Why does Mike Bloomberg say “Blumberg” in his campaign ads.
Asked by
josie (
February 2nd, 2020
from iPhone
Maybe I’m hearing it wrong but I could swear he says “I’m Mike Blumberg” (rhymes with thumb)
And not Bloomberg (rhymes with room)
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13 Answers
A speech impediment or dental work? I haven’t seen his commercials yet.
Maybe that’s how his name is pronounced? Names are notorious for not following pronunciation rules, even in extremely orderly languages.
I would never assume that a man doesn’t know how to pronounce his own name!!! I’m very good at tuning out ALL political ads, so I’ve not paid attention to this ad. Bet I listen closer next time just to see what he says!!!
Some people appear to not know how to spell or pronounce their own name.
In the Special Collections division of the University of Memphis library, one of the large collections in the stacks was by a man named Nolan Van Powell. Sometimes he contributed material as Nolan and other times as Noland, and his last name as Van Powell, Von Powell, or Powell (with Van or Von as his middle name).
Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis pronounced his name Du-caucus, but I’ve never known any other Dukakis to pronounce their name this way.
It’s HIS name & he can pronounce it anyway HE wants too!!! He could pronounce it Dog shit & I wouldn’t correct him.
Names can be pronounced lots of ways.
Take the newscaster Ted Koppel. I have heard people say it three different ways:
Kah-pel (the way he pronounces it)
Koe-pell ( more of an oh sound in the first syllable, and accent on the second syllable)
Kople (where it’s all run together – sounds like the name of the actor George Goble)
So if Bloomberg pronounces his name Blumberg, so be it. Not for you to criticize.
Prolly his meme-advisory staff told him if he seemed to mispronounce his own name, it would increase his campaign visibility,
i AGREE WITH @Smashley as it already has us talking about him even though nobody here seems very interested in him. My mom used to say, Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all.
He’s a politician so obviously can’t be trusted to pronounce his name correctly.
Alternatively Bloomberg is an americanised spelling of the original German name and still follows the German pronunciation despite change in how it’s written.
He pronounces it “Bloomberg” as does the announcer in the ads and when he makes speeches.
^ Finally caught my attention and that’s what I heard
@SEKA: You heard “Bloomberg” or “Blumberg?”
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