Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

Was the assassination of Qassem Soleimani a good move?

Asked by Demosthenes (15393points) January 3rd, 2020

“U.S. forces assassinated Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani in an airstrike early Friday near the Baghdad International Airport, an escalation of tensions between Washington and Tehran that is prompting concerns of further violence in the region.”

Soleimani was apparently the “most popular man in Iran” according to recent opinion polls. The attack was justified with the claim that Soleimani was planning attacks on Americans. War is supposedly not in the interests of either nation here, but do you think this will lead to war? Iran vows revenge for this attack. What is our long-term strategy in Iran? Because I’m not seeing any.

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95 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

It diverts attention from Impeachment, so from Trump’s point of view, it is a positive thing. And to some degree this makes Trump look strong and powerful, to his base, so it helps reelection.

But let’s not forget that it was TRUMP who broke the Iran JCPOA treaty and that all of this stuff with Iran is a direct result on Trump breaking the treaty. So he made all this shit happen by dumping what was a reasonable treaty.

gorillapaws's avatar

@DemosthenesWhat is our long-term strategy in Iran?

Trump can’t even plan honestly about the path of a hurricane. What makes you think he’s capable of a single strategic thought with regards to the complex geopolitical shit-storm that is the Middle East.

kritiper's avatar

Of course it was! This guy was responsible for the deaths of over 600 American soldiers. Had he lived even a few days longer, how many more would he be responsible for?? Iran has been asking for a beating for at least 40 years. And I think they’re going to get it. Hard!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@kritiper I don’t have a problem with Solomeini being dead. No loss.

I wonder if the Trump administration and the US Army thought about the strategic side of things, and if there is a game plan for what happens when Iran responds.

Did they think about that, or was this simply a feel-good action with no regard for pushback and consequences? This administration has been pretty awful when it comes to long term strategies.

rebbel's avatar

I like how the American government just decides to execute people without trial.
That is, foreigners, abroad.
In America people do get tried before they’re executed.

gorillapaws's avatar

@kritiper ” Iran has been asking for a beating for at least 40 years.”

Ever since we illegally overthrew their democratically elected leader for oil profit?

Also, how are you going to pay for it? Are you willing to have your taxes go up 30% or do you want your kids/grandkids to pay for it with interest?

kritiper's avatar

@gorillapaws Do you really think it’s just about oil?? And it’s not about money! Sometimes you just gotta stand up for yourself and do what’s right!

rebbel's avatar

And bring a suspect to trial.

Yellowdog's avatar

So far, every answer here has been quite a shocker.

I mean, I know Obama had a close friendship and alliance with Qassem Soleimani and gave him 150 Billion to build his nuclear arsenal, which virtually everyone on Fluther said he would keep his promise not to use it against Americans. But that’s exactly what he was about to do. And some of you are even bringing impeachment into this. which will go nowhere.

Maybe you were hoping Soleimani would kill a few hundred thousand Americans so you could blame Trump.

gorillapaws's avatar

@kritiper _“Do you really think it’s just about oil?”

Yes. In 1953 the US violated international law and overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister to protect BP’s profits. We made the first move. They have every right to hate us.

Also, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PAY FOR IT? Republicans have already ran up the Annual Federal deficit back to nearly 1 Trillion per year. Do we borrow from our kids and grandkids? Raise taxes substantially?

chyna's avatar

Yes @yellowdog. We all want innocent Americans to die so we can blame Trump. ~
He does enough stupid shit to be blamed for. We don’t have to look for more shit.

seawulf575's avatar

The guy was responsible for the deaths of many Americans over the years. Most recently, he helped plan or influence the attack on our embassy in Iraq. Yes, he was a source of violence in the region. It’s not like if we just let him live he would suddenly change. Iran made a move against our embassy, in effect taking a military action against us. Taking out their top general in response is a good thing. Will it escalate? Possibly. Do I want war? No. Do I think Iran would understand anything short of that? Nope.

