Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do Democrats understand that far left political policies are not going to do well in Florida?

Asked by JLeslie (65923points) December 27th, 2019 from iPhone

Florida is an important swing state. We have a large Hispanic population, and a lot of those Latin Americans are extremely wary of “socialist” policies. Over 1 million people in Florida are from, or their family is from, countries like Cuba and Venezuela where socialism and communism didn’t work well for them. Many of these people are American citizens and can vote in the presidential election. Don’t count on Trump’s anti-immigrant rants to solidify the Hispanic vote—that’s a mistake in my opinion.

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39 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Are democrats by definition far left?

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think all their eggs are in the ‘hate Trump’ basket, so they’ve blinded themselves to other strategies. Its really odd to me, as I assume they really want to win 2020.

hmmmmmm's avatar

There isn’t a “far left” candidate or party in the US. Bernie Sanders is center-left, and has broad support among the Latinx community – even among the conservative FL population. He is preferred Dem candidate, and he would beat trump in general among LatinX FL voters.

That said, looking at an election as a game where everyone must support the candidate who will do nothing in an attempt to try to “win” a general election is an amoral exercise that leads to suffering and death. If you support specific policies and there is a candidate that will fight for those policies, then support that candidate. We need to stop pretending we can predict an election or support policies we loathe just to win an election.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s fascinating that the right regards the ceaseless criticism of Trump as “far left Trump hatred”. This failure to understand that coverage of the turd and the endless badmouthing is NOT about hatred. It is in fact disaster coverage—that’s all. The fool is in every real sense a long term disaster as genuine as any flood or hurricane. The bad news isn’t in the reporting of the turd snatching those kids, banning Muslims or gutting the food stamp program. It isn’t the press or crazed liberals defiling the turd. Once again—-it’s a turd—a vile turd. It remains a turd in Florida or on the moon. Those who are yet too dense to understand the consequences of this fundamental fact are being relentlessly driven toward this OBVIOUS truth. Most of us have the sense to understand that the news cycle around the devastation defining a flood or hurricane is NOT about the bias against the weather or the fact that either calamity might bring relief from a dry spell.

gorillapaws's avatar

PA, OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, IA, MN are worth WAY more than FL. If Dems go with another uninspiring center-right corporate Dem, I think most of those states go to Trump (and likely FL too). Let’s be real, the Democrats could resurrect Reagan, put him on the Democratic ballot and the Republicans would still call him a Socialist. If we’re playing electoral college math, Bernie makes the most sense by far.

Bernie brings out voters who would otherwise stay home. That’s how you not only win the Presidency, but also how you win the Senate/Congress too.

cookieman's avatar

I get that. I’m still waiting for the Democratic candidates to put forth a position and some ideas outside of “Trump is bad”. Yeah, we know — but what are you guys offering, specifically.

I want to hear a clear, concise policy pitch that is positive and practical and that doesn’t mention Trump once.

Of course I’m voting against Trump, but I’d primarily like to be voting for something.

gorillapaws's avatar

@cookieman “I’m still waiting for the Democratic candidates to put forth a position and some ideas outside of “Trump is bad”.”

Bernie on the policy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t think Democrats, have a clue about what the country, as a whole, wants…

kritiper's avatar

The far left Democrats might. All other more moderate, centrist Democrats (the majority of Democrats) most likely don’t.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman Really – you’re not seeing policy proposals? Are you listening to the debates. I think Bernie and Liz Warren have substantive plans and Buttigeg as well. You might agree or disagree but it is not all Trump bashing at all.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Florida is such a bizarre state that trying to pander to what will win in Florida would be pretty hard to do.

ragingloli's avatar

“far left”, lol.
You have no idea what that means.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “I don’t think Democrats, have a clue about what the country, as a whole, wants”

The country as a whole? As if there is, or ever could be, some kind of consensus among more than 300,000,000 people. Put 10 people in a room and you won’t even be able to get them to agree on what to have for dinner.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You understand @JLeslie Trump is currently acting more like Castro and less like FDR?

JLeslie's avatar

Far left for the US is socializing medical care and free university and forgiving all sorts of debts already incurred. I don’t think any Americans are on board for the government taking over businesses or for straight communism. Regarding the UBI that Yang proposes, I don’t really know where the country stands. I think most Americans are hearing about it for the first time, and dint really understand the philosophy behind it.

