General Question

Yellowdog's avatar

In your opinion, are red lights in darkened areas creepy / formidable?

Asked by Yellowdog (12216points) January 23rd, 2020

When I was in my mid teens, my GF and I went to a large church where it was customary for some of us in the youth group to run around the darkened hallways during the recreational times of the youth group meetings. I guess it was under the red exit signs on dark winter nights where I first fell in love.

That girl moved away, but a later girlfriend, whom I brought to the church one night when we had a hayride, would not venture into those dark hallways with the red exit signs. She seemed to believe in slasher horror movie characters dwelling in them.

Since that time, I have always loved red lights on dark winter nights. I associate them with Christmas, warmth, and maybe horror movies—but I normally have pleasant, even romantic associations with them, and find them complimentary to complexions, like moonlight, and associate the lighting with Christmas, Valentines day, moonlight, early dawn, etc etc.

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of people say they are creepy, including, unfortunately, my current girlfriend who associates them with horror movies and dark allies.

Just wanting to know what others think.

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13 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Only when it’s in a small ass town and there are literally NO cars in sight. I feel like I’m going to get robbed. Lock those doors!

Edit: I’m talking about red stop lights

KNOWITALL's avatar

I love red light. My bedroom lamps are all red bulbs. So no, I don’t find it creepy at all.

Inspired_2write's avatar

It probably has not much to do with the color but the lack of other light which makes it scary or more importantly cautious of her.

Patty_Melt's avatar

All my house lights are remote controlled bulbs. They have several color and blink choices. When I don’t need it on white light to see for a particular task I have it on either red, or purple (blacklight). Neither one creeps me out.

rebbel's avatar

You’d love the Red Light District in Amsterdam.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

They can be depending on where they’re at.
I had a Detroit cop tell me to run lights at late hours.
Then again, I had a guy try to get into my car at a red light during rush hour traffic.
red lights=bad lol

seawulf575's avatar

When the sub went to periscope depth, the control room had to have only red lights on. It was a security issue…red lights going back out the periscope couldn’t be seen but white ones could. They remind me of being safe.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Red, is typically a color/spectrum , that many animals cannot see*many mamals, can only see in blue/green.) It also dissipates faster, than other colors. That’s why Navy units, and hunters, use red light, to see with, but not be discovered. Any radio-technician, will know this doesn’t affect radiography, as well.
So. Humans, can see in this spectrum.
If you have ever worked in radiographic technology, you already know, that you can’t develope x-ray films (with our eyesight) unless you use red light.
This was largely outweighed, by “digital ex-rays.”
“Red shifting,“is a great way to understand what the human eye, is capable of seeing. This technology allows us to quantify multiple bends in light.
This allows us, to calculate the travel of light(which equals time/proximity,) to multifaceted things in our universe….

The observed light, capured by our specifically observed light/energy, gives humans, a distinct advantage of everything around us…

Differenttypes of light distinguishing, allows human beings the capability to understand LOTS of things.

On Earth, it gives us us the ability to see things that other things, cannot detect, with the added benefit of seeing.

In the universe, it gives us more ability to see how celestial bodies, are moving.

Prisms of light, give us an advantage over other species.
For example, it is hypothesized, that penguins, can see, in ultraviolet prisms. To a un-modified human eye, penguins can see these differences. Allowing them to see each other, through ultraviolet light. Therefore, they don’t see each other, as black and white. They see one another, in the super violent light, caused by oils causing individual, visual (to them) different color distinctive light picked up by the individual’s skin oil variations.

Even though, to our eyes, they just all look black and white.

Science, is scary, until you understand it…..

KNOWITALL's avatar

@MrGrimm Wow! Nice facts there.

Patty_Melt's avatar

We had to go to red lights when we took the YPs inland for hurricanes.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yup. Less visible, from far away.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Edit. In my 1st post my phone changed ultraviolet, to super violent, for whatever reason.

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