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mazingerz88's avatar

What are some of your great memories of fluthering?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) February 4th, 2020

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18 Answers

Jons_Blond's avatar

Witnessing Gary’s marriage proposal.

Kardamom's avatar

Talking to Auggie.

jca2's avatar

The Yarn Pocalypse.

PM’ing with Augie about stuff.

rebbel's avatar

Correspondence with Gail (amongst others) about the English language.

Coolhandluke's avatar

I’ve not been here that long but I’d say talking to Knowitall and Lucille. They’re two strong minded sweet ladies.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Making real life friends. Helping someone who was suicidal decide to live one more day.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Coolhandluke -Aw, go on! :)
Mine usually involve laughing or music.

ucme's avatar

My first days here, gosh they were intense & rip roaringly funny.
So satisfying to get the better of unruly locals…what what!

Patty_Melt's avatar

TJBM has basically died, but it used to be fun. It was a great way for me to gauge the mood of various jellies each day.

Ibstubro was a great asker. He had a knack for bringing unusual topics for discussion and developing the thread so that fresh thoughts came out.

Night banter in the chatroom with Mimi, Trails, loli, and whichever other jellies joined in.


Learning where the best laundry in the world can be found.

Making a couple of good friendships I hope will last.


rebbel's avatar

I’m not dead, not even basically.

TJBM loves banana shakes.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Peanut butter banana shakes!
TJBM is a threadjacker and will skew a whole new direction.

Patty_Melt's avatar

banana shakes, or shake a banana?

jca2's avatar

I have made some friends here that I suspect I will be friends with until the day I die. There are some I would be very happy to meet and I think I might meet them one day.

JLeslie's avatar

When I first joined there were some jellies who were incredibly interesting. Some of them would fight, but it was funny. Not mean, but they debated hard.

Some of those incredibly interesting and knowledgeable jellies are still here, but most aren’t.

I’ve made some friends here, which is really nice. Friends who I would keep in touch with even if fluther disappeared.

I used to like talking with auggie too. We sometimes talked about our school days, you might remember we knew each other from high school. She also would edit answers once in a blue moon if you needed an edit. She was way more flexible than the mods post auggie.

longgone's avatar

I like to remember how very welcome I felt when I first got here. I felt included. In particular, I remember some oldtimers welcoming me with sweet PMs and kind advice. So many jellies seem to share a lovely combination of genuine kindness and intense wit. I’m in awe, and I learned so much from all of you.

@JLeslie “She also would edit answers once in a blue moon if you needed an edit. She was way more flexible than the mods post auggie.”

I’m surprised. We don’t get a ton of requests for this, but when we do our answer is almost always a simple “yes”. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had bad experiences, and I wanted to make this point clear so as not to discourage anyone else from asking. In fact, I can’t remember ever denying an edit. We’d need a very good reason to do that.

JLeslie's avatar

@longgone Good to know. I think I asked for an edit on an answer way back and was told it’s not possible, and I just let it go. It’s so rare I would ask anyway, but sometimes an answer really would be better if it could be neatened up a little.

Mimishu1995's avatar

My memory is similar to @Patty_Melt with the TJBM and the chat. I also remember the April Fool party we all had that I haven’t seen anyone mentioned :)

There is also my memory with EC and Adi too. Adi was the major force for me to break up a long relationship with a toxic friend.

This site has been a safe haven for me. It has helped me so much with my growth. I never thought I would build a strong support system anywhere, let alone the Internet.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Good times with @jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities and the @Astrochuck profile pic invasion that preceded Yarnpocolypse.

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