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rebbel's avatar

Is your Christmas connected somehow to your New Year's Eve?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 28th, 2019

Or do you have them as two separate, unrelated, events in your head?
To me it’s one thing, just separated by some days (Christmas is tied with Christmas trees, and on New Year’s Eve, in my neighborhood, we burned them by the hundreds).

Are you looking forward to New Year’s Eve, or can’t wait for it to be over?

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14 Answers

janbb's avatar

I guess they are two separate events in my mind although they and Chanukah are linked as “the holidays.” New Year’s Eve has become less and less important to me over the years. I do like to have a few people over or a dinner out with friends but this year, I have an open house to go to in the afternoon and then will be home with Netflix and snacks in the evening. But you never know, this has been a holiday period of some surprises so something else may turn up.

SEKA's avatar

Although Christmas now seems to flow into New Years, I’m of the opinion that they are 2 entirely separate events. I celebrate Christmas, but New Years means that it won’t be long before I’m a year older

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I usually look forward to New year’s except for the year we stayed home waiting for our cat’s ball to drop.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Seperate and unrelated.

SEKA's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille My mind went in so many different directions thinking of what was going on with your cat that I got whiplash LOL

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Christmas eve and day are family events, plus there’s a nebulous span called “the holidays” when work slows down and there are parties and gatherings in the evenings.

Inspired_2write's avatar

New Years Eve…clearing out the Christmas decorations to welcome a clean slate for 2020

LadyMarissa's avatar

No, I see Christmas as last year & New Years as this year. Strange as it may sound, for me, New Years Eve is more connected to New Years Day & is part of the upcoming year.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I eat well on those days and sleep in until I actually want to wake up. On Dec 30th this year I get two cavities filled.

Pinguidchance's avatar

They are contiguous and inextricably linked to the year round holiday period.

NoMoreY_Aagain's avatar

All the same to me. Actually I consider the “Holiday Season” to be the whole shmo, from Halloween and Thanksgiving thru to Christmas and New Years. Same view you have as per Christmas and New Years. I enjoy Christmas because of seeing my grandchildren so happy, but New Years is meh…never go out anyway, too many drunks on the road.

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes—Christmas is a season that lasts twelve days—from Christmas Eve through Epiphany, which is the 6th of January, or Eastern Orthodox Christmas. New Years Eve is dead center of it.

You take down Santa Claus a’Commin to Town because he isn’t anymore, and quit playing songs about Santa. But the lights, trees, decorations, celebrations—and of course the Nativity, can run through Jan 6th and includes New Years. Some of the festivities continue through Mardi Gras—such as the King’s Cake.

My family observes Hanukkah as well, and the two sometimes overlap, as this year.

Some African Americans celebrated Kwanzaa until comparitively recent times, maybe seven or so years ago—which ran from December 26 through New Years day,

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@SEKA – We wanted to get our new kitten neutered and the vet said we needed to wait until his other testicle dropped. Lol!

jca2's avatar

To me, they’re unrelated but all part of the holiday season.

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