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canidmajor's avatar

Happy New Year to all the Jellies! How do you ring in the New Year?

Asked by canidmajor (21784points) December 31st, 2019

It’s New Years Eve for most of us, (New Years Day already for a few). How do you celebrate? Do you bother to celebrate?
In years past I went to or hosted parties, then later stayed up with kids so they could watch the ball drop, and in recent years I have learned the value of greeting the new year well-rested, in a true old-fogey manner. I’ll probably have a glass of something sparkly, chat with a couple of folks, then hit the sack before midnight.


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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Folks here in Hawaii go insane with fireworks. The din will be tremendous.

I will shut all my windows to reduce the noise a bit but mostly to keep the smoke out, and then I will go to bed at my usual time. The fireworks will wake me up at midnight. I will keep my eyes shut and drift back to sleep as soon as I can. I will wake up bright and early to welcome the new year.

Happy New Year, jellies!

janbb's avatar

Fairly quiet one this year. Out in a few minutes to the aforementioned open house then I’ll be home for Netflix and noshing in my PJs. In bed before midnight. New Year’s means less and less to me. I did invite my cousins up but they couldn’t make it and I’m just as happy to be home.

chyna's avatar

Home with cheap red wine and an old movie. I won’t be up til midnight, but as with Jake, will be woken by fireworks and the dog snoring.

SEKA's avatar

I’m not big on celebrating. I’ll probably doze off early and have a rude awakening around midnight by my neighbors shooting off their fireworks

jca2's avatar

We are invited to visit friends who have two daughters. One daughter is a few years younger than mine and one is a year older. I am bringing some appetizers and a baking tray, and a cannoli kit from Costco.

I would love to spend the night in the house. New Year’s is usually freezing and tiring. This year I’ve been on vacation, and the weather is mild today, but still, I’d love to be in with the computer and streaming shows with PJ’s on.

We’re eating dinner first and going there around 8. We’ll leave soon after midnight. I may have a glass of wine. The wife of this couple told me she noticed that the past few times I’ve visited, I haven’t had anything to drink. I’m not adverse to drinking, I just don’t always feel like alcohol. It makes me tired and so that’s not beneficial when I’m visiting.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Happy 2020 New year hope its a great year for all!

Jons_Blond's avatar

I worked until 10:30 pm. I’m now in my pajama pants and it’s almost midnight but I’m ready to crash now, though I’m going to try to stay up and play games with my son and his friend who is here for the night.

SEKA's avatar

Wonderful night. I did doze off early and my lovely neighbors started shooting their fireworks around 9:30 and then woke me up every 5 minutes or so until midnight. I still missed seeing the ball drop

kritiper's avatar

Stayed home by myself. Fixed a couple of drinks after 11:30, went to bed just after midnight.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Netflix Star Trek marathon.

canidmajor's avatar

^^^ To boldly go into the next decade!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

The old ones are hard to beat.

longgone's avatar

Before I read through this thread, I thought I’d had a quiet evening… ~

I went for a hike with the dogs first, so that they’d be tired out and able to sleep through the fireworks. In Germany, people go nuts at midnight. It’s tough on the animals.

In the evening, I played games and ate good food with two couples – one new person, three old friends. At midnight, one of my best friends started singing “Auld Lang Syne” because he knows that’s important to me. I checked on the dogs, who were resting peacefully. Then we went out to watch the fireworks in the street for a minute. Afterwards we played more games and ate fortune cookies. We had some alcohol-free and super sweet bubbly drink, and everyone went home at around three or four.

I was dreading New Year’ Eve a little this year because it’s a holiday that I’ve enjoyed with my husband in the past, and he’s far away. I’m grateful to have very loving and warm friends. Feeling loved is a good way to start the new year.

canidmajor's avatar

And here it is, April 15, and the year is as far from predicted as it could be!

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