General Question

occ's avatar

Ideas/resources for "green" back-to-school tips?

Asked by occ (4182points) July 31st, 2007

I work for an environmental group and we're putting together some green tips for back-to-school, i.e. buy recycled paper, use re-usable lunch bags or lunch boxes, cut down on pre-packaged lunch foods, etc. Does any of you moms or dads out there have any helpful tips (or links, resources, etc) of your own? Have you found any great school supplies that are environmentally-friendly? Thanks.

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8 Answers

wolfgan9's avatar

i know some younger kids have to bring kleenex and toilet paper or papertowels. Using recycled paper products would be good. Also promoting reusing the same backpack. Refillable pencils, instead of the wooden kind. Buying used tools, i.e. Protractors or rulers, t-squares or calculators.

soethe6's avatar

Walk to school.

soethe6's avatar

Uphill. Both ways!

(Sorry...couldn't resist.)

nomtastic's avatar

get your kids to figure out how much money they can save on re-using old school supplies, and use that amount to go get a treat (ie. out for ice cream, buy a kite/book/toy)

justin's avatar

backpacks with lifetime warranty - send them off to be repaired!

KimberlyLD's avatar

This is the coolest eco friendly back to school thing I’ve seen: (If you are not reusing what you can from last year’s stash… which is of course, the BEST idea.)

Here’s the schtick from their website:
reen Apple Earth-Friendly School Supply offers conscientious consumers a place where they can buy a variety of school and office supplies that are made of either recycled, reclaimed, or managed forest products.

Reuse what you can of backpacks etc, and for storage, try using the summer to decoupage on old boxes for storing art supplies and using “customized” plastic containers (i.e. butter tubs, yogurt tubs, small cardboard tubs and boxes) instead of buying “pencil boxes.”

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