General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Since "libertarians" believe that "taxation is theft", should they not all be preemptively investigated for tax evasion?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) January 30th, 2020

Since they are highly motivated to commit this crime.

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16 Answers

MrGrimm888's avatar

Almost everyone, cuts corners on taxes. But. Taxes, serve a purpose. They pay for things, we need. Law enforcement, the fire department, the FADA, clean water, the CDC, infrastructure etc…
But. Anytime money moves, someone, is supposed to get a cut. The wealthy, take more advantage of this. But. We all, really do. If someone pays you $50, to help them move, you’re unlikely to report that to Uncle Sam.Anyone who relies, on tips, will likely claim the minimum, to avoid being audited. Same with drug dealers. A weed dealer, isn’t going to report, every $10 (dime bags) sold, or any other amount.

A guy who cuts your grass, is usually paid in cash. And won’t report the income, to the IRS…

KNOWITALL's avatar

Having an opinion is not a crime.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Tax evasion, is…

elbanditoroso's avatar

There are two types of libertarians – first, the philosophical types that read and write in magazines like Reason ( and have strong ideological underpinnings towards libertarianism.

The second type I would call the groupies or the hangers-on, who know a little bit and see libertarianism as a way to save money. This second crowd is loud, but generally don’t buy into the deeper underpinnings and intellectual reasons behind it.

I don’t take the second group seriously. And they are the ones that say ‘taxation is theft’.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Only taxation, without representation, is theft. IMO…

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, and don’t you dare bring your books back a couple weeks late; they’ll scream bloody murder…

stanleybmanly's avatar

Investigate the victims?

Patty_Melt's avatar

Make that audit list.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Most “libertarians” don’t have any money to be taxed.

Caravanfan's avatar

@elbanditoroso is correct, no series libertarian intellectuals believe in no taxes whatsoever. How would street lights be paid for? Unfortunately, the libertarian party says exactly that, but they are kooks.

For a good libertarian perspective on things, one must ignore the Libertarian Party, and instead read or

johnpowell's avatar

Trayvon Martin was shot because he fit some sort of profile.

Libertarians getting audited because they fit a profile..

The math adds up.

Caravanfan's avatar

Edit to above. I mean “serious”, not “series”. Too late to change. I can spell.

Sagacious's avatar

Well, that’s a goofy premise. The answer is “of course not.”

Pinguidchance's avatar

I’m all for pre-emptive strikes.

It obviates the need for reason.

Call me contrarian but I’d target those who pay no tax first then crack down on tax-payers.

kritiper's avatar

So they might call themselves “Libertarians” and that alone is enough justifiable cause for investigation?

ragingloli's avatar

The same as salafists that advocate terrorism should be taken a closer look at, yes.

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