Meta Question

chyna's avatar

Do you ever find yourself thinking about other jellies even if you don’t know them in real life?

Asked by chyna (51750points) January 30th, 2020 from iPhone

For example, this morning I was driving to work in the slow lane in an area that is always bogged down in slow traffic. We were stopped. A tractor trailer came bearing down on me and only got stopped in the nick of time. I was thinking that @squeeky wouldn’t be driving like that.
I saw a commercial for Taco Bell for a pack of tacos. I thought of @JohnPowell.
I see penguins and think of @Janbb.
Anyone else think of fellow jellies?

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65 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah. Sometimes random things remind me of people I’ve talked to on here. Penguins remind of @Janbb too. I can’t think of all the others right now but I will post when I do.

jca2's avatar

Yeah penguins for @janbb. One of my jelly friends (she knows who she is) is sick right now so every now and then I wonder how she is.

I also think of past jellies and how they’re doing – a California one and an Australian one. Fortunately we’re friends on FB so we can keep in touch.

Also a few dead ones.

KNOWITALL's avatar

On occasion. Usually it’s wulfie or Grimmy or Patty, coolhand, since we have some common interests and have talked much more than others. Those that I feel actually know the real me and are similar in some ways.

longgone's avatar

All the time. My husband knows random jelly usernames because I mention that _____ would like that, or _____ made me laugh today.

janbb's avatar

^^And he’s even met a penguin.

longgone's avatar

^ The cutest.

ucme's avatar

I sometimes think of you @chyna when I see people walking their dogs, only sometimes though!
I often think of lucy, particularly on my runs, she motivates me on the steep hill climbs dangling a wet sponge whilst riding a bike!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@ucme every time I see a TV show where a British character has a butler I think of you. In my mind, and I have NO idea why, I just picture you having a British accent. Are you British?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Absolutely! Many times. It’s more like multiple times per day!
The sign in front of the grocery store says “It’s icy! Walk like a Penguin!” The recent question on Jeopardy asking the state where the large family reunion took place in Beckley.
Peaches, Flooding in the Carolinas, Jersey shore sand bars washing away, Oregon forests, Taco Bells, urge to pee, Pacific trail, hoodies, dishes with dividers, truck drivers, stock market moves, SPY, dogs, unbroken, numbers, mixed drinks, security,... Endless….

I’m a better, more diverse person for knowing you all. Thanks!

ucme's avatar

@SergeantQueen Is the Pope Catholic? :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme That’s because I see you running with a steak your hand.
In fact, I think of you every time I see a steak.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

^^^ I think of you whenever I see “I love Lucy” on TV

Caravanfan's avatar

Sure. I think about Dutchess all the time. And then I have to drink. (See how long it takes her to see this)

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Gasp!
An unprovoked assault…how terribly mean of you :D

stanleybmanly's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille It’s probably unfortunate, but every time I see your monicker, I think about the dynamic 19 year old legendary Little Richard! If you ever want some mesmerizing reading that will crack you up, get a copy of his biography. Like the fact that Richard insisted on getting paid for his gigs in cash, and carried every bit of it that he earned for YEARS in the trunk of his Cadillac!

janbb's avatar

Every time I pass a cookie shop I think of one Jelly!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@stanleybmanly -Lol! I like Little Richard, so I’m alright with that.
I don’t keep any $ in my Caddy though

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme I’m the one getting slapped by a steak!

Caravanfan's avatar

Dutchess hasn’t seen my post yet. She must be slipping.

ucme's avatar

If you watch old highlights of Billie Jean King playing tennis, it makes you think of the penguin librarian…

canidmajor's avatar

I think about your dog, @chyna. :-)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Every time I hear anything British that strikes me funny or odd, I think of our dear ucme. He is the eternal sunshine of fluther to me. :) Witty, optimistic and somewhat snarky, love it. :)

janbb's avatar

@ucme I’m intrigued. Will have to do that sometime.

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL I would be blushing but I’m way too arrogant for that :D

ucme's avatar

@janbb I just think you resemble her, in her younger days of course :-)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Lucky for you, most of my friends are arrogant, smart aleck men…haha!

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL Hey, we must be careful what we say, people will talk…remember? :D

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme haha, I still don’t care! :)

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@KNOWITALL & @ucmeThink of little Acme!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Aww bless, what might have been <whimper>

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not slipping, I’m scanning @Caravanfan! And it’s killing my brain cells!

Yes. I think about @canidmajor every time my poop doesn’t look right. ~

I do think about others. There is some Yarn store here in town. It says YARN on the windows. I think of YARNLADY when ever I see it.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Sorry. I meant I think of @Caravanfan when my poop looks funny.
All that hours a day of scanning and saving and getting pictures to people from 10, 20, 30, 40 years ago really wipes me out.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Oh Acme, poor tyke, her mom forgot about her haha!!

