Could the Republican party be described as fascism?
Asked by
January 31st, 2020
They do what their leader says or wants no matter what, they were beside themselves saying he never did a quid quo pro, to well maybe he did but it doesn’t matter.
They will acquit him any ways, like we all knew they would.
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42 Answers
If I am wrong ,please tell me where I am wrong, which I have a feeling most will have no problem doing so.
Brainwashed and fearing for there positions is more like it.
Well, using your own source, Fascism is “characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy”. So let’s review that a bit.
Dictatorial Power: Trump has been trying to force congress to do their jobs. Remember him trying to push them to do immigration reform? That isn’t dictatorial. Obama doing his “phone and pen” leadership was far more dictatorial.
Forcible Suppression of Opposition: Take a look at how the Dem supporters have behaved for the past 3 years. The Dems have tried suppressing Trump’s victory in 2016. The idiot groups like Antifa are running around attacking anyone they think is a conservative. People that commit the crime of wearing a MAGA hat are attacked on the street. These are more of the examples of forcible suppression of opposition. I don’t see that sort of behavior from the right.
Strong regiment of society and of the economy: Isn’t it the Dems that are pushing for putting control of all aspects of our lives into the control of the centralized Federal government, against the basic tenets of our own Constitution? Don’t the Dem presidential candidates all espouse programs that will increase the taxes to pay for their control? Meanwhile, Trump is trying to shrink the size and impact of the federal government. He’s trying to make the economy work without the government interference meaning he is trying to make people control it more by starting businesses and manufacturing things and growing things.
By comparison, I believe it is the Democrat Party that better fits the term fascism.
Yep Waiting for Trump to start a Gestapo and have trains with box cars to go to the “Showers”!!
Hold it @seawulf575 how does it figure the “left wing” Democrat become (your hero’s favorite group Skinheads and Neo-Nazis) ? Isn’t that projection You really do project, sorry if I hit a nerve!
I know through make believe politics ! Any bad thing is in your terms is from the other side without any truth or integrity.
Well yeah, after all they are just peace and love and if you don’t believe that you are nothing but hate filled.
@Tropical_Willie No, actually you have fallen into the liberal lie about the skinheads and Neo-Nazis. Trump has denounced them repeatedly and has never embraced them. But trying to spread that lie goes right back into forcible suppression of opposition. Wasn’t it Goebbels that was the propaganda minister?
@seawulf575 Industry has to be regulated because they are driven by only greed and profit they care nothing for the people that work for them or the environment they rape on a daily basis .
And you say the Dems attacking poor little conservatives please if I say anything against your wealthy corporate gods you want to shut me up by slapping a hate button on me and anyone who speaks against the right.
Trump didn’t totally denounce them he said he didn’t endorse them ,BUT there was good people in those groups.
Trump cheered them on while running in 2016 for being his unofficial body guards
Hey that doesn’t support your position!
SO SO SO lies are good.
You have to stop going to Neo-Nazi party meetings and websites, which you quote on a regular basis
Maybe pre-fascism. Depends on what happens in the next 4 years. I don’t know.
That does seem to sum it up very well.
Trump is a fascist, and while has derailed the Republican party, I believe once he is out of office, they will return to misrepresenting themselves as they once did.
I like that answer^^^^^THANKS!
You give Trump far too much credit in describing his as a fascist ideology. Trump wouldn’t know a fascist principle from a fatback casserole. What he does have in common with all would be fascists is the requisite thuggish ham fisted bombast and oafish disregard for the rule of established law you expect from fascists and all other would be puffed up strongmen. Fortunately for us, the record thus far demonstrates that our particular idiot “ain’t got the chops”. Regardless of the brown shirt enthusiasm of his toothless inbred slack jowled followers, a sea of red hats has yet to compensate for the vacuum in the noggins supporting them. There are not (yet ) enough of those vacuous hat heads to gum up the gears in our rule of law—the absolute necessity to achieve his crude and bumbling idea of dictatorship.
How ironic that you would think the constitutional conservative party as fascism.
Has Trump weaponized the IRS, or any of the U.S. Intelligence agencies, against political opposition, as has been done by the Obama / Hillary campaign against the Tea Party, conservative organizations, and Donald Trump? Have the Republicans been running political coups and imprisoning their opposition as we have seen the last 3–½ years?
Trump has been giving individuals more control of their lives and opposed the dictatorial regulations and constraints the leftist government has controlled people with, and has not shown any signs of being a dictator, controlling governmental or national institutions, or imprisoning his political opposition, as we have seen from the left at least since 2009.
Propaganda such as the dossier and ensuing FISA court abuse, or the secret House meetings to overthrow the president, are hallmarks of fascism.
@Yellowdog Trump favorite author was Hitler !
FISA interesting!
Secret House meeting interesting!
Fascist operating of Government DING DING that is Trump ! ! ! !
Careful there @Tropical_Willie he will slap a hate button on you, remember they are the party of peace and love,and if you don’t believe that they will bomb the shit out of ya.
Yes, @Tropical_Willie 72 of the 78 days of the House meetings that began the impeachment process were in the basement of the capitol building, and none of the Trump team or anyone else but the Congress was permitted. Where have you been?
And, four FISA warrants were used to spy on the Trump campaign; the FISA irregularities were thoroughly covered n the last Inspector General (Horowitz) report.
What has become of the Democrat party spies on American citizens and political opponents, and weaponizes the government against them. Where have you been the past four years?
@SQUEEKY2 I have posted the actual conversation where the “very fine people on both sides” comment came from. It has this exact statement in it: “you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay?” Now I don’t know what they teach you about reading comprehension in Canada, or even critical thinking, but that pretty much says that yes, Trump did condemn them totally. Stop buying into the liberal lies, man!!
