Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

How come if you question Trump at all the right claim it's all hate?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23591points) December 27th, 2019

That said the right did non stop complaining of Obama when he was in office, was that all about hate as well?

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86 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It’s always been like that. The only caveat is that before the internet, the three major news outlets had a stranglehold on opinion.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, because there is virtually nothing good to say about him. He’s a spoiled, stupid, self-centered, demented brat. He should never have been elected. It was so obvious, even before the election. I’m still scratching my head.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m not talking to you right now.

Canada took President Trump’s part out of Home Alone when they broadcast it this year.

KNOWITALL's avatar

haha, Dems don’t question anything about Trump, they are thoroughly convinced he’s Satan and have been since before the election, if you watched the debates. So when you hear the same hateful things over and over, and you get called names for understanding even bad men can do good things for the country, when your social media is full of the same anti-Trump rhetoric as the news, it’s difficult to ignore.
When psychologists admit it’s causing harm and mental health issues across the US, via negative politics, it’s a real issue.

What some saw during Obama’s Presidency, was higher racial tensions, cops being targeted for violence, more troops overseas, broken campaign promises, and charging the poor a fee each year for being poor and unable to afford insurance.

We all have our own take on each of these men, that doesn’t mean we should shout it to everyone constantly or demean them for not agreeing with us. But that’s what many Dems do, they try to bully or shame people into hating Trump. Only ONE jelly here can even reluctantly admit he has done at least one good thing! That’s intentionally wearing blinders.

We’ve got jellies from overseas and even some of them see it clearly.

ucme's avatar

I’m not on the left, right or piggy in the middle, but still entitled to an opinion & by gum I shall have it!

You lot on here who bleat on about the bloke as if he’s a spotty arsed goblin who shagged your daughters, don’t “question” him, you fucking loathe him!

Don’t then feign surprise, when you’re rightly pointed out as such, can’t have it both ways matey peeps :D

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Patty_Melt Home Alone 2 removed bit of the movie years ago, like pre-Trump even running, in order to make it fit their needs for commercials during its showing. Business, not political. It wasn’t just the Trump appearance, either, as they cut some minutes here and there to make it all fit with commercials.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I don’t belive in Satan.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It was still in where I watched it, and I have proof.
Anyway my statement was farcical, to illustrate the behavior of lefties. That is the sort of petty thinking they go in for.

What really astonishes me, is how people can demand to make love as fits their lifestyle (LGBTQetc), but damn a wealthy, white, hetero male for his. Has his wife bemoaned his behavior? No. People who have never been in his bed are the ones judging his sexuality.
If conservatives did the same with Pete Bootygrab, lefties would be screaming for our deaths by boiling oil.
His hair and skin color have been blatantly raised as issue for contempt. If a lesbian with purple hair with YT channel and constant tweets ran you would all rally behind her, and issues wouldn’t even matter.

What pisses everybody off is our President’s non apologetic demeanor. He is like the new Reese’s commercials, “here it is, not sorry.”
I eat lots of peanut butter cups, and I’m not sorry either.

Demosthenes's avatar

Because claiming that something is “hate” is a way to avoid talking about it; it’s a deflection. Of course there’s a lot of unsubstantial blathering about Trump, but there are legitimate criticisms in there; unfortunately because of the noise they won’t be heard and it will all be dismissed as “hate”. Political discourse is dead. So take a side: you either think Trump is the Messiah or Hitler—nothing in between, no nuance, no way to actually discuss the positives and negatives, what’s working, what’s not; we’ll only ensure that our future politics are driven by resentment and a desire to spite the other side.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Nice answer @Demosthenes , sad in this day and age that is the only choice.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I am far from thinking anyone a Messiah, but GA anyway for the perspective.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty Last time a liberal here tried to voice an objective Q, she was treated very poorly by her fellow libs. It was hard to see. So I call bs that some are not objective, any statement about anything positive towards Trump immediately makes you a target for lowbrow, outraged comments. Usually including Trumpster or Trump lover. Thats what stifles discourse.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^But telling those of us who are hurt or have loved ones hurt by Trump’s policies as haters is okay? We hate for a reason. He harms people.

