What’s your opinion on Romney’s comments and decision in the Trump impeachment?
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39 Answers
Courage. It was a great speech he gave.
I bet this turns into a really productive conversation rather than just another chance for everyone to line up on their side. ~
Good to see that at least one Republican has a spine.
Some of the things the Democrats were saying about Romney. that he is a racist and sexist, when he was running against Obama, well, I think he enjoys the positive limelight from the democrats and media. He has always wanted to make an image for himself. But he has committed political suicide, and the democrats will have no use for him after the republicans dump him, and they’ll go back to calling him a racist, sexist, and opportunist.
To his credit, he has made a name for himself—the one name on the list who supported the most partisian blunder in U.S. political history.
Upchuck Shumer just said something about an ass to risk. I guess Romney risked his ass and lost
Romney is a man, a human being compared to trump who is lower than scum.
No, most took issue with his vulture capitalism.
What I find amusing is that there is a #recallromney twitter hashtag flying around. People who should actually know better are throwing that around when there is literally no mechanism in the Constitution for recalling a sitting Congressman. But I’m guessing most people haven’t actually read, let alone bothered to understand the Constitution.
I have policy differences with Romney—I liked him better when he was Governor. But I have always respected him.
He voted guilty on only the first article of impeachment. He voted not guilty on the second article of impeachment. I think he wimped out.
@Caravanfan I don’t know about you personally other than what you say. But when Romney was running for president, we heard the same things about him that the left is now saying about Trump—that he was a racist, sexist, homophobe, plus a Mormon religious zealot. His record of hiring women was actually used against him somehow. Go figure.
YOU may have liked him as governor, but there was not a kind word about him from the Left when he was running against Obama. He was the one to reinstitute slavery and oppress women and execute gays. And a lot of people were afraid to vote for him.
When Trump was nominated, none of us were fooled a second time. But I think he’d side with anyone who gives him the spotlight.
@Yellowdog Please provide a link where someone (reputable) on the left said that he was going to reinstitute slavery, oppress women and execute gays.
Courage, he will be witch hunted by ole orange hair now till the ends of the earth, and Trump will waste no time at getting his base to hate Romney .
The only people who like Romney are Democrats who found him temporarily useful.
See what I mean I give you our first hater^^^^^^^^^.
It’s that kind of stuff that lost him a presidential election.
He lost because he was deemed elitist and aloof, with nothing in common with the working class. Trump beguiled said class through the signature trait underpinning himself and his fans— crass stupidity and crude ignorance—no elitist he!
I’d bet he has garnered a lot more respect than people might be willing to admit now. I, myself, have a whole new respect for the guy.
Sorry. I thought you were talking about the devil.
“I feel your pain. I’m unemployed too.” said the man with a personal net worth in the hundreds of millions to a group of out-of-work laborers.
This, @Yellowdog, is the kind of tone deaf, out-of-touch bullshit that made Mitt Romney unpopular with voters. Not his laughable “binders full of women” remark (lol-inducing as it was) or anything of the sort. He came across like Marie Antoinette saying “let them eat cake” when informed that the people have no bread.
I doubt it. His own ties to Burisma Holdings might be why he