Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What are some aspects of current human society, that would be considered massive plotholes, were they only to be found in movies?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) January 11th, 2020

For example, most people having instant and near-free access to the entire body of human knowledge, yet there still being massive groups of global warming deniers, anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, moon-landing-deniers and other science-denying scum.

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8 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Probably when older people act as if younger people have little to no problems and that we are all stuck up and entitled and “have it easy” when in reality each generation has their own issues and Millennial/ Gen Z are no different and aren’t as stuck up and entitled as people would like to act. We also have a much harder time accomplishing things Boomers and Gen X people did and sometimes that is used to shame us despite the fact that schooling is now WAY more expensive, it’s hard to get a good job without a degree now, and you can’t just “walk in and ask the boss for a job” like you used to be able to?
Being shamed because “oh this generation is full of college dropouts” but refusing to understand that a lot of people drop out because they can’t afford is stupid.

Also, I was never a fan of the “OK boomer” but if it were to be a movie people would instantly call out all the hypocrisies of how mad people got over it. Older generations call me a millennial when I’m not, yet get pissed when they get called a boomer because they aren’t one. Also the fact that we are all “snowflakes” yet being called a boomer is a slur in their eyes and really set some people off.

Probably a different answer than you wanted @ragingloli but these things would be noticed in a movie where you can see both sides.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Ooooo another one:

“Young people are so dumb and have no idea how the world works because they haven’t lived long enough. Also by the way the voting age is 18.”

LuckyGuy's avatar

We’re living in a time where DNA can be maipulated and modified; viruses can be be destroyed or made impotent, electronic circuits can incorporate millions of transistors in something the size of a poppy seed. We have space probes exiting out heliosphere, orbiting the sun, moon earth, mars, Jupityer, Saturn, parked in halo orbit, and at the lagrangian points.
And yet we still reproduce by swapping fluids and having the female squeeze out a baby through a channel that is so undersized it causes distress to all concerned.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Also, we not only allow, but support, anyone who wants to go through the process even if they are addicted to drugs, infected with fatal diseases, have mental health issues, or have engaged in behaviours that have severely damaged the fetus.
Society would rather pay than make the hard and difficult choice.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Not inhaling.

kritiper's avatar

Religions, and the confidence that “God” will come to mankind’s ultimate rescue, should we dig ourselves in so deep that we can’t get out by our own devices.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Well, that was depressing @kritiper

kritiper's avatar

Yet true.

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