josie's avatar

It certainly is the same reason that if you criticized Barak Obama the left said it was all about racism.
See @ucme
Nobody questions or debates Trump, which requires getting you arguments in order.
They take the quick and easy route and hate him.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jonsblond So hate him, dont vote for him. My liberal friends understand theres more at stake than that one issue. I dont support Pence or anyones anti-LGBTQ policy, btw.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Yawn…I’m so tired of politics. Bad for the digestion. That said, I don’t see how the Dems are trashing Trump any more than Repubs did Obama. They blamed Obama for everything bad that has happened since Julius Caesar was assassinated.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The contention is that there is nothing to question the turd about. Naysayers are shuffled into a pile of nagging nellies of needless gripes without merit. Thus the issue is NEVER one of the turd’s behavior (for which there can be no justification) but always about the irrational biased hatred on the part of critics

Yellowdog's avatar

I think ^^^ @stanleybmanly ^^^ says it best, as usual. This is not merely questioning Trump. This is strong, intense hate. Read the language.

Democrats will obstruct any and all progress in the nation and the world if it means a failure for this administration. We don’t hear this kind of haltered and namecalling much, not since Nazi Germany.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Totally agree @NoMoreY_Aagain and yet you say anything about Trump they claim it’s just out of hate for the guy.
Good grief @Yellowdog if Obama did a fraction of the shit your hero does you guys would have nailed him to a burning cross.
@Yellowdog I know you won’t probably even read this but look at just some shit your hero has done ,had an affair with a porn star while wife was home pregnant high morals there.
Shit you right wingers wanted clintons blood for a blow job.
Totally mocks a handicap reporter theres class.
His idiot tariffs that are hurting everybody that trades with the US,
He has removed emissions standards for new vehicles(tell me he cares for the environment , it has been legislated to forgive student debt from these fraudulent universities , but his secretary of education is still trying to collect on these debts,(yup he is all for the little guy)
Oh and how has he done installing an affordable health care act, for people that can’t afford high health care insurance?

Jons_Blond's avatar

@knowitall My point is that many people have legitimate reasons to hate the man due to his policies but we’re treated as if we’re just haters for no good reason. He might not do anything that harms you but he does for millions of others. And I’m not speaking about one issue.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The doggie exemplifies the premier characteristic of Trump apologists. The turd is notorious and celebrated by the certifiably loathsome for straight up hateful behavior, yet it is those who notice and comment on it who are labeled “haters”. There’s a reason why the skin heads adore him, and the ogres afflicting humankind enthusiastically give our turd the green light. The man is the very embodiment of everything hateful and fully worthy of the criticisms leveled against him. And since he is without a conscience, it is the responsibility of the rest of us to render his evil existence as close to the living hell he most assuredly deserves. Fuck him and whatever sewer spawned him!

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seawulf575's avatar

Pretty much the same reason that every time you questioned Obama the left called you a racist. Except the questions against Trump are usually presented with vitriol which sort of implies hate.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Seawulf I guess we may get to see what eight years of hatred will do to people. Sigh.

