Is there any news sources that can report a political story without being biased, or coming across as biased?
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January 24th, 2020
Most American news sources are so bias I find it hard to follow them with a grain of salt.
Meaning they are so right or left you really get a feeling of doubt if they can accurately report a political story.
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33 Answers
Al Jazeera and BBC have pretty good reputations.
I watch Judy Woodruff at PBS.
Reuters and the AP are respected for delivering news without bias.
I liked NBR Nightly Buisness Report on PBS but they were cancelled last month. My favorite show. : (
I can’t find even one!!! Actually, it saves me a lot of time by not watching any news & then I check out both sides the next day after the dust has settled…assuming that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
What you descrbe would require a true journalist. That is an extinct species. Has been for quite some time.
@si3tech Is it the journalists ,or is it the media corporations pushing their agendas?
Like for Fox so right wing it’s fucking crazy Trump could indeed shoot someone and Fox would defend him to the death blaming the democrats.
Look at where the source gets their funding and you’ll understand their biases. Is it from pharmaceutical ads? Wealthy billionaires like Bezos, Bloomberg or Murdock? Major corporations like AT&T or Comcast? Is it crowdfunded by subscriptions or Patreon donations? Is it funded by Congress? Always follow the money.
@LadyMarissa I wouldn’t assume the truth lies somewhere in between. If you look at the war in Iraq, all mainstream media was beating the war drum at the time. They fired staff that questioned the wisdom of invading Iraq. War is good for business (both the advertisers and the media) after all.
It’s true that there is a left vs. right component to bias, but just as importantly, there is a top vs. bottom bias as well. Nearly all media (left and right) has a bias against economic populism.
Pretty much every station and “news outlet” is biased one way or the other. There are sporadic examples of a story or two here and there that are well presented. But in today’s world, there is only political agenda in our news outlets.
I think PBS Newshour and NPR do a pretty good job but then I’m biased!
@SQUEEKY2 Good point. I would put forth, that it is the media who THINK they are journlists.
I don’t think there are any at the moment.
Then where does one go to get the truth on a political story?
The right quote things from Fox or Bright Fart and it’s scoffed at by the left.
The Left quote MSNBC or the post and it’s spit on by the right, each claiming don’t fall for the fake news type thing.
Truth is mutable. The two I mentioned, not being US based, are more likely to be objective.
Thanks @canidmajor I like our CBC news they at least don’t seem to be biased or come across that way.
I will look into the two you mentioned though.
Any news source will seem biased if you disagree with their reporting, regardless of how truthful and impartial it actually is.
NPR, BBC, ABC, PBS. I only get my news from those guys, especially NPR.
@ragingloli has a very good point.
Yes. Get off the beaten path.
I always go to Saga City, ;-)
@Sagacious doesn’t really answer questions – look at all the ones he has written in today. He tends to write one-line responses without any substance, which makes him look like an oracle. Then people have to ask him questions, to feed his ego.
I might have missed something but I think @Sagacious meant was get off the beaten path for your newts major news outlets are either way right or left when it comes to reporting anything political.
But I don’t want my news sources to be way right or way left.
That is why he says get off the beaten path.
Still lost Squeekster. “Off the beaten path” leads to unregulated, unmonitered propaganda and BS.
How else would you get to the truth about lizard aliens walking amongst you.
If it works for the MIB, it will work for you.
I have never seen news be reported fairly… anywhere. There is always some political spice added, some twist, inappropriate link to something else, omission or outright lies.
Absolutely everyone has their own biases and perspectives. These are important to keep in mind but don’t mean that journalists are untrustworthy. Shitting on journalists is like shitting on teachers. Almost all of them work long hours for low pay, doing a crucial service for all of us, while people dump on them constantly/threaten them, and market forces threaten to shut them down completely. News celebrities however, are bringing us all down.
Read widely. Read sources that have an interest in keeping a reputation for good journalism and integrity, and make up your own mind. Read the crazy stuff, too, if you are strong of spirit and pure of heart.
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