@gorillapaws I completely agree that the Midwest is the most important vote, and I say actually more specifically the Midwest white Catholic vote. They keep talking about the black vote, but the Deep South has the biggest percentages of black votes in states, and those states won’t go blue no matter how many black people show up at the polls. The black vote matters for the primaries, but I don’t see it being the pivotal vote for the final contest, but of course all votes count. I don’t think the Democrats will get PA back this time.

@janbb You are probably right about FL being strange and probably not worth playing to. I won’t use the word pandering, because I’m not talking about pandering, I’m only talking about not understanding the state. People make assumptions about Hispanic voters. Our Jewish vote also has more conservatives than one might guess (which always shocks me). The over 55 vote that retires here is constantly changing, because there is constant migration here. Worse, you talk to people in Florida and they might be one political party or another, and “they” think they understand Florida, but those people may not be voters in Florida, but rather still residents up north.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@JLeslie: “I don’t think any Americans are on board for the government taking over businesses or for straight communism.”

I’m not sure where to go with this. You are quite confused about what is being proposed, and what terms like “communism” mean. But what I can suggest is that rather than going with your gut about what “Americans” are on board with – just say what you are on board with. If you’re going to engage in horserace politics and speculation, at least look at the data.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, if you think that wanting what every other western country already has is “far left” and “straight communism” to you, then the democratic party might just as well disband, because there is no helping you anymore. Find 300 million ropes, and end it all.

rebbel's avatar

That is far left?
Healthcare and education?
Am I glad I live in a communist country.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Yikes, if it’s hinging on white Catholics in the Midwest voting Dem, that could be a real problem.

SEKA's avatar

I worry about my vote. How Florida votes is their business. One lady voted for trump because he was going to ban illegals from entering the country. Her husband was a Hispanic and they had been married for 20 years with 2 children. During the first sweep to remove illegals from the country, her husband was arrested, removed from their home in handcuffs, and deported to a country where he hadn’t lived in over 20 years. This could happen to you, so I wouldn’t feel so comfortable voting for a dictator

Darth_Algar's avatar


Oh god, if that’s the same story I read the woman herself had once been an illegal immigrant and was only able to obtain legal residence (and eventually citizenship) due to a one-off blanket amnesty passed by Congress and Reagan in the 1980s.

Careful what you vote for. You might get it.

ragingloli's avatar

There is a great quote from the game Freespace 2:
“When you sign up for the wrong outfit, you get what you deserve.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

Darth. You have to have your finger, on the pulse of all people, to get the POTUS vote.
Democrats, have a great idea of this, yet no realistic ideas for real change, that would be acceptable to the masses…

Darth_Algar's avatar


So tell me, what do “all of the people” want?

SEKA's avatar

@Darth_Algar Not the same woman. This one was born an bred here in the US.

I’m not thrilled with most of what the Dems are offering. I will be thrilled if we don’t have the same nut job in the WH this time next year

gorillapaws's avatar

@JLeslie “I don’t think the Democrats will get PA back this time.”

Bernie has a pretty significant lead vs. Trump in PA according to polling.

Here are the Obama-Trump counties AKA “pivot counties.” I don’t think it’s the white catholic vote in those counties, I think it was a lot of people staying home. I could be wrong though.

JLeslie's avatar

@hmmmmmm What are you saying? You, and many Americans want communism? Not one of our candidates is even proposing communism. None of our candidates are proposing a take over of businesses by the government either, except the government running healthcare, and even then it likely would be in cooperation with private healthcare.

@gorillapaws I could be wrong too. I guess PA would go to Trump the last election, even a lot of people thought it was impossible. Circumstances are a little different now. I also thought Trump wouldn’t end up winning, even though I thought he would get way more votes than anyone expected. I was wrong there obviously, he did win.

@ragingloli Who are you talking to?

stanleybmanly's avatar

The big debate currently and the assumed deciding factor in 2020 is over which party has the best handle on gauging public sentiment regarding the turd. Conservatives claim that criticism of Trump merely drives voters toward the Republican standard. The argument: “ignore the bad and instead get on with the governing of the country”. To me this is a rather dubious proposition at best—the more negative news there is on the fool, the stronger grows his electoral support? The single outstanding trend in the elections of this past November was the apparent defection of conservative support in the nation’s suburbs. I believe Republicans may be in for a rather rude shock in the coming election as accumulating evidence of our turd’s misdeeds accelerates erosion of the Republican brand.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley I dont think you factor religion into politics as a priority for Reps. We’ll see.

cookieman's avatar

@gorrillapaws, @janbb: Thank you for the points about Bernie and Warren. I’ve read Bernie’s points before, but have not watched the debates as, honestly it all feels like a lot of noise. Christ, someone just opened a “New England for Trump” shop in my town. And the news seems to just focus on the idiocy.