seawulf575's avatar

@KNOWITALL that answer is easy. Hatred breeds hatred. The haters don’t understand this.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jonsblond “My point is that many people have legitimate reasons to hate the man due to his policies ” There is much wrong with that statement. I didn’t like Obama’s policies, but didn’t hate the man. I didn’t spew vitriol every time I had to mention his name. I didn’t call him names. But I had legitimate reasons (what were legitimate reasons) for not liking his policies. Saying you don’t like his policies is reason enough to hate the man is warped.
There is another problem with the statement. Many of the policies he has are not things he can just wave the magic wand to enact. He has a certain amount of leeway when it comes to enforcement of the laws, but he cannot write the laws. So to say you hate Trump for his policies should mean that you also hate Congress…including and especially the Dems…for not taking action to address the issues in the laws. Take immigration for instance. There is much angst about “Trump’s Policies” concerning illegal immigration. There are lawsuits upon lawsuits every time he tries to enact some policy, all geared towards actually blocking him from enforcing laws. But how many years now have politicians (Dem and Repub) campaigned on addressing immigration concerns? And have they done anything at all about addressing what they all call outdated immigration laws? Nope. Not even any real attempts…just some half-assed lip service things. Trump even tried forcing Congress to do something about immigration laws and they refused. So how can you say you hate Trump’s policy on immigration without including Congress? And this sort of thing goes on and on with his “policies”.

kritiper's avatar

It’s just self-serving Republican propaganda to try to influence people to believe that: Republicans, good. Democrats, BAD.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If he is hated it is because he is hateful and behaves hatefully. He is deserving of the wrath and disgust he himself generates.

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper nice try. But if you read, I slammed both parties. So while it might help you avoid actually having to be honest about Dems, your statement is far left propaganda at best.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Your turd is the personification of hatred and acrimony. Regardless of the situation, he will dependably find and insist on the mean or cruel alternative. Kidnap the kids, ban gays from the military, ratchet down food stamps, declare refugees criminal, vilify the poor. He is an arrogant pig, disgusting in his villainy and the archetype “ugly American”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 I am some what going to believe you when you say you didn’t hate Obama,BUT Obama’s behaviour wasn’t hateful,Trump’s very much is his child like tweets, his ranting at his rallies , mocking crippled people (tell me that was taken out of context) his affair with the porn star no morals there( I didn’t think high of Clintons either) but at least he didn’t do it while his wife was home pregnant.
You say the anyone that disagrees with Trump is just out of hate,it is because Trump cultivates that hate with his actions, and behaviour , you might not see it but believe me the rest of the free world does.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Here’s the problem: the word hate. I thought Obama was pretty much lawless, I didn’t like most of his policies and regulations he was pushing, and I disagreed with most of his foreign policy. But I didn’t hate him. I felt he worked very hard to divide the nation along any and every fissure he could find. But I didn’t hate him. His initial response to criminal events that involved blacks and police was to defend the criminal and attribute racism to the police. And in 3 out of 3 cases (Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Henry Louis Gates), his initial reaction was to side with the black person and detract or even blame the police. But THAT didn’t get me to hate him. I felt he was a horrible president, but didn’t hate him.
I look at Trump and don’t see anything to make me hate him either. His tweets are sometimes over the top and childish. But is that enough to hate him? Not for me. I felt his “mocking” of crippled people was childish and immature. But again..not enough to hate him for it. He had an affair with a porn star, but that isn’t my concern. If his wife dealt with it, who am I to get bunched up about it? Infidelity among politicians is pretty wide-spread, and I don’t respect them for it but don’t hate them. You say Bill Clinton wasn’t fooling around while Hillary was pregnant, but I have to ask…are you sure? I forward you to Trooper Gate, Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Dolly Kyle, and God only knows how many others. He has a long and colorful history of infidelity and it is extremely likely he was fooling around while Hillary was pregnant. In fact, Dolly Kyle says she started fooling around with him before Hillary was pregnant and continued until he was in the WH. So your comparison is sort of skewed. But again…no respect but no hatred either.
I would put forth that much of the “Actions and Behaviors” are constructs of a biased media. I give you the “very fine people” scam. That is always a good one because it shows Trump to be hateful and a racist that thinks White Supremacists and Neo-Nazis are very fine people. Except it was a creation of the Dems and the left. Trump did use the words “very fine people” in reference to the Charlottesville VA protests. And that is as far as the truth extends. When he said it, he specifically said NOT the WS or N-Ns, but the peaceful protesters that started protesting. He also went on to denounce the WS and N-Ns and said they were hate groups and not respectable. But that part is always suppressed when the liberals are pushing it. So it becomes one of the “hateful” things Trump did and how it “cultivates hate” in our society. So when you are using these things as excuses to hate, you might want to make sure you are 100% sure that they are true and not partial truths or even outright lies.
In the end, Hatred is ALWAYS going to breed hatred. And when you hate someone for silly reasons that sound amazingly like you were told to hate him, you are propagating that cycle. Time to deal with reality. We elected Trump for a couple reasons. The foremost is that he wasn’t a career politician. The second was that he had ideas for dealing with long-standing problems in our nation. Are all his ideas going to be great? Nope. Are they all going to work? Probably not. But compared with what we had thrust upon us for the past 50 years, he was something different and brought hope for a change. And he has done many things for our nation despite the obstruction from Congress. And it is likely that he will get elected again because the career politicians have shown they bring nothing to the table. The Dems have been pushing economy killing socialism and Hate Trump. That’s all they have offered the nation for the past 3 years. They have done nothing towards dealing with any of the issues facing the nation…especially the ones they have campaigned on for decades. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution. And now they have convinced many that hating Trump is justified. Think about that…when has anyone told you that hating is okay? I can go back in history and come up with some examples and 100% of them ended badly. Hitler was a fine example. He sold hatred as well. He made people want to hate the Jews. Why? They hadn’t done anything to him or really any of those that ended up hating them. How’d that end?

