Social Question

raum's avatar

What kind of bullets have you dodged in your life?

Asked by raum (13670points) February 3rd, 2020 from iPhone

Was it a crazy ex?
Toxic friend?
Literal bullet?

How did you dodge it?
Matrix- like moves?
Sheer luck?

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12 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

After years of family drama I have distanced myself for peace of mind.

It was so easy to get caught up in an an others drama and while in that state of emotional turmoil and I finally learned to just separate myself from it and concentrate on myself and my goals.

There are so many whom try to get others in their turmoil..time to distance yourselves from negative situations/people and to become impartial to drama.

I realized that drama queens excel at causing attention to themselves to try to make them the center of everyone’s universe by fanning the fires of any conflict, minor or I didn’t bite and just left those type of scenes .

It took a long time to separate and finally understand what really was playing out in our family dynamics.

Note: Sibling rivalry rears its ugly head when a parent passes on.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

No literal bullets but I did take a plastic dart to the forehead once.Paintballs and snowballs too lol
I have MS & type 1 diabetes. They will cause one to appreciate every good thing out there.
A few close calls with vehicles- I was in a car dressed as a Martian when we got hit by a train.-lol
Toxic people, most importantly. I learned a lot about sociopaths because of one in particular.
If I detect a hint any of those traits in someone, I don’t wish to know them.At all. Ever.

MrGrimm888's avatar

.45 cal. And two volleys, of 9mm’s…And a potential .44 magnum….It wasn’t fun….

canidmajor's avatar

Only one relationship really qualifies, it involved me abandoning him in Erie, Colorado (we lived in Seattle) and driving away.

I wonder how many consider me the bullet that they dodged? :-)

seawulf575's avatar

Figurative bullets include an ex girlfriend…first one after my divorce. Nicknamed psychokitty.

Literal bullets include some that were shooting by me when I was in the Idaho desert. There was a place outside of Idaho Falls call the “Noise Park”. It was where you could go and shoot guns, ride 4 wheelers….pretty much anything that made a lot of noise. I was on a little hillock and was sighting in my new rifle. When I got it sighted in, I sat back against some rocks. I heard a Ziiinnnggg and thought at first it was a fast moving bee. Then I heard another, and another, and pretty soon they were coming so fast I couldn’t differentiate between individual ones. On a pause I peeked around the rock and saw some idiot with an automatic weapon, shooting it at the rocky ground in front of him and his friends. The ricochets were what were shooting by me. I was sorely tempted to take my newly sighted in gun and put out his windshield as a way of saying “I’m up here!”, but opted for popping off a couple shots when he ran out of ammo. It worked and they moved on. Guess that would qualify as luck that I wasn’t standing up.

josie's avatar

Lots of 7.62X39 mm

ucme's avatar

Run over by drunk driver arseholes, smashed my head through windscreen.
Few cuts & bruises but walked away with my life & no lasting damage.
I try to dodge eating the wife’s home baked scones…they’re as hard as bullets & likely just as deadly!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@josie . I assume those were AKs?

janbb's avatar

I usually ran straight at them!

Patty_Melt's avatar

Pavement on left cheek, tire on right cheek. If his brakes were bad, I wouldn’t be here to hate him.

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