I gotta do better due diligence. Thanks Jellies.

rebbel's avatar

What are some “far left policies” (from Democrats) that are “not going to do well” in Florida (and/with its “large population of Hispanics”), @JLeslie?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL Again, the religious necessity Republicans have placed on Trump is under particular threat of explosion. The recent magazine editorial portends bad news ahead regarding the decision to embrace the devil. The straight up bad news and scandals MUST destroy any claim to the moral or ethical high ground on the part of the faithful. It isn’t as though your turd has any claim to being a reformed or repentant sinne, and support of what must be described as crime in the act renders the the Republican Party bankrupt of ethics. For those professing religious conviction, your own doctrine threatens penalties of eternal damnation.

JLeslie's avatar

@rebbel To be clear I mean the most left policies in the current field of choices. I am NOT calling any of our Democrat politician communists. I am a Democrat, I’m in favor of more than one social service including socialized medicine, and I don’t consider myself a socialist or a communist.

Many Venezuelans and Cubans are afraid of anything that sounds socialistic, and the right wing propaganda machine can play to it. They easily are swayed by slippery slope ideas. When Obama was elected there were famous Hispanic actors on TV talking about how Obama would ruin the country and become a dictator never wanting to leave office. Of course it was total ridiculousness, but it feeds the fear to the people who have had to flee their countries and lost property and wealth at the hands of socialist and/or communist regimes.

The more I look around the world, the more I think the most important thing is the intent and integrity of the government. Corruption in any form of government ruins a country. You can look at socialism in Western European countries, and socialism in Latin American countries, and what are the differences? Many Latin American countries are democracies, and the USA would have you think Democracy and Capitalism are the end all be all, but you need more than Democracy, because just look around at the developing world and many countries are Democracies and capitalistic societies, but corrupt and not regulated to promote fairness and it’s not good.

In Florida, to Latin Americans who had to leave their homeland under duress, do you think a European model is a bigger influence on their vote than what they lived through?

It’s not all Latin Americans, it’s particular countries that happen to be in large numbers in Florida.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Darth. The country is vast. The people have many different types of things that they care about. I don’t claim to have an understanding of the country, as a whole.
I do see a problem. But. A doctor, may understand that their patient, has an incurable disease. That doesn’t mean that they know how to fix it…
That doesn’t mean that the doctor, is incompetent…

I see the US, as a patient with an untreatable disease. I see the Dems, as thinking that they can fix this problem. But, I haven’t heard any solutions, that the majority of the country would accept. There are plenty of ideas, that I would accept. But, I am just one person, amongst 300 million.

The Republicans, have 3–5 solid foundations, that resonate with at least a third of the country. The Dems, are spread all over the place, with different issues.
And many different ways to deal with those issues.

A POTUS candidate, IMO, has to have a few important issues, and realistic/universally acceptable ways of dealing with them. They just don’t.

Theyare repeating the same mistakes, from 2016. We aren’t Trump. That didn’t work, for some reason, in 2016. And, it won’t work in 2020…

I would LOVE, to be proven wrong here. But. Trump, will not be removed from office, and he will be reelected in 2020…

I’m certainly not supporting this. But, that is my prediction.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@MrGrimm888 “The country is vast. The people have many different types of things that they care about. I don’t claim to have an understanding of the country, as a whole.”

You say this, yet you keep throwing out phrases like “all of the people” and “the majority of the country” and such. All the while you, by your own acknowledgement, can’t even be bothered to vote. To be frank, why should anyone really pay your thoughts on this subject any mind?

MrGrimm888's avatar

You don’t have to agree with me. I just tell you how I feel on a subject. Everyone is free, to do as they please. And I respect that…
You and I, are not so different.

Look at your own posts. It’s mainly criticism, without a solution. You can see, a response where you take issue with another, yet you offer no alternative mind frame. You simply attack another jelly’s comments, without offering a different view…
You’re on a high horse. But only look down.
How about some insight, rather than insult?

Darth_Algar's avatar

Missing my point entirely…

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Perhaps could clarify, for the stupid people, like me…

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