I’d call Animal Control. Explore your options. You need to be able to make sure that the dog is vaccinated, and ensure that it won’t bite anyone else.
There is a lot of bacteria, in a dog’s mouth. Depending on the size of the dog, it could do some real damage to someone. The fact that the owner has a muzzle, means that they already know it’s a dangerous animal.
It should not be able to get a good bite, through a muzzle. It may have too big, of a muzzle.
The owner needs to get this shit under control. Muzzles, are typically used only for medical treatment. They could take it to a training class, or you could sue they’re asses.
Animal training isn’t everyone’s strong suit. If they can’t train it, not to bite people, they need to find someone who can.
There are also a number of medical issues, that could cause this problem. For example, an intracranial tumor. Does this dog have seizures?
If it’s just a puppy, it will bite. Until it knows better. But you can’t let this BS go on. The sad fact, is, this dog is dangerous. That has to be addressed.
You should be safe, in your home.
I owned a Pit bull, for 15 years. She was taught, by me, not to bark, and not to bite. She lived with multiple kittens, and was around a lot of people. I trained her, “no bites, no barks.” I could hold my hands in front of her face, and say “bite me, I dare you,” and she wouldn’t. Because she knew better. I used to take her everywhere. She would occasionally be in a cage, with multiple kittens. I had a saying, “don’t hurt the babies.” She understood that she wasn’t allowed to hurt anything. Because I trained her, that her hurting something, would be BAD. She would scratch people, by jumping on them. But she had a heart of gold. If she knew that she was actually hurting something, she’d have been really upset. She just had a lot of energy. But, Pit bull’s, have a great heart. They are one of the most loving breeds. But. You have to train them.
I would take her to the beach. I took her to lines of people waiting for a movie. It’s called socialism. You can train them, to be friends with everything. She was friendly with my snake, Monty, and friends with everything. She got attacked a lot. Because she had boundary issues. She would run up to any animal, and just lick their face.
Not every dog liked it. So, she got bit a lot. But, she was just trying to be loving. I stopped taking her to the dog park, because she always got assaulted.
I buried her ashes, at a dog park, about 100 yards, from my house. I hope that she can run free there now. I buried her ashes, by a bench there. I go there often, and talk to her. She was my baby. She never bit anyone, and was one of the most loving animals, I ever knew. You just have to train them….
This person needs to train their dog, or find a place that will…
Maybe, they could get a Pet Smart, or something similar. If they aren’t capable of training it…
It’s time to have a discussion with them. They need to get their shit together…
A dog, is trainable.
Time for action.
Get this shit straight….
This is not my opinion. It can be done….