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LostInParadise's avatar

When does the new year begin for you?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) December 26th, 2019

Having it start around the winter solstice is okay. There is also a good argument to be made for having it start in spring. To me it feels like the new year starts at the end of summer. It sure felt that way when I went to school – end of vacation and time to buckle down. I am not religious, but having the Jewish new year start at around this time reinforced the feeling.

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13 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Uh…. January 1st?

cookieman's avatar

I get what you’re saying here. Since I teach and have a daughter in school, September really does feel like a new year. Nice beak end of December/early January for the holidays, then into the back half of the year through May. And, since I dislike Summer and spend all of it prepping classes or doing house projects (in the air conditioning), I consider June through August the end of the year wrap up.

zenvelo's avatar

I am definitely a dead of winter/solstice/January 1 person. If one considers the cycles of the year as analogous to the ages of a person, I am comfortable with the waning/aging of the year in the fall and dying in the Winter.

My opinion might be very different if I was a denizen of the Southern Hemisphere.

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Love_my_doggie's avatar

When my health club becomes crowded with new and returning members.

This happens every January, when people have New Years resolutions about fitness and weight loss. Suddenly, there’s a flood of bodies; every exercise class is filled to capacity, and all the machines are being used.

What’s unfortunate is that the flow returns to normal after about 3–4 weeks. All those good intentions and commitments don’t stick.

anniereborn's avatar

January 1st.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

As soon as the ball drops.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Although I’ve accepted Jan 1 to be the beginning of the new year,in my personal life, I get excited sometime between Feb 1 & April15. Here in the South, we start getting milder weather around Feb 1 although there are still a few chilly days interspersed over the months of Feb & March. By April, the trees begin to show some new buds or blooms which tells me that the warm, comfortable weather isn’t far behind!!! With the new leaves & the flowers blooming, it gives me a feeling of life starting over & I feel rejuvenated!!! So for me, my new year starts during this time which varies from year to year.

I love the fall because the hottest days are leaving us. At the same time, this is when things start to die; so for me, fall means the end of life until we can get back to Spring!!!

Inspired_2write's avatar

Dec 31.
Start a plan to implement my goals for the year.

Start a plan to de- clutter my apartment since the Garbage dump for unwanted items is not opened until Spring. At least I will have it packed and ready to send out.

Weed out my closet of clothes that I have never worn much or outdated etc to charity.

Will pack this up before the end of this year..ready to go as soon as the thrift shop opens .

Organize my desk,file cabinet for easier reference when I need particular information fro my research etc.

Weed out old spices,items in kitchen cupboards as few days.

Hope to have all done BEFORE Jan 1, 2020. whoo hooo ready for a new year!

rebbel's avatar

New life, fresh blood, new opportunities.

Sagacious's avatar

My new time management refills. It’s a thrill, truly it is!

ucme's avatar

When my hangover subsides enough for me to comprehend the date.

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