Darth_Algar's avatar

The GOP have been having wet dreams about going to war with Iran for years. Trump needs something to distract the public from his impeachment.

seawulf575's avatar

I find the answer that say this is a distraction from the impeachment to be absolutely hilarious. There isn’t anything to distract from since Pelosi never sent the charges to the Senate. Nothing to distract from so these answers are nothing but hot air.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 If this does lead to war, HOW WILL YOU PAY FOR IT?

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 It’s obvious that she is going t oat some point when the terms are agreed on. And yes, having run the deficit into the trillions How will you pay for it?

Has anyone seen the movie “Wag the Dog”?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Trump’s blown a lot of hot air about it for it to be “nothing”.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Trump just declare open season on American diplomats, service members, and even civilians abroad. Americans are going to get killed as a direct result.

Invading Iraq in 2003 was a disaster for the United States. It gave Iran control of the area and gave birth to ISIS. Our nation is much worse off for it. And yet I see the same people who supported it cheering for a war on Iran today.

The US lost the Iraq war badly. Iran is a much larger nation, with backers who would benefit from helping the US lose once more.

The Americans pumping their fists in the air today show real tribal ignorance. They can’t think ahead beyond the first step of “smash something!” and see the obvious consequences ahead.

gorillapaws's avatar

How to defeat the USA in 1 easy step:

Provoke moronic Americans into war so they bankrupt themselves entangled in an endless clusterfuck of complex regional, political, religious and historical issues with no possible exit strategy, all so they can feel “tough.”


Yellowdog's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Qassem Soleimani was already planning to carry out what you said. He had a very extensive list of diplomats, civilians, and military, to kill in several attacks.

I would have thought for once the Democrats would for once think something Trump did was a good move.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar Your answers about his killing of soleimani being an effort to distract from impeachment is what is hot air. Trump has nothing to do with that warped point of view.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Yellowdog ”...He had a very extensive list… ”

Did you see this list personally? Or was it sitting next to the WMD’s that got us into the 2nd Iraq war?

ucme's avatar

People are behaving like the victim over this…going to pieces!

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws IF it comes to war, then the congress needs to be a part of that decision. They actually are supposed to be the ones to declare war…not the POTUS. However, our current batch of Congressional losers will probably do as they did before…create a “resolution” allowing the POTUS to do what he needs. That is the coward’s way out of doing your job. Because all they do then is use it as a political weapon. If the POTUS does good, the opposing party will scream about the cost, depending on most Americans not understanding it was Congress’ actions that led to the cost.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 You still haven’t said how you want to finance a potential WW3.

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb And that answer is exactly what gives the Dems power…people that can’t see the reality in front of them. Pelosi is the Speaker of the House…not the Senate. The House does the declaration of impeachment and sends the case to the Senate for trial. The House does not get to tell the Senate how to do their jobs. Nor can she sit on the charges. Look at it this way…by her own words, they had to impeach him because he posed a serious threat to the security of this nation. If that is true, then why delay trying to get him out of office? Not to mention, the articles of impeachment they came up with don’t have a single actual crime listed. She is afraid the Senate will ignore the House’s articles for this exact reason. She is desperately trying to get something that will make the sham the House just did look legitimate. A scam is a scam and should be dealt with as such.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws I would answer that the same way I answer every question about the national budget. Take the time to research where and what we are spending our money on. Get rid of the pork. Get rid of the duplication. Get rid of the extraneous. Unfortunately, I don’t believe any of our elected officials are willing to do that. It would actually require effort and commitment and they would have to make decisions.

gorillapaws's avatar

@seawulf575 So you want to finance a potential war through extreme austerity and slashing domestic investment?

janbb's avatar

@gorillapaws But they’re alteady doing that to pay for the billionaires’ tax cuts!

