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rebbel's avatar

(NSFW) Men, do you ever feel sad after the act...

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 30th, 2019

…of masturbating.
Sad for the fact that you just excreted potential new human life?
I know, it takes two to tango, but it is, in a way, half fabricate.
Without sperm no babies (in a natural way).
Have you ever had that thought (there could have been a son or a daughter in that ejaculate)?

Of course everybody may weigh in on the subject.

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36 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

My husband says that he is sad that he’s that easy and that he didn’t at least take himself out to dinner first.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No. Why would I?

Do menstruating women feel sad when they ovulate and waste an egg very month?

Besides, @rebbel there are 100 million sperm that are in each ejaculation. Would you really have feelings for each and every one? Over the course of a month, that would mean billions!!

rebbel's avatar

I don’t say you should.
Just wondering if there are more people that have that.
And millions?
No, I’m only sad for the winner (well, a winner they would be if they ended up inside and reached the egg).

Darth_Algar's avatar

I had a vasectomy years ago, so nope. No sadness there.

rebbel's avatar

And before?

nightwolf5's avatar

No, never even thought of it like that. As men it’s something we just do. And as our bodies are always producing sperm, it’s normal, and healthy for us. Now, if our bodies didn’t work the way they do, then I might feel sad or not good about doing it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Are you just sad that it was alone or is it really about you wanting to father a child? (Sorry, I love psychology)

Demosthenes's avatar

Can’t say that I feel that way, but I do sometimes think about what sperm really is and consider the fact that maybe I will some day put it to use and have a kid of my own. (And marvel at the fact that my penis has life-creating ability). :P

LadyMarissa's avatar

Another way to look at is that you’re helping to cut back on global overpopulation!!! The more overpopulated we become, the crazier we become, & the meaner we become…watch the rat experiments.

janbb's avatar

The male orgasm used to sometimes be referred to as “le petit mort.”

Darth_Algar's avatar

@rebbel “And before?”

Well I wouldn’t have gotten a vasectomy if I did.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@elbanditoroso Yeah. I drown my sorrows in chocolate and bad chick flicks

ucme's avatar

We have sta…wait, what am I saying?

My wife tosses me off & has no guilt, me…innocent!

Dutchess_lll's avatar

“Small death” @janbb?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

And the Female orgasm is just called “Mort!”

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I read something interesting on FB. Someone pointed out that av woman can have sex with a hundred men a year, but if she gets pregnant she only has 1 baby.
Men, OTOH, can have sex with 100 women and potentially have 100 babies. The point was we’re focusing on controlling the wrong body.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Or the wrong goal. Prehistoric man wanted 100 babies with 100 women to strengthen the tribe and project power for generations. The larger the family the greater the influence.

Women should look at it differently, perhaps. Their one single egg per month is being chased after by hundreds of millions of sperm. What exalted power that one teeny tiny egg has…

cookieman's avatar

No, but I do feel bad for the cantaloupe.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman You don’t get melon balls?

josie's avatar

Post coitum omne animalium triste est

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well, no. It (sperm) has to come out. If you don’t beat it out, it’ll come out in sleep. It’s a sad case, of circumstances.
Of course, I would rather it go into a female, somewhere, but it builds up, and has maybe an expiration date.

I know that my best friend, isn’t allowed to do take care of himself. His wife considers, that it’s like cheating. For a male, it has to be done, by one method, or another.
I wonder if aliens, have the same problem? ...

kritiper's avatar

It is said that a hard penis has no conscience. While the mind of the penis is engaged, everything feels great. But when the plug is pulled and the penis goes limp, conscience thought returns to the true, actual brain. So a man’s thoughts, after the fact, can sometimes be of a depressing sort.

ragingloli's avatar

The only thing that males might feel after their fap, is guilt over the depraved porn they did it to.

raum's avatar

@janbb I didn’t realize that le petit mort was gender specific. Huh.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Remember the show Mork and Mindy?
Just think about being like Mork, “fly, be free!”

janbb's avatar

@raum I don’t think they acknowledge female orgasm back then but I may be wrong.

kritiper's avatar

No point in feeling sad about there being no children conceived. A man ejaculates millions of sperm that can’t fertilize that many babies and women start life with 40,000 eggs that can’t all possibly be fertilized and brought to life. And there are too damn many people here now with more on the way…
Any sadness after the act probably would come from any of the other downers in life.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ahh, the ones that get tossed are probably the ones that were gonna be trouble.
Just think, “there’s another one I’ll never have to post bail for.”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Patty_Melt funny in a cynical sort of way

raum's avatar

@janbb I think they acknowledged the female orgasm. They just had some whack ideas about it. :P

MrGrimm888's avatar

The thread is about a man yanking his crank. Not a woman flicking her bean.

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