SQ. Like I said, the experience will help, in the academy. It’ll probably help on the streets too.
A good LEO, should learn something from each incident. Mainly, how to do it better…That means with less violence, and/or danger to yourself. You keep your hand on your pistol. You order people to keep their hands out of their pockets. You learn to read people, and the situation. You never underestimate ANYONE. EVER…
Such things, come with the job. You might be arresting a man who just beat his girl down. All your attention, is on the man. Next thing you know, the girl is attacking YOU. Maybe with a kitchen knife, or worse.
Could be a house fire, and you get there first. Do you wait for the fire department? What if someone is inside?
Accident scene? You get the person out of the vehicle, in case it catches fire. But. You risk injuring them further. Lawsuit, court, will follow.
You learn to look at details. If a man has his watch, on his left hand, he’s probably right handed. If he has a knife, it’s probably in his right pocket. Or, if he’s going to throw a punch, it’s probably going to be his right.
What do his hands look like? Heavily scarred knuckles. He fights, a lot. That’s how my hands look.
What about his face? Recent black eye, or scars? The guy could be a problem…
What about his feet?
You stay “bladed.” Keeping your feet inside of his. If he’s trying to get his feet inside of yours, he’s potentially an experienced fighter, and will attack you.
Tattoos. What, and where are they? They may have meaning.
A spider web, on an elbow? That typically means he’s done hard time. Doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. But it means he’s a criminal. Be careful…
A devil, or an M, or 13, can certainly mean he’s a gang member, or former gang member… Be careful.
Hand tattoos. They’re illegal, in most states. They could be “stripes.” He did something bad, to earn those stripes… Be careful.
Body language. If he’s shifting around, flat footed, be ready for a sucker punch. But. You’ve already figured out, which arm it will be. Because you’re watching his posture, and other things. Like the watch…
Burns on a person’s clothing?They probably pass out with burning cigarettes, and the cigarette falls out of their unconscious mouth…
They are are either a drunk, or on drugs.
Tattoos, on arm pits, can cover injectable drug marks…
A person, can be read by their appearance. Lines on their arms. Probably a cook. Burnt by ovens.
Little puncher wounds, on the hands, means that they probably have a puppy….
Information, gives you power.
An observant LEO, already knows a lot about the person whom they are talking to…
You read people…. Then, there are not many surprises…
You’ve got them, before they get you.
Experience, and gained knowledge, gives a LEO, a huge advantage.
Then. It’s up to the LEO.
You have to be physically fit, and ready to restrain someone. And protect yourself. My guys, needed to be able to restrain somebody, or talk them down. With minimal damage, to all of us…. Unless they produce a weapon….
The OP, needs to understand that he will be in situations where, there isn’t a “right” answer…..
That sucks….