General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

Who is your current hero?

Asked by Caravanfan (14121points) January 16th, 2020 from iPhone

I’m wandering around a place where there is a huge exhibit on Harvey Milk, the San Francisco gay activist who was murdered in 1978. He is a hero.

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16 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

Stephen Hawking is a strong candidate for me. Any challenges I face pale in comparison to what he had to struggle with on a daily basis, and to think despite all of his physical limitations, he was able to make such a profound impact on physics, is nothing short of remarkable. It’s humbling and inspiring to remember that.

gorillapaws's avatar

Another is Greta Thunberg. She has some serious chutzpah to face down a room full of world leaders and tell them to their faces that they’re not doing an adequate job. At her age and full of courage, what an inspirational person.

Poseidon's avatar

My wife for putting up with me for 47 years.

kritiper's avatar

Ready Kilowatt.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I agree with everyone named so far!!! When I think of a hero, I automatically think of our firefighters who rush into harms way in order to save the life of those in danger. I also think of our military personnel who face the horrors of war daily in order for the rest of us to bitch about what we don’t like. I cannot put a name to the faces of those I so admire!!!

@Poseidon Please extend my deepest sympathies to your wife…FYI, you’re her reason for living!!!

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t use the word hero, but I’m loving Kelly Clarkson for spreading joy and promoting acceptance and the idea that we can disagree and still get along. She’s a Texan, lived in Nashville, Reba’s DIL, a Christian, raised by a single mother, has 4 children, accepted in the Southern community, and her new talk show regularly has gay people on as guests and in the audience. Also, people who were not born in America she treats the same as anyone else.

Her crossover presence might just change some minds. We can only hope. Conservatives who aren’t accepting might see her being accepting, and liberals who think Southern Christians aren’t accepting will see that yes, many of them are.

Her energy and fun reminds me of Ellen Degeneres, but Ellen is as everyone knows a Lesbian, and I think perceived as California Hollywood, even if she is from Louisiana originally.

I think it was yesterday a Christian young woman said she lived America and wants to stay, and Kelly said, “yeah, aren’t we fun…”

She just makes me smile.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

It’s a young man who had just started college when he found out he has a medical condition that they know very little about.
The help he is getting is painful and will affect his ability to get around if it does anything for him at all.
His outlook on things is inspiring and I’ve not heard him bitch, whine or complain about anything.
He does what he has to do and I love that.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Bernie Sanders

Darth_Algar's avatar

Buzz Aldrin. Walked on the Moon and truly has no fucks left to give. Indeed, I’m not sure he ever had any to begin with.

ucme's avatar

I have 2 & they’re both my kids.
Seriously, I cherish the ground they walk on.
I am so fucking lucky!

gorillapaws's avatar

@Darth_Algar ”...truly has no fucks left to give…”

You’re not kidding.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Mister Rogers.

mazingerz88's avatar

These days, Republicans who do not support trump.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Yeah, I was thinking of that when I wrote. That and the way he’s mocked Trump at press conferences.

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