Jons_Blond's avatar

Cookies, gorillas and things that make you go hmmmmm. Just a few of my favorite things. :)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I wonder if mr. Bromide ever got his degree in computer programming.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@LuckyGuy I wonder who SPY is…

ragingloli's avatar

Not at all.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Mimishu SPY an exchange traded fund based upon the S&P 500. It’s a measure of the US stock market performance.
A jelly here works in the business. :-)

cookieman's avatar

I think if you guys as regularly and as fondly as I do friends in real life. I don’t see much difference really.

Whenever I see a boxer, I think of @chyna and what a good dog-mom she must be.

Both my dogs have penguin toys which lay around the house. When I see one abandoned, I have to pick it up and put in its basket with its friends — because @janbb pops into my head.

When I have to figure out something complex or fix something, I’ve thought of @LuckyGuy

Also, many of you pop into my head for no apparent reason, like @jonsblond & @Blondesjon, @Dutchess, @KNOWITALL, @JLeslie and so many more.

If I see a toddler having a tantrum out in the world, I think @ragingloli.

Someone is needlessly rude to me, I think, “That guy needs a Dick Punch” and I’ll think of @johnpowell.

Sometimes one of my students will remind me of @Mimishu1995.

Whoever I drive through Somerville, MA, passed where Grossman’s Hardware was, I think of @gailcalled.

And many more.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think of my jelly friends a lot, but not in the same way as most people here. I think of them in a more emotional manner. So for example when I see a down-to-earth person with a great sense of humor I think of @snowberry. A caring strong big man will remind me of EC or Grimm. An outspoken brave person will remind me of Patty…

Dutchess_lll's avatar

When my dogs acts like an idiot I think “WWLG do?”

Caravanfan's avatar


MrGrimm888's avatar

I think about every jelly, frequently. For different reasons.
I love our pond…

I think about past jellies, too. And I wonder how they are doing…

Coolhandluke's avatar

Yep. I’ve thought about a couple a lot.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Every time I see a movie or show with a butler or maid I think of him I C.

When I see monarch butterflies, Ibstubro comes to mind. He loved them so.

Whenever I hear someone spit out a string of four thousand dollar words, Stanley pops right to mind.

There are always crows around to remind me of Espiritus Corvus, and sailboats, and my writing. He was constantly encouraging me to get busy, and get published.
I didn’t know the man, but I loved the man he wanted us all to believe he was. I knew his accounts of himself and his life were all fiction, but he needed us to believe to make himself happy.

When I have a baked potato I think of JP.

I think also of Mimi when I write. Someday my work will make me insanely wealthy. I will send her tickets to come visit my country.

I think of Snow a lot. She is a valued friend.

When I see a tv ad for a Democrat saying, “I approve of this message” I imagine Seawulf at home, with a box of Nerf footballs, or rolled up socks for the purpose of throwing at his tv. ;-P

I wasn’t with fluther long enough to know gailcalled very well, but when holidays roll by, I think of how she would dress Milo for the occasion.

When I watch Law And Order SVU, I can hear dutchess screaming in my head, “Kill him! Kill that dirty SOB!”

Of course I think of Grimmy whenever I have trouble getting up from a chair, or can’t reach up for stuff without falling.

I am married to Fluther.
Sometimes you piss me the hell off, but I think of you all often.

I know there are several I didn’t mention here, but isn’t this freakin’ long enough already?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^You better think of me. Never give up. Never surrender.

I have faith, in you. Life is pain. You can tough it out.

When I first wake up, I can barely walk. It takes me about 15–30 minutes, to get things moving. I force myself through the pain, and stand tall. My right Achilles, is the worst. I don’t know why. But. I can’t really walk, after sleeping. It takes a while, to get it going. I have global/constant pain, but, I push on…

I wager, you’re stronger than me.

I always remember Churchill’s speach. Paraphrasing, “we will fight on the beaches. We will fight in the streets. We will fight in trenches. We will NEVER surrender.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty_Melt What happened to ibstubro? I loved that guy and talked to him a lot.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think Ibstubro is Reddeerguy.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^no. Ibstubro passed away two years ago.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I stand corrected. Thanks.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ibstubro was a Missouri guy, really cool.

MrGrimm888's avatar

None of us, will live forever….

I guess our posts, will live on for a while….

Patty_Melt's avatar

Ibstubro was in Illinois. He had lived in Missouri to attend, NMSU. Turns out, we were both there at the same time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty That’s so cool!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s a small world…

RabidWolf's avatar

Yeah, I guess I do. I’ve read posts and profiles and I think if TSHTF and it comes time to root hog or die I’d want them there to fight beside me. The ones who are of the mindset to never take any shit. But then those who are peaceful in nature I’d want them back at our basecamp to watch over the children and to keep education going strong. Even in survival, we’d need educators, doctors, nurses and those folks who are preachers.

snowberry's avatar

I often do. (((Hugs to all)))

MrGrimm888's avatar

Social distance hugs…

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m in for that!
I’m switching permanently to the Vulcan accepted greeting. \ \V/
Live long and prosper.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m waiting tosee if that symbol catches on.

MrGrimm888's avatar


Patty_Melt's avatar

I think it might. It is easy to text, and there are a lot of Trekkies.
\ \V/

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