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Caravanfan's avatar

How do you feel about the idea of 007 being a woman?

Asked by Caravanfan (14178points) January 15th, 2020

Barbara Broccoli, who owns the James Bond franchise said that 007 can be any color, but never a woman.

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16 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Her franchise. Her movie company. Her choice.

Although a female Bond, to me, wouldn’t be credible. But for that matter, the last Bond – Daniel Craig – sucks. Not the James Bond that I envision.

A female Bond would be about as awful as casting Oceans 11 with a bunch of women. There’s a reason why Oceans 8 was mostly a flop..

ucme's avatar

Fine with me, so long as she gets her tits out…shaken, not stirred! :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I am indifferent.
I never really got into those movies, except to stare at Robert Shaw and giggle at Sean Connery in that baby blue onesie.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I lost interest in James Bond once Sean Connery quit, so I really don’t care!!! I haven’t been to a movie theater in over 30 years. I prefer to watch in the comfort of my own home & even then I don’t watch very many new movies. Actors would go hungry IF they had to depend on me to support them!!!

JLeslie's avatar

I see no reason 007 can’t be a woman. It would be easier if the name was Jamie Bond instead of James I guess. Then even the name could be either gender. I’m not upset if they never make 007 a woman though. They can create plenty of similar shows with a female lead if they want.

Demosthenes's avatar

I mean, that seems to be what passes for innovation in the entertainment industry these days: “What if we made [insert long-time male character] female? It’s fresh, it’s woke, everyone will love it!” I’d like to see more interesting, less derivative plots than gender swaps, but that’s asking a lot.

seawulf575's avatar

When Ian Flemming wrote the James Bond books, he made Bond a man. Oh yeah…JAMES Bond…dead giveaway. Trying to shoe-horn in a woman into the role is really a sad PC effort. What next? A white woman to play Ray Charles? Hey! I know…let’s get a black man to be Hillary Clinton in a made-for-TV movie! Face it…there is nothing wrong with sticking to the storyline. Want a woman secret agent? It’s been done. Trying to take over the Bond series is just silly.

raum's avatar

FYI James is a pretty common name for a girl in 2020.

mazingerz88's avatar

I feel…nah.

Inspired_2write's avatar

James Bond was based on a real spy.
see below:
“For those wanting to know the real-life inspiration for Ian Fleming’s James Bond, here it is —

the remarkable life of British double-agent Dusko Popov, the Serbian playboy who enjoyed

an extravagant lifestyle during World War II serving the British MI5 and MI6, the German
Abwehr and the FBI.Jun 25, 2016 › story › life › books › 2016/06/25 › into-the-lions-...
The life of Serbian spy Dusko Popov, the real 007

There must be real women spies for sure, so it would had been better and believable if one were to write a story of those women.

I don’t like the adaptation of the original James Bond changed to reflect a women spy as it would smack of plagiarism yes, or no?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

When Ian Flemming wrote the James Bond books, he made Bond a man. Oh yeah…JAMES Bond…dead giveaway. Trying to shoe-horn in a woman into the role is really a sad PC effort.

Very little of the screen “James Bond” exists in the novels.

If you were honestly concerned about adhering to them, you would be enraged at every movie plot and character and setting which was not in a book.

It’s a fictional character. There are no rules. This isn’t math. It isn’t physics.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I don’t get enraged at changing books into movies, just as I am not enraged now. I DO get disappointed with the transition usually, though. To take a book and make it into a movie and keep it true to the book is rarely done. But I have seen many movies that get the same answer I just gave about a girl Bond…it’s just silly. You take a perfectly good book and, outside of keeping the name, you change it so there is nothing remaining of the book….it just seems silly to me. And disappointing.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Sounds like a good way to make new Bond films even shittier than they already are.

Caravanfan's avatar

I like Daniel Craig.

gorillapaws's avatar

IMO, 007 only really works as a man. There could (and probably should) be a very compelling similar story with a female British agent lead role that would be quite excellent, but not 007, That character would need to be interesting for her own reasons and not shoehorning Bond attributes onto a female. I agree Bond could be any race.

As far as my favorite bond, it’s actually Roger Moore. I love the campiness and how it doesn’t take itself seriously by embracing how ridiculous the premise is. Favorite Bond film is “The Spy Who Loved Me.”

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws I grew up with Roger Moore, although there were some absolutely dreadful movies in there. I rewatched Live and Let Die with my daughter after not seeing it for a million years and wow, that shit is racist!

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