What's the longest amount of time you spent in the Hospital?
What happened that caused you to go or be taken there?
I remember experiencing god awful bodyaches so I tried to stayed home from School for a couple of days, from there it just didn’t seem to get any better, by the next morning I was pale and drenched in sweat, so my mom rushed me to the Hospital, I was in so much pain I couldn’t be touched without feeling pain all over, once they got me in a room they gave me iv fluids for dehydration and pain. By this time I was in and out of it. I woke up to Doctors poking me with needles, it took close several days before I felt somewhat normal. They kept me for 2Weeks lol around Thanksgiving. I gotten food poisoning, led poisoning which caused my kidneys to almost shut down. I had a temp on 108! I recall waking up and my mom was holding me, I thought we were home, but she got in the Hospital bed with me because she didn’t think I was going to pull through. Strength of a Mothers Love…
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Two weeks, also around Thanksgiving. I went in Nov 1. I had pneumonia. Almost died. Had emergency surgery, then went into a coma-like state for several days. Lost my memory from all of September and October of that year. That is a bit of a trip all by itself.
The longest – 3 weeks in one stretch. Surrounded by shorter stays due to related issues. All last year (2018). All total last year I spent around one and a half month, in the hospital.
Spent a couple of nights this week in the hospital with my 11-year-old. He had complications following appendectomy. The only time I have had to spend time in a hospital overnight for me was for sleep studies.
About 5 days each time I had my kids because it was by Caesarean section.
@janbb wow but now you have a beautiful Family I’m happy for you! Was the C section by choice? Sorry if That’s too personal.
Two weeks when I had kidney surgery in 1979.
My daughter had a C sect because she had twins. They were 5 weeks early too. She was in the hospital with them a good 3 weeks. Thing One and Thing Two. ♥
I was in about 10 days after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
I was at a hospital in Mississippi. The most laid back hospital ever.
I’ve never been more relaxed in my life.Great vacation destination!
Yeah. I like hospitals! People waiting on you hand and foot!
A two hour (minimum) wait just to get a regular strength tylenol for a headache. Food so awful you wouldn’t even give it to a dog you hated. Roommates who have Fox News on at maximum volume 24/7, even when they’re sleeping (and they only ever wake up when the nurse or PCT turns the volume down). Roommates who shit themselves constantly because they won’t call and ask for help going to the toilet. Nurses who wait until you’ve finally drifted off to sleep to come in and check your vitals. So relaxing…
I won’t go near a hospital unless I’m on the verge of dying. Spent a week in one once due to a high blood pressure episode. No coffee can’t smoke crappy tasting bland food. If my wife hadn’t stayed up there with me I’d have gone nuts. And well meaning friends bringing flowers constantly. 1— I’m a man don’t bring me flowers. 2 – I wasn’t in a life threatening situation..don’t make the room look like a funeral parlor. Wife: “If you don’t follow the Drs. advice you’ll be in a funeral parlor”...point taken. Can I have some coffee now?
I’ve been in hospital only once (twice if you count tonsillectomy).
Since I was only four years old I can’t remember how long the duration was.
It was for a double pneumonia.
Only thing I remember is my aunt waving at me, from behind plastic (I was in a tent, in quarantaine, and I believe that meds were in the air in the tent).
On my fifth birthday I was released, and I remember I asked my mom if I could eat a table spoon of sugar (I could)!
@PaisleyFaye Not by choice but ok enough. The first one was after a long period of labor and unproductive pushing (CPD) so necessary and welcomed at that point. The second one I wanted to try to go natural but in the end it was by choice because of the hospital I wanted to deliver in and it looking likely to end up a Caesarean anyway.
I’ve never spent any extended time in a hospital. I had a urinary tract infection as a kid and I was there for a while for that, but it was not overnight. I’m sure there will come a time when I have to spend days in one; I’m glad it hasn’t happened yet.
A week as a young toddler. I was having seizures. I don’t remember it, but I have always seriously loved the smell of hospital food. Since everyone else seems to dislike it, I’m wondering if it’s nostalgia that’s making me enjoy it.
@longgone When I was in the rehab center in August, the food was pretty decent.
@janbb I’m too lucky, never sick enough to stay in the hospital. I have to stop talking about this. I’m getting so hungry!
The longest was two weeks with pneumonia when I was seven.
@rebbel I was hospitalized when I was seven because of pneumonia and pleurisy. I was in the oxygen tent too. What I remember as being the very worst thing in my whole life was my doctor coming into my room with a big tray with towels covering up whatever was on it. I caught a glimpse and it was syringes. He stuck those syringes into my back and sides trying to draw out the pus in the lining of my lungs. Eighteen times. I screamed like a nonhuman. The next day he came in with another tray. I started climbing up the wall. He turned around and left.
Couple of hours as a visitor & only that long because I got lost on my way out.
For psychical ailments twice for a week from constipation. I ate as much Raisin Bran that equal’s one bowl of Total cereal. It took me two hospital visits to learn my lesson.
Four days after a c-section. My husband spent 6 months during his teens after being crushed by a car and breaking his neck. He spent his 16th birthday in the hospital.
@longgone You can visit a hospital and eat in their cafeteria. It’s the same food patients get and their prices are pretty cheap. :)
I’ve always had a good experience with hospital food, and I’ve been in hospitals several times each year for the past several years. It’s not an anomaly.
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Three weeks (stayed there most days, including overnight) when my husband was in.
@anniereborn Good for you! It really is helpful to have a loved one nearby when one is in the hospital and needing attention.
I spent a week in the hospital, twice. Oncr, for a DVT, and once, for having my hand shredded, by a cat.
Add that up, with dozens of other reasons I had to be there, and the cost is about $400,000.
I don’t even bother to open the bills, that come in…..
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