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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you care if the dishes someone is selling is from a non-smoking house?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 29th, 2019

This little thing was advertised for sale on Facebook. The description noted it came from a non-smoking house. Plastic isn’t going to absorb smoke, so who cares if it’s from a non smoking house?

I can see fabric things being an issue, depending on how bad it was, but everything that is for sale on Facebook insists its from a non-smoking, no-pets house, even glass and ceramic items.

If I was selling something I wouldn’t bother with that statement. If it’s important to someone they’ll ask….but of all the stuff I’ve sold in my life, from clothes to cars to dishes, not one single person has asked about pets or smoking.

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14 Answers

Jons_Blond's avatar

Plastic does absorb smoke and many people do care. I won’t buy anything if it reeks. I’m very sensitive to this smell. I grew up with smokers and was teased in grade school because I smelled like smoke.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m not sensitive to smoke and could care less.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Ceramic or glass would be OK with me. Plastic, as @Jonsblond wrote, absorbs.

rebbel's avatar

I would prefer if they would list it, because I would definitely not buy my sex toys from a smokers home.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have smelled kids at school who reek of cigarette smoke and I feel so sorry for them. I’m sorry you were teased @Jonsblond.
My dad smoked, but I don’t know if I smelled like smoke, or not. No one ever commented if I did. We also had a pretty big house.

Sagacious's avatar

Plastic can certainly retain odor. However, if you want the piece you can wipe it down with lemon juice and most likely get rid of the smell. People kill me saying things come from a non-smoking home. I bought two cotton tablecloths from a women in Provence, France that came from a non-smoking home. Just not true. But it didn’t matter; I laundered with detergent and Borax and used vinegar in the rinse water and never smelled it again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My Mom started smoking again after her divorce. She’d send baby things, blankets, clothes, when I had my babies. Lord, those cloth items just reeked of smoke! Like you, I just washed them and the smell went away.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I have a couple of jackets that belonged to my mom. It doesn’t matter how many times I was them, I can’t get the smell out. My fathers house still has a faint cigarette smell and she died six years ago. He doesn’t smoke.

I inherited her ceramic Christmas village. She painted all the pieces. When I brought them up from the basement I could smell cigarette smoke.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Jonsblond I had a teacher tell me to leave my jacket in the hallway because it smelled so badly of smoke.

I wouldn’t care about the pets (unless the clothes were covered in hair) but the smoke would depend on what I’m buying. Clothes, yes I’d care. Mugs, not so much.

snowberry's avatar

One of my daughters is extremely allergic to cigarette smoke, even second hand smoke on items that come through the mail. So that would matter to her.

I’ve found ads declaring the items for sale came from a “child free home”. That’s crazy.

kritiper's avatar

It wouldn’t bother me one bit.

jca2's avatar

I don’t buy used items but I do occasionally look at them on FB Marketplace. I see people mentioning “smoke free home” and “Pet free home” all the time.

I would not care if dishes made of plastic were from a home where people smoked. I’d put them in the dishwasher and presumably they’d come out like new.

A car or furniture from a home of a smoker is not something I would want, if I could avoid it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Lord, virtually every thing I own was preowned! Everything. EVERYTHING! Even my husband! I wouldn’t know where to start.

raum's avatar

I would care. But I’m probably more sensitive to smell than the average person. Phantom smells that other people can’t smell drive me crazy.

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