Social Question

anniereborn's avatar

Have you ever named a pet the same name as one you had before?

Asked by anniereborn (15594points) January 30th, 2020

I don’t understand this. My sister did this, but I have not asked outright. She’s one to get offended.
So your dog/cat/hamster/fish dies. You get another one and give it the same name?

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

I haven’t ever done that, but I am not much of a pet person.

I would think that if you reuse a pet’s name, you are diminishing the memories of the original pet – sort of whitewashing or conflating the two together. You would be somewhat insulting the memory of pet #1.

Now, for a goldfish – so what? You don’t have a close personal relationship with a fish.

But a cat or dog? Much different.

gorillapaws's avatar

No, that’s just wrong.

hmmmmmm's avatar

When I was five or six years old, my dog Joey ran away. According to my mom, I took it pretty bad. Some time later, we got another dog and she allowed me to name him, and I called him Joey.

Why? I was a little kid and apparently pretty upset and wasn’t thinking clearly.

chyna's avatar

No that would be weird.

rebbel's avatar

We give names on the whim, for a characteristic, their presence, look-a-like-ability.
And Greek words for a missing tail sound awesome, as a name.
(Turned out he has a very distinctive tail, after all; not much tail as a kitten….
His name doesn’t fit him, at all, after all :-) )

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Not yet but we have named them after family members.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I have had two different cats named Shiffer.
Their full name was Shiffer Brains.
They were so named because it fit.
If you don’t get it, say it out loud.

ucme's avatar

Nah, shows lack of creativity.
A mate once named a goldfish she had & later, her golden retriever pup Goldie
Dumb bitch :D

snowberry's avatar


When I was small, I had a daschund dog named Gretchen. Then, 35 years later, we gave a new dog the same name. It was great, because I had excellent memories of that name, and the kids liked it. it was new all over again.

Harper1234's avatar

I have a thing for black and white tuxedo cats and have had them for years…
First one I got my sons were into skateboarding and Bam Margero I think was his name was a skater then. This is 15 years ago. I fell in love with that cat so much that every cat I get HAS to be a tuxedo cat and we name him/her Bam. I have had probably at least 10 Bams and have 2 now! Its crazy I know!

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