General Question

flo's avatar

What is the all inclusive term for "no impaired driving", "no smoking, eating while driving..." etc?

Asked by flo (13313points) February 3rd, 2020

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19 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

driving while distracted?

flo's avatar

@ragingloli That makes sense, but some people wrongly say “I’m nt distracted while I’m eating, smoking.”

stanleybmanly's avatar

They are all RULES Flo.

flo's avatar

@ragingloli DWD instead of DWI. Maybe it’s being used already.

Zaku's avatar

Safety-minded driving?

(Where are there rules against eating or smoking while driving?)

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Defensive driving.

Patty_Melt's avatar

It is illegal to throw out a cigarette in California, @Zaku. I’m not sure whether smoking is prohibited, but tossing is.

There are states with distracted driving laws which make certain specifications, but I have moved many times. I can’t tell you decisively where, each infraction is listed.

kritiper's avatar

Absolutely no distractions of any kind.

Pinguidchance's avatar

The offence is called negligent driving in this neck of the woods.

flo's avatar

@Zaku I don’t know where it is but I have always known I guess from driving school, that anything can fall out of your hand, so, imagine cigarettes or hot food drink, would completely distract you, leading to fatalities. (smoking while driving)
or I guess that would be under impaired driving.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Did it again. Sorry!

Zaku's avatar

@flo Yes, they are potential distractions.

I was mainly responding to Stanley responding with “rules” when I don’t think there are generally rules against eating or smoking while driving.

flo's avatar

@Zaku I just Googled “smoking while driving laws”
smoking while driving uk law
smoking while driving law
smoking while driving law india
smoking while driving law delhi
no smoking while driving law
oregon smoking while driving law
smoking cigarettes while driving law california
new law on smoking while driving
washington state law smoking while driving

flo's avatar

….and @Patty_Melt “I’m not sure whether smoking is prohibited,...”

Zaku's avatar

Oh, interesting. I learned to drive a while ago, and I see those laws seem to be relatively recent in the cases I checked. Good thing I never smoke, anywhere.

flo's avatar

Ok. You could be the victim of a smoker while driving who drops it on his/her lap, ...

Zaku's avatar

I am 100% opposed to smoking in cars, mostly because I find it sickening, even years after the smokers have left the car.

However I am also disgusted by people trying to address minor safety considerations by illegalizing behavior in a misguided and impossible attempt to control all risk factors.

If your population is so &%#$@ stupid and irresponsible that they’re crashing and not wearing seatbelts etc in significant numbers, then making entire activities illegal and punishable by being detected, intercepted and fined by police seems to me like it’s going to be both ineffective and a terribly wrong-minded kind of approach to use.

It seems to me the main problem in the USA is maleducation and backwards authoritarian thinking. Arrghh!

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