Demosthenes's avatar

The problem is that “hate” is often projected. Some people here are actually admitting they hate Trump (and explaining why they think it’s justified). That’s unambiguous, but not, I think, often what gets labeled “hate”. I’m sorry if you don’t like when people make fun of Trump’s hair or say he’s the worst president ever, but that isn’t “hate” anymore than saying Obama was the worst is hate. “You criticize this president, therefore you must HATE him”. No.

SQUEEKY2's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

More to the point, there is absolutely no denying that his behavior is HATEFUL. That is EXACTLY why the coverage of stinky is so sensational. His Presidency is defined by straight up virulent hatred . He can’t tweet a kind word UNLESS it is about himself. Who is its that drives us to HATE immigrants, HATE Muslims, HATE Democrats, HATE the poor. Hillary, Obama, Rosie O’Donnel—Stinky SEETHES with hatred for any and all who dare not worship his putrid moronic ass.

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I have no problem with people criticizing Trump. But as I always taught my kids, it’s okay to disagree, but not to be disagreeable. And that is where many on these pages go. I give you @stanleybmanly as a perfect example, though he is certainly not the only one. look at his last answer and please explain how you can say the hate doesn’t just seethe off it? And if you are honest, you will also concede that the media and the Dems push the narrative of Hate Trump. Look at their dishonest reporting, their bogus investigations and you can see it. Listen to the sky-is-falling comments from people like Pelosi trying to justify why they HAVE to impeach him. Forget the facts, just push the hate. When excuses are made for Dems that do the exact same things they are accusing Trump of doing, that is called hypocrisy and dishonesty. It is pushing a hate message. It isn’t about the issues, it’s about the person. And when you get to that point, it is hatred.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Lets hear about hatred from the right folks, these Shining Beacons of Honesty in Politics. I can recall the blatantly freaking insane rantings from the right ( including Texas Governor Greg Abbot and the Republican Legislature) about (GASP!) Operation Jade Helm. A routine military exercise in parts of Texas and the South West where in Special Forces of all branches were practicing Spec. Op. Insertion tactics. Which they do routinely in the Sane World. But according to right wing radio, Fox News, Texas Repub politicos who should have known better, and all of the loving, inclusive non judgemental
militias and others, it was all a vast conspiracy on the part of Obama and the evil Dems to declare martial law, take our guns, and incarcerate “dissenters” in Wal-Mart Basements. (You can’t make this crap up. Well I can’t anyway). Well Republicans…I’m still waiting. No martial law, no Wal-Mart’s turning into prisons, still have my guns. A liberal Dem gun owner? Take some smelling salt and get over the shock. And point is, don’t throw rocks when you live in a glass house. Because when it comes to hate, lies, and pure d made up conspiratorial BS you guys wrote the script and filmed the movie. I lived thru this insanity so go bs some one else. I ain’t impressed.