stanleybmanly's avatar

In the 55 years since, the, CIA engineered the overthrow of Mossadeq, there has not been a single incident, episode or decision initiated by the United States in the entire region that has not ultimately furthered the advancement of Iran in dominating that region. Even with Iran economically on its back due to U S sanctions, the country’s power and influence expands inexorably at our expense and at the catastrophic expense of Israel. The tens of trillions of dollars and thousands of American lives thus far tossed into the cesspool of the Middle East have served to benefit only Iran and its accomplice—Russia. Few people in this country understand that the undertaking of armed combat in the region was a major cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union. But the RUSSIANS, the Chinese and other more astute spectators are FULLY aware of the price we pay for hemorrhaging our resources there to defend people sleeping on the sidewalks here at home. So we must ask ourselves. Who wins if we destroy Iran? Who benefits if we set the warlords and fanatic movements loose in the Middle East? You want to talk about the mother of all refugee crises? It’s time for the Untided States to smarten up regarding Iran and recognize the reality that isn’t going away. That reality is sharply defined though admittedly bleak. Here it is: they’re smarter than us. Like it or not, trump is pretty much proof that EVERYONE’s smarter than us, though even without the dummy, the axiom holds. We as a country should conclude which of the 2 places we want to dominate the Middle East., Iran or Russia , then exact as many concessions as possible in allowing it. I personally would pick Iran over Russia for rather obvious reasons.

kritiper's avatar

How much is one human life worth in dollars? You can’t put a price on it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You don’t really believe that!!! There is little other justification for a department of defense.

Patty_Melt's avatar

People posting here behave as though they haven’t the slightest understanding of a difference between action, and reaction.

It was a response to aggression against Americans. It was necessary. It put action in the right direction for the safe transfer of additional protective forces to be brought into the area. It is the end of an ugly soul.
It should be celebrated with an extra serving of dessert.

Darth_Algar's avatar

And that aggression against Americans is a response of nearly 70 years of aggression against Iran by America. How long do you want to keep this cycle up? We were on the way towards a thawing of relations between the US and Iran. That country also has a young population that’s open to western ideas, culture, etc. We may have established cordial, perhaps, eventually, even friendly relations. But instead, because we are the most obstinate, pig-headed lot on the planet, we’re determined to ensure that we make enemies of Iranians for another few generations.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Pro-life people celebrating an assassination. The irony. ~

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@Jonsblond I support it and I am not “pro life” although there is a big difference between assassinating a known terrorist plotting to kill U.S leaders and killing an unborn child.

Yellowdog's avatar

I miss Obama. We’d just have to pay another 150 billion and ask him to cut it out

chyna's avatar

@Yellowdog Yeah, let’s compare Obamacare to what Trump has come up with. Oh, wait. Trump hasn’t come up with ANY kind of insurance plan. Just like the wall he hasn’t done anything about.

Yellowdog's avatar

Both were obstructed by Democrats.

Every democrat in congress voted against the various health care proposals in 2017.

My premiums rose over 300% under Obamacare, and I was not able to pay it, but I got an exemption to the penalty because of my income, and had to go on disability. A lot of people lost their insurance because they could not pay the premiums and were not disabled.

The wall is getting built with military funds. But the democrats will be remembered for their obstruction efforts.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^Speaking of obstruction. Merrick Garland ring a bell?

Yellowdog's avatar

I recall that the Democrats tried to railroad him in while Obama was outgoing.

I don’t recall anything being done to him like saying he was a gang rapist, and dragging the nation through it.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Because he wasn’t a rapist?

Yellowdog's avatar

For several months last year, there were several women making outlandish accusations against Kavanaugh—who isn’t even all that conservative. His wife and daughters had to live through this. Although Kavanagh has an impeccable record and several hundred women were wanting to speak on his behalf. Guilt by accusation.

Michael Avenatti became a leftist hero and presidential candidate because he might bring down Trump with some of the accusations of his “clients,” Maybe if he can avoid prison he will be a contender for the Democrat presidential race.

This was the first time I realized just how dangerous the Democrats are. They will smear and destroy anyone, their livelihood, their families, the nation itself, for power and revenge against those who they disagree with.

The Garland / Kavanaugh examples are really not a good example that democrats don’t obstruct.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Outlandish? I’m a victim who others wanted to discredit. You are speaking to the wrong person.

Yellowdog's avatar

I would expect that you remember real details that can be collaborated. And that your story doesn’t change every few years about who the perpetrators were.

