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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you care to share your printer stories?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25144points) December 28th, 2019

Good and bad. Humor welcome.
I’ll start:
My ink or cheap $75 printer malfunctions after a few months, and I end up buying a whole new printer. Only gets used for resumes anyway. I use libraries printer from now on or when I have a good use for it.

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7 Answers

janbb's avatar

I’m staring at a gaping wound in my HP printer’s mouth right now. It is a fairly new – to me – printer and I’m not sure how to fix the paper jam. I will go online tomorrow and try to find instructions.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I found a new in the box $250 laser printer at a yard sale for $10 if I remember right, could have been $5. Been using it without any issues for a few years now. They still sell for $250

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My cat sticks his foot in the printer every time I use it.
He’ll run in from wherever he is to do that.
He’s nothing if not consistent.

Zaku's avatar

Today the printer, which almost always prints just black things, says it’s out of GREY (not black) and YELLOW ink. I have a supply of yellow, but not grey. i want to use up the second-hand inventory of ink I have before abandoning this printer, but I have to decide which colors to buy before giving up. Kind of annoying. I want to get a black and white laser printer next.

Printers have become far less frustrating than they used to be.

I used to have to deal with printer paper with perforated edge sections you had to keep intact and then usually tore off after printing, and keep that feeding through correctly or else it could de-rail and get stuck.

And I had a nice “daisy wheel” printer which would type things, but eventually it got so that as it heated up in use, it got weaker and the typing would get fainter and fainter. When I stayed up all night writing papers, i have to watch the fading strength and ration how many drafts I could print so that the final draft would be dark enough to turn in by the deadline.

johnpowell's avatar

I was using my moms printer once to print out something in Photoshop. The color cartridge in her HP printer was empty but it even even refused in black and white. Even though there was enough B&W ink. The GIMP however, did not seem to give a shit and printed anyways.

My sister sells a ton of shit on Ebay and when I first moved in here I was shocked by how much she was spending on ink to print labels. ~50 every few month. So I got her a laser printer that was 80 bucks. A year later and it is still on the same toner cartridge that came with it.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’ve had good luck with the HP printer I own now. I’ve had it for a few years without incident. But I used to have an Epson printer that would refuse to print if any of the ink levels were low. In other words, if I was out of yellow ink, it would refuse to print even in black and white. I almost took a baseball bat to that thing. (The printer I have now does no such thing; it’ll print even if there’s nothing in there; you’ll just have a really faded page. But I’ve found the ink to last a decent amount of time).

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