@filmfann “Trump is a fascist, and while has derailed the Republican party, I believe once he is out of office, they will return to misrepresenting themselves as they once did.”
To me, that means that he has straightened out the Republican party and when he leaves they will go back to being the slimy buffoons they were. Thanks for that vote of confidence in Trump!
@seawulf575 Nope.
The Republicans have claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility, anti-abortion, lower taxes, and anti-Russia.
Under Trump they have added pro-Nazi, pro-Russia, increased debt, and pro-North Korean, and hardened their stance on immigration.
They wouldn’t recognize themselves four years ago.
@filmfann let’s see….Trump has denounced the neo-Nazis, has slapped stronger sanctions on Russia than Obama ever did, opened up conversations with NK which is more than Obama ever did (and, by the way, is very different from being pro-NK), and yes, they did harden the country’s actions on immigration. But that is also very different from hardening their stance on it. They have pretty much always said we needed stronger controls.
What you are really saying is that the Republican party isn’t rolling over for the Dems like they used to. That is a really good thing in my book.
Now if you want the things that I think the Repubs need to improve on, I’ll gladly have that discussion because I see much they need to clean up. Given another 4 years of Trump, we may get part way there…if the Dems can stop being whiney, nutty, children.
Yeah he denounced them, or at least a big chunk of them (after all, there are good people amongst them too).
Another 4 years of Trump? With any luck, we shall be spared a full first 4 year total of the criminal buffoon embarrassing his country. If current trends continue, there is an excellent chance that the goofball might not survive to participate in the next election. And if he is around, the by then irrevocable evidence of his criminality should be well and thoroughly documented. In the upcoming months, it will be ever more apparent that Stinky’s pathological criminality is an intolerable burden on the now tattered remnants of Republican credibility. As his current trial profusely illustrates “yes it is a turd”, the next impeachment will merely serve to hammer that fact into the hardest of heads remaining. From here on out, it’s downhill for the dummy.
@rebbel, go up to my last reply to @SQUEEKY2, read it, and then apply it to yourself. You are buying into the liberal lies.
If you can find the actual quote where Trump says “Neo-Nazis are very fine people” Please, share it with us all. I’ve shared the ACTUAL conversation that shows the entire liberal narrative on this subject is a lie. Go ahead…prove me wrong.
We all (well, not all, obviously) know darn well what he meant when he said there were good people on both sides.
Antifa vs Nazi’s
I’m not going to try even to prove you wrong, or in other words, to try to persuade you to swing.
I don’t give one iota for your stance.
I don’t know if you’d fall in this category, but I only pity those that knowingly lie, and have to stare at themselves in the mirror before sleep and are aware of that.
No, @rebbel we don’t all know it. In fact, many of us have actually looked back to get the truth of the matter. what you REALLY mean is that many of you on the left know it to be true because that is what the liberal media told you to believe. And it isn’t I that am knowingly lying. I told you the absolute truth…something that can easily be verified. I even challenged you to prove me wrong. Those aren’t the actions of someone that is knowingly lying. However, the person that continues to try spreading the lie after it has been disproven to them IS knowingly lying. Cogitate on that for a bit.
Of course we do..You are knowingly lying and don’t want to admit it. I’d disagree too, if I was in that position.
Which, amusingly, you just did.
A truth!
Please, take the last word.
I’m okay with that.
Please…fill me in on how I lied. So far all you’ve done is dodge. You certainly haven’t proven or even attempted to prove that I have somehow lied. Typical liberal…believing that accusations are somehow enough.
Back to the topic at hand, I just saw an article that Elizabeth Warren wants to criminalize what she calls disinformation on social media. Of course she doesn’t really say how they will do this, who will make the determination or what the proposed penalties would be. Ostensibly she says it is for election issues. So doesn’t this hit several of the points of Fascism? Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and regimentation of society? It’s right there in front of you, Dems….one of your top candidates is espousing all the traits of Fascism and you will not call her on it.
First things first: “facism” is a noun, so it can’t be used to describe anything. Adjectives describe things, so the question is “can the Republican Party be described as fascist?”
Second, it devalues the word “fascism” to throw it around so casually (whether to describe the Republicans or the Democrats) and makes fools of the people who do so. Dialing everything up to 11 all the times makes accusations impotent when they actually matter because they just blend in with the dull roar of constant vitriol.
Which brings us to point number three: questions like this don’t really help the anti-Trump cause (nor does the name-calling that so many here like to indulge in) and in all likelihood actively hurts that cause. Arguments laced with pettiness, even if logically sound, fail to convince the people that need to be moved for change to occur. And in the worst cases, they risk alienating those who are more tentative about its conclusions.
Seems like sort of a stretch to me.
Unfortunately, yes. The Democrats have to large of a problem with not being a bunch of free spirits to group together to beat them.
@rebbel You have been crafting a response for more than a day now, everything OK?
@SQUEEKY2 I realize you’ve basically said that we have come to a stalemate, but that makes me wonder why you even asked the question.
Fascism demands government control of healthcare, and regulates the rights of private citizens, The Republicans have consistently been totally opposed to government control of people’s lives. Both Fascism and National Scoialism and what has become of the Democrat party oppose free-market capitalism. You have condemned ad nauseum the Republican party for being capitalistic, accusing them of being a party for ‘the rich’. The Republican party and the U.S. constitution oppose political systems that control individual freedoms and their ideologies, ethnicity, etc.
Its really hard to make fascism out of a free market system where anyone can prosper, and not have government control fettering them or working against their political opponents.
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