Yellowdog's avatar

@NoMoreY_Aagain None of what you espoused were views of conservatives or republicans; a lot of them can be traced back to Y2K conspiracy theories of extreme fringe groups. They were never lambasted 24/7 over major news networks or espoused by conservative or mainstream politicians in debates and on The Late Show. You cannot take the views of isolationalists. soveriegn citizens and conspiracy theorists and say they are the views conservatives centrist republicans.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Yellow Dog I can’t even respond to that without laughing. Heh.

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NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

Cut me a break I’m busy. Got to hide out from that Obammer feller and Hillary. My Repub pal done learned me that they took over Washington and sent UN troops in unmarked black vans to arrest me and torture me in a Wal-Mart arttic. And them Republican boys are sure ‘enough straight shooters.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@NoMorey Make sure to come back here in Nov 2020 please. ;D

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

I’ll be around, but comrade (Ras) Putin may be busy. : )

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Putin is going to be very busy during that time rigging the election for Trump, has stated he plans to.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

What’s that Squeaky? Move on folks nothing to see here. Go watch Dancing With the Stars. Squeaky is an Agent of the Deep State. ;)

kritiper's avatar

@seawulf575 I’ve run into many people like you who only see black and white, left or right, up and down, etc. with no mention of what is in the middle. Your loss.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you read, he thought Obama was the most lawless worst President ever ,but he didn’t hate him.
How many of Trumps inner circle are facing charges or already in jail?
He said he didn’t like it when Obama took the victims side when there was a police shooting involving black people.
Yeah the cops never shoot an innocent unarmed black person do they?
Said Obama was horrible for dividing the country, yeah and look at how well trump has brought the country together.
But hey!!! The ultra rich got a huge tax break under Trump, while the working class lost tax breaks they have had for years(truck drivers can no longer claim meals on the road)but hey the rich got their break,(that Trump he is an all out people person).
When you see conservatives wearing (I would rather be Russian than a democrat)T-shirt yup it’s all coming together and Putin couldn’t be happier.

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper I’m curious, do you see the black/white, left/right, up/down in the Hate Trump? After all, there is zero gray area at all when it comes to people hating. And I consider it projectionism when you accuse me of it. I’m one of the few on here that will tell you things I don’t like about the man, but will also tell you about the things I like about him. So you are right…there is no mention by the Trump Haters of anything in the middle. Your loss.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Okay, let me tear your foolishness apart…again. This gets old.
1) Obama had multiple examples of violating the Constitution. We have listed them numerous times on these pages. You can’t point to one for Trump. The only reasons Obama wasn’t impeached was that the Dems ALWAYS covered for him and the Repubs recognized that trying to impeach him would likely not result in removing him from office and would tear the country apart. Too bad the Dems don’t have such thoughts, eh?
2) I listed three cases where Obama stepped in on local cases on the side of the blacks, sometimes before any evidence at all was in place. In the case of Trayvon Martin, the shooter wasn’t even a cop, but Obama challenged the official investigation nonetheless. Basically saying the cops are either racist, incompetent, or both. In the case of Henry Gates, Obama jumped in and basically lambasted the cops for profiling the black man. The cops were responding to a call of a suspicious person trying to break into a home. When they got there, Mr. Gates was the suspicious person and it was his home. Once the cop established the veracity of the situation he was satisfied and tried to leave, only to be accosted by Mr. Gates who was screaming about racism and profiling. He got so obnoxious the cop had no option but to arrest him for disorderly conduct. Once the facts came out, Obama tried getting the players together for a beer to smooth things over. But the damage was already done. With Michael Brown, we had a case of a thug attacking a cop and getting shot and killed for it. The only witness that said Brown was surrendering when the cop drew his gun and shot was Brown’s buddy who had just committed a crime with him. All the other witnesses and the cop had the same story…that Brown had physically assaulted the cop in his car and then walked away. When the cop got out of his car, Brown turned and charged him again which is when he got shot. Again, the media and Obama jumped on the racist cop angle and Obama even pushed his DOJ into the scene to make sure the cops weren’t hiding anything. Forget the witnesses (who were all black, by the way) because we all know the cops will try to cover things up. How’d that one end? Oh yeah…a riot that went on for days and destroyed a town. Do cops ever shoot unarmed black persons? Sure they do. I’m willing to be there are a couple cops out there that will try to find a reason to shoot them. But your characterization is foolish and disingenuous. Most cops…an overwhelming majority…are good folks trying to do a really crappy job to the best of their ability. And the times that a cop shoots an unarmed person there are really in depth investigations and some have gone to jail over it.
3) Obama did divide the country and we have already discussed some of the examples. Trump on the other hand…let’s look at what REALLY has divided the country. How about a media that pushes Hate Trump 24/7? How about the lies presented by them and parroted by the Dems to try smearing Trump? These things play a big part since I see many of you Trump haters parroting the same things. And when challenged, you all run away from the facts since you know you are spreading lies. So who and what is really dividing the country? A president that has been trying to do good things but has an abrasive style, or people spreading hate and lies?
You go on and on about how the tax breaks are only for the rich. But you aren’t a US citizen. You aren’t seeing the effects. Many people have seen more take home pay as a result of the tax breaks. Most working people, in fact. We have seen job creation and employment unlike anything we have seen in the past. We see many benefits (not that the Trump Haters would ever dare to actually admit that) that you are not aware of. Now that the NAMCA has been approved, the trade between our nations will probably be much better as well. But don’t let that stop you from hating him irrationally.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You blame the media for all the hate on Trump.
You say the Dems totally covered Obama for his crimes on the constitution ,and they gave up thinking they could impeach him.
Gee the Rep/cons had no problem pulling out all the stops to impeach Clinton and screw the cost over a blow job.
You still refuse to acknowledge the FACT that quite a few of Trumps inner circle are facing charges or already in jail.
You still refuse to to say why Trump is so cozy with the Russians who admitted they tampered with the 2016 election, and they say they will do it again in 2020 and as long as it helps the Rep/cons who cares lets just blame it on the left wing media.
You say it’s the left wing media pushing the hate thing you rep/cons are going on about, then you have to admit it’s your orange hair freak playing right into their hand.

Oh I forgot to add, now the right wing media is non stop pushing that it wasn’t the Russians it was Ukraine the tampered with the 2016 not the Russians, and I bet you totally believe that one right?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@kritiperI’ve run into many people like you who only see black and white” Or look at something black and write walls of text screaming that it’s actually white.

@seawulf575Okay, let me tear your foolishness apart…again. This gets old.”
OMG. You actually believe you’re proving people wrong! The self deception is breath taking.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dutchess_III He is just trying to get us to see the enlightening orange light.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have to many functioning brain cells for that. And my parents didn’t raise me by lying to me about really important things. I can think for myself.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 No Republicans have EVER claimed Russia was not interfering in our elections. Obama ridiculed us for that idea, saying we were still living in the Cold War days. And that NO ONE could interfere in the American elections at least when it came to actual votes being changed.

Hillary’s dossier. which the Russia hoax was based on, is Russian in origin. Take a look at all the discord it has sewn. How could ANYONE doubt Russian interference in American elections?

I am not blaming you for perpetuating a lie about conservatives saying the interference was Ukraine and not Russian. I’m sure you believe it yourself (ti.e you really believe conservatives are making this claim) Why not look at what conservatives are actually saying?

Dutchess_III's avatar

“No Republicans have EVER claimed Russia was not interfering in our elections.” So the Republicans KNOW that Russia interfered in our election….and they’re cool with it @Yellowdog?

Yellowdog's avatar

I don’t think so. Barr and Durham are actually looking into it.

Dutchess_III's avatar


stanleybmanly's avatar

Barr and Dunham are looking frantically for anything that will allay the tightening of the noose around the collective necks of Stinky’s entourage. They are fighting for their lives

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 If you can dredge up the January 11, 2017 issue of Politico online (I cannot post a link from where I am), there is a very detailed article on Hillary Clinton’s collusion with Ukraine to defeat Trump, and the Ukraine’s efforts to make amends after Trump won.

You believe your media sources, but the Hillary campaign was by far the nastiest in U.S. history, and most of what you believe about Trump stems from it.

The Democrats are desperate to discredit and stop any investigation into Ukraine and the Russian dossier’s origins. Doesn’t that at least raise a few red flags to you?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Again all the democrats fault?
Especially Hillary’s, never gets old for you does it?
If it wasn’t for Orange hairs tariffs wrecking havoc with our forest industry here in BC, I would let you guys eat each other.
I do have to admire your faith in ole orange hair, he can degrade women by grabbing their pussies.can mock crippled people, can lie over and over,have an affair with a porn star, have the behaviour of a school yard bully and yet he is your beacon of orange light, and yet the other side is much worse to you amazing you should apply to be one of his aids he needs people like you.

Yellowdog's avatar

Actually, I was a Mike Huckabee supporter. And I actually voted for Obama in 2008—I actually thought he would bring the country together. There was more optimism, especially among millennials and the arts-and-humanities types, than I’d seen since the Draft was abolished in 1971. But that is actually where the great divide began. I did not vote for McCain because he and Sarah Palin were opposites.

If we weren’t seeing such great economic and job numbers, which have brought ACTUAL optimism and hope among all classes of people, including Hispanics and African Americans, I would agree with you about the man’s character. especially his past character..

I really don’t see anything the Democrats have done except trying to oust Trump. This has divided our nation and helped nobody. Division is not a campaign to run on. Optimism, hope, a job that pays a living wage, these are the things that bring hope and optimism.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That was a good answer, so why so loyal to ole orange hair?

Yellowdog's avatar

Jobs and economics among all classes of people, even in times this divided, bring actual optimism and hope. You and others on Fluther, and probably many Canadians, may favor a form of modified socialism. I’m not even opposed to that, as long as there are jobs and capitalism. I really don’t think the Democrats favor that. I would have voted for Joe Lieberman as well.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think a degree of socialism is needed in every country, and most have that as long as it goes with capitalism as well.
Weather you like them or not public schools, fire departments, police, highway system, but the states seems to freak at an affordable health care system for all hell that is damn near communism and you can’t have that.
The number one cause for for bankruptcies in the states is health care debt shouldn’t everyone have access to health care regardless of their class and wealth?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I find it amusing how you try ducking and dodging and actual say things that are lies as well to do so. You are merely repeating many things liberals say and actually have no idea how warped they are, I suspect. Okay, I’ll tear you apart again:
1) Bill Clinton. You claim the Repubs went after him for a blow job. No, they were investigating him for potential crimes committed involving their Whitewater investments and the collapse of the Madison Guuaranty Savings and Loan. It was that investigation that led to Kenneth Starr being appointed as special prosecutor. The Monica Lewinsky aspect came out of that since the investigation was looking at Clinton’s potential crimes. I personally felt it was a silly off-shoot of the investigation. But then Bill did somethings that suddenly made it pertinent. Had he come out and said yes, I was fooling around and I feel bad about it, it would have been over. Instead he tried using the power of his office to stop the investigation (Obstruction of Justice…which is a crime by the way as opposed to Obstruction of Congress) and he lied under oath when he was questioned about things….perjury, another crime. THOSE are the crimes for which he was impeached…not a blow job. But believe the liberal lie if you like.
2) “You still refuse to to say why Trump is so cozy with the Russians…” That part of your statement is the lie in itself. Trump has condemned the Russians. He put pretty strong sanctions in place against them…stronger than his predecessor did. How do you conflate that with being “cozy”? See…you offer your opinion and then try saying I’m the guy that isn’t treating it as fact. It isn’t. It is more of the liberal lies.
3) Trump’s “inner circle” facing charges. Okay, I’ll address them. Let’s start with some of the bigger ones. Manafort for instance. What crimes was he accused of? Oh yeah…crimes he committed long before he was involved with Trump. So that has nothing to do with Trump. Flynn and Gates? Accused of lying to the FBI. Nothing they said had anything to do with Trump. Stone? He was accused of lying to Congress, obstructing justice, and witness tampering. Funny thing, though, none of his actions actually helped Trump. Face it…THERE WAS NO COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA BY TRUMP! With no crime being committed there was no issue! Mueller identified the issues with Stone. He also identified that, after weeding through the evidence, No Americans Were Participants in Any Russian Interference. So Stone took actions that had no outcome on anything. He was a fool. Page? Page has denied any wrongdoing AND it has now come to light that the FISA warrants used to surveil him (and the entire Trump campaign) were obtained through lies. So technically any evidence obtained by them ought to be inadmissable. That would likely mean most of the crimes charged via Mueller should be thrown out. NOW…how about we turn your question around? Why don’t YOU address why the FBI and other intelligence agencies would feel they had to lie to obtain FISA warrants? You never do address that. Could it be that they just absolutely hated Trump and would take any action, no matter how illegal, to try undoing the election?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Gee thank you for tearing me apart again I stand so enlightened in your presence.
Sounds like you got a lot of hate in you as well.
I see your orange god meet with Putin totally alone, and you see no wrong.
Last time a Russian big wig came to town your beacon of orange light met with him alone in the white house as well, that doesn’t ring any bells in your die hard conservative head?
I don’t hate him as you keep pushing I really dislike him for his stupid tariffs,and the harm they have done to your trading partners but again you don’t see that just spout the poor us was being taken advantage and your orange god stepped in to save the day.
As for the people in his inner circle doing time and the crimes were before Trump Gee no criminal checks.
I have had to have a criminal check just to apply to work for certain companies and I am only a truck driver.
As for your orange god being hard on the Russians I have never seen it, he talks fondly of Putin, his son was having dinner with those two russians that the states are now holding.
And I really dislike his school yard bully personality that you die hards seem to love.
but I don’t hate him. I don’t lap up his lies like you dire hard rep/cons do but I don’t hate him.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He’s a bully for sure. Not sure why the conservatives find that so attractive.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

His ranting tweets, his mocking crippled people, his morals,his lack of honesty,then they get on this your just all about hate kick.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I honest go goodness am flabbergasted that anyone can find a single redeeming quality in the man. It’s so obvious and it’s always been obvious.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf575 (pssst, he’s from Canada, why should he have any insights into our politics other than what he hears here or gleans online. Just goes to show you that some people actually do believe the liberal media bias.)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No it’s just left wing propaganda,and when questioned on it they fall on the your just all about hate kick , hopefully so you will just stop questioning anything about him after all the rep/cons are all about peace and love.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is only marginally about politics @KNOWITALL. Most of it is about the character, or lack of character, in the man. The whole freaking world is contemptuous of him, and of us for being so stupid.

stanleybmanly's avatar

As if you would actually need the media to tell you that the man is a TURD!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Right? Like they don’t have eyes and ears for themselves.
Well, they were raised to not believe their senses and to agree with people just like themselves, no matter how wrong or untruthful they are, so that’s what his base is made up of.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Careful our friendly caring peace loving fright wingers will accuse you of being nothing but hate.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t care.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I understand. The fool is so far beyond the pale that it is impossible not to regard him as a personal insult!

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