When people make false accusations for political or other reasons, it makes the testimony of real victims less likely to be believed.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jonsblond “Pro-life people celebrating an assassination. The irony. ~” No more ironical than Pro-abortion people getting outraged by a death.

seawulf575's avatar

@gorillapaws “So you want to finance a potential war through extreme austerity and slashing domestic investment?” No, I want our congress to be fiscally responsible and to actually do their jobs. There is so much waste in our budget as well as pork projects that someone pushed for political reasons that we have no idea HOW much we are wasting. If there was an actual effort made at fully understanding what we are spending money on, we might be able to fund a war with what could be saved…especially in the long run.

seawulf575's avatar

@Jonsblond ”^Speaking of obstruction. Merrick Garland ring a bell?” Deflect much?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf Dems have no qualms about spending millions on Mueller and every other anti-Trump actions, but defending our embassy and people is bad spending.
Let us not forget Hillary and many other Dems voted yes on Iraq. Not sure why thats being thrown out here as a Rep only action.
Great response on the pro-life issue, Wulfie. Agreed.

LostInParadise's avatar

What can the Iranians do in retaliation? They have been under pressure due to the sanctions and have been unable to do anything about it. What are they going to do now that they have not been able to do so far? Right or wrong, I think the U.S. is going to get away with this.

Demosthenes's avatar

@LostInParadise My thoughts exactly. I don’t think there is much the Iranians can or will do, which is part of the reason we carried out this attack in the first place. It is a gamble, but I certainly don’t think the numerous headlines I’ve seen with “World War 3” in them are anything other than blatant fear-mongering.

Patty_Melt's avatar

World war III is a ridiculous notion. It could not happen without causing the decimation of the human race.

ragingloli's avatar

Which would be a good thing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All this now think of ole Putin over there giggling his ass off.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

If this escalates can the us afford a third conflict in the area that could go on for years?

ragingloli's avatar

You have been in a self-inflicted war down there for 2 decades. What is a couple more of that.

Yellowdog's avatar

Now is the time to take them out of the petroleum business.

If their aggression continues, take out out the oil refineries.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay You cast aspersion about right-wing media and then give ThinkProgress and CNN as your citations of good sources? Please. There is another portion you are conveniently ignoring when you deflect with Bush Jr. We had just declared war on terrorism. Muslim extremists had just crashed 3 passenger jets into US buildings and the 4th was only stopped by the sacrifice of the passengers. Yeah…things were WAY different at that time. Then you fast forward to 2012 when (supposedly per Obama), Al-Qaeda was history to pick out when the Repubs started voting to reduce embassy security. Gee…could it possibly be that it got beefed up before and they were voting to reduce it back to pre-beefing levels? Huh….that would only make sense. But honestly, why waste a good skew when you have one, right?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

You cast aspersion about right-wing media and then give ThinkProgress and CNN as your citations of good sources

You can look up the budget numbers if you want. I gave you a link to a video of Chaffetz confirming them.. I gave you a list of 39 attacks with names, dates and places.

Your knee jerk refusal to see anything but your ignorant beliefs is profound willful ignorance. That is a plain statement of fact.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Take a look at the timelines you are putting forth, not to mention the narrative you are pushing. You are talking about attacks on embassies under Bush II. That pre-dates 2009. It also encompasses the period that the war on terror was going strong, not to mention the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our embassies during that time frame were prime targets for those wanting to get back at us. They would have required extra security. But then you swap to Republicans wanting to cut embassy security. The dates on those were 2012. At that time (and before) Obama was declaring in his campaign speeches that Al-Qaeda was on the run. Since the “enemy” was on the run, the security of the embassies could be relaxed somewhat, right? Isn’t that the idea? So the Repubs voted to cut the funding. It makes sense, given what the POTUS was declaring. So maybe you need to stop trying to push a narrative that doesn’t hold together under scrutiny.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

maybe you need to stop trying to push a narrative that doesn’t hold together under scrutiny.

I was responding to “Dems have no qualms about spending millions on Mueller and every other anti-Trump actions, but defending our embassy and people is bad spending.”

You believe embassy security was “bad spending” and Republicans should get credit for slashing it. So take it up with her.

KNOWITALL's avatar

(sarcastic clapping)
Wulfie and I dont need interpreters, we’re on the same side.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And you deserve one another. Now wulfie contends that gullible Republicans cut the embassy security budget because they were tricked into believing Obama! As if any Republican ever took Obama’s word on anything! It’s the time honored story. The old conservative argument: Embassy security——like ANY government program is NEEDLESS WASTE. THAT is conservatism in a nutshell. Cut government spending, give the savings to the overtaxed billionaires, and when the embassies are overrun—blame it on Obama. Now there’s a narrative mirroring the facts! And you gumps are the biggest suckers conservatives could ever hope to fleece. You actually deserve the shellacking you bring down on yourself. Go ahead and worship your turd, you dummies. I’m a fat well to do liberal and I am telling you to your face that your turd is working for ME and the other fat cats, liberal or conservative—it doesn’t matter. Give ME the rest of your money so I can get back to quaffing my champagne!

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay So what you are saying is that you were deflecting! got it. thanks for clearing that up. Or are YOU saying that defending our people is bad spending? Huh. I guess you get to pick your poison here. But if you were deflecting I called you on it by pointing out the flaws in your narrative. If you are saying protecting Americans is bad spending, then you just put yourself into the group you claim @KNOWITALL and I are supposedly in and I know how much that would rankle you.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly No, I contend that the Republicans attempted to show some semblance of fiscal responsibility (as rare as that is in our congress) and took Obama at his word. Yes, I agree, they screwed up with that! But interesting…are you now saying that Obama was a liar? That he couldn’t be trusted and the Repubs screwed up by trusting him? Huh. Welcome to my side of things! Now if you can only lose the hate and accept facts without having to be backed into them….

stanleybmanly's avatar

@Call Me Jay is saying NOTHING of the kind. Besides, It isn’t about what HE said. It is as usual YOU doing the deflecting from what conservatives DID (slash the funding) to putting words in the mouths of those in criticism.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And no I’m not saying Obama is a liar. You on the other hand, have some rather warped inconsistencies regarding reality which I am always happy to point at.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I’m not the one deflecting, that would be @Call_Me_Jay. I’m pointing out how illogical and false his deflection is though. And I wasn’t trying to avoid the Repubs cutting funding…I actually said it was probably the right thing at the time. Odd you don’t call him out for deflecting though. Oh yeah…only conservatives are guilty when they deflect or if you want the dodge a point. Guess that puts your first rant to rest.
As for you saying Obama was a liar, didn’t you just say that the Repubs were “tricked into believing Obama”? If he was telling the truth, why would they have to be tricked into it? And if they took him at his word, why would they be wrong for doing so? Curiouser and curiouser! You, sir, have once again let your passions back you into a corner. Now you will go into some tirade about “the turd” of other “fools that believe him” or some other nonsense in an effort to try making us forget you just contradicted yourself…again. Oh yeah…by the way, that’s called deflection. go ahead…prove me wrong.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Let’s start proving you wrong by pointing out that once again you are claiming that I said something when I most CERTAINLY DID NOT. This time it is the lie of which you have convinced yourself that I called Obama a liar. It is YOU who claim he lied and trusting Republicans fell for it! It’s horse puckey!!

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly when did I ever say Obama lied? Isn’t it, in fact, you that is claiming I said something when I most CERTAINLY DID NOT? All I said was that Obama said Al-Qaeda was on the run. He did, didn’t he? Of course! So given that the POTUS claimed it, did it make any more sense to have beefed up security at the embassies? No! of couse not! But interestingly, we are now discussing the deflection @Call_Me_Jay cranked out. And you still haven’t called him out for it. Hypocrite much?

stanleybmanly's avatar

“Republicans took Obama at his word. Yes I agreed that they screwed up with that”.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@seawulf575 are YOU saying that defending our people is bad spending?

I didn’t write anything of the sort. Did not imply it, did not suggest it. Whether you’re deliberately lying, or honestly addled, sorry I engaged. It’s pointless.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley Rich or not, I feel sorry for you. How annyone can post like that, seeing homeless Americans in camps in your city and sidestepping feces, is beyond comprehension.
I will continue to hope most Dems practice what they preach, as my liberal friends do.

Darth_Algar's avatar


One man’s “pork spending” is another man’s “bringing much needed jobs to our region”.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Or 500 men supporting their families is another’s damn coal mining, water pollution.
Actually that would be a fun thread, @Darth.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Actually it’s 500 men poisoning themselves and their families in service to moribund industry. And I’m all for doing what we can to develop the economies of those regions so that they don’t have to mine coal to put food on the table. But, that would be pork spending…

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar “One man’s “pork spending” is another man’s “bringing much needed jobs to our region”.” Funny how that doesn’t seem to apply when Trump is the one bringing jobs to the nation. At least to liberals it doesn’t seem to apply. And your responses to @KNOWITALL confirm my assessment. Thanks.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL You still don’t understand that it isn’t a matter of me practicing what I preach. I am telling you point blank that I am the beneficiary of what YOU and wulfie preach. You are both preaching your way toward my enrichment at the cost of your own self impoverishment. And the kicker is that you now achieve it all through the embrace of someone mean enough to accelerate it all—a man with neither conscience or morals. I don’t know why I even bother to feel sorry for either of you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan I believe both parties ARE working for the rich, sure. Thats why I posted about third party votes. Its not just Trump, dont fool yourself, the Dems are right there on Epsteins plane and Weinsteins party lists and we all know it.

Darth_Algar's avatar


What jobs? Seriously, where are all these new jobs he’s supposedly bringing in?

Patty_Melt's avatar

I haven’t seen any employment ads with the words “brought to you by Trump” included, but where I live, everybody who wants a job has one, or just entered the job market.
Not so long ago I remember people with degrees and experience trying to get mc d jobs, or babysitting.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I find it interesting that you are self-destructive. You say you benefit from capitalism, yet you push socialism hard. Here’s a clue…when it gets down to sharing others money, if you are well off, you will lose. In fact, if you aren’t well off you will lose too. So why do you push for things that will hurt you?

stanleybmanly's avatar

You just don’t get it. It may appear self destructive to critique a dog eat dog system wherein I prosper through skinning the losers. What I am telling you is that while I may be a great deal better off as an individual if I can play the system to bleed you and fatten me up, this will not make for a place where I actually DO win. And you are missing the critical point in that “well off”’ business. Well off relative to who? How well off must I be to consider the system just? Or should it matter? Is there any point to being isolated with the few billionaires in a land of beggars? If you live in a society visibly headed in that direction should you just count your money and keep your mouth shut?? In any case, I suppose I have nothing to worry about, as long as guys like you are around, I will always do well. I tell you that you are being robbed, and you miss the point entirely and pin it on the liberals.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan So vote Dem so Stan doesnt make money? Is that your point?
Maybe you should call the NY Times, get published so you can be the hero and save election 2020.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You don’t hear a word I’m saying. Democrat, Republican, Obama, Trump—the rich get richer. Boom, bust, recession, recovery — the rich get richer. The stock market’s up, the market’s down—the rich get richer. Lehman brothers—wiped out? How many of THOSE guys do you suppose are sleeping on the sidewalks? We argue here over Democrats and Republicans, and I join in. But it’s a waste of time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan Nah, I think we’re on the same page with most of America actually. The last decade has been enlightening to say the least.

I think we may see a surge in 3rd party votes in 2020, or soon thereafter.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The fix is in. Bernie, Warren, Jesus Himself—the rich will…no single candidate is going to alter the dictum. The Congress is bought and paid for. The setup is geared to operate by design—automatic pilot—the rich get richer—-and the rest of us???

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Get totally royally screwed.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@KNOWITALL save the election,
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty_Melt Glad you enjoyed it, sis. :D

My accounts seem okay, and better than under Obama.

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