General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How does Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig work?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) January 27th, 2020

Do they deliver the food to my apartment? What is the food like? Have you tried either? Did you like the food, and did you lose weight?
Can one be on the plan for the delivery of good food? Not necessary to lose weight but to avoid going shopping?
What are some good programs for home food delivery in Red Deer, Canada?
Meals on wheels is ok only cost $140 a month. Not including weekends.

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13 Answers

Darth_Algar's avatar

If you go through a program like Jenny Craig then you’re paying a lot of money (like $400–500/month) for a lot less quantity. And probably blander faire than you’d like.

These programs aren’t designed to facilitate your desire to be a shut-in, they’re designed to aid you in losing weight. So the food is small portioned and lower in fats, sugars, etc, all that taste good shit.

So for what you want you’re probably better off seeing if there’s a local grocer who’ll deliver orders to your home (there are some grocers out there that still do this). As for that – we don’t live where you do. We can’t tell you what’s in your own neighborhood. You’ll have to find that out on your own.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Food is not cheap (2 to 10 times the cost of regular food).
No snacks and no going off the plan.
Yes they work

Sagacious's avatar

You pay money to do something that you should be able to do on your own.

anniereborn's avatar

Meals on Wheels would end up 7 dollars a day. I don’t know about there, but here they only bring one meal a day. Sometimes they were just sandwiches That’s pretty pricey.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@anniereborn Meals on Wheels for me was:

soup, treat, meat and two vegetates and sometimes a salad with dressing.
One can order double fo two meals a day, and large amounts on Fridays to last the weekends.

anniereborn's avatar

Well yeh, that sounds different than what we have here. Or at least what my mom had. Do they bring that all at one time?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@anniereborn Afternoons around 12:15pm , and Fridays in bulk to last one or two meals for Friday Saturday and Sunday. I only quit because I can’t have cabbage or brussel sprouts. Edit I just found out that I can have a little bit of cabbage, and It won’t hurt me.

anniereborn's avatar

That doesn’t sound TOO bad then.

LostInParadise's avatar

Weight Watchers does not deliver meals. They are more of a support group.

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