

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17 Answers

PaisleyFaye's avatar

Sitting in the living room with Family on the couch/carpeted floor huddled up in fleece blankets and warm pjs watching Xmas Movies cartoons and the Tree covered in Charlie Brown lites… Even the smell of French toast with omelettes….Oh what memories…

seawulf575's avatar

sleeping in, getting up and making breakfast and coffee, spending time with family.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

@Seawulf575 You said it!!

Inspired_2write's avatar

It is peaceful, and serene outside my window..we are so blessed!
Beautiful winter scene.
Just drinking a cup of coffee viewing out my window surveying the landscape before me.

All is quiet and no one is up as yet in the building nor walking outside etc

JLeslie's avatar

When I worked full-time I liked not having to go to work. Otherwise, Christmas Day has always been one of the boringist days of the year. I wouldn’t mind being on a cruise or at Disney where things are functioning like normal.

SEKA's avatar

For me, it’s seeing the wonders of Christmas through the eyes of the children

Harper1234's avatar

Sara Lee Pecan cake and loads of bacon.

SEKA's avatar

Damn, it’s too late for 2019, but I’m going to be sitting on Harper’s front steps at Christmas sunrise in 2020

Yellowdog's avatar

Ho Ho Ho, its magic, you know,

Never believe its not so.

gondwanalon's avatar

Waking up and thanking Jesus for another day of life on this garden planet Mother Earth.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Sleeping in till Christmas Afternoon.

jbuenavides's avatar

Eating breakfast with the whole family will always be my favorite during Christmas. Family get together only takes place during this season.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Having all three of my sons at home. My two oldest are adults living in a neighboring state. This doesn’t happen often.

cookieman's avatar

The quiet in the neighborhood. Very few cars, an almost audible silence until…my daughter and two dogs wake up and the orchestrated fun of gift giving begins. My daughter has all the gifts stacked up, in the order she wants us to open them. It’s quite the production.

kritiper's avatar

Breakfast. (I am an eating machine!)

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Watching my grand kids open presents. And then realizing that on top of that, Santa left candy in their stockings. Makes all the shopping and traffic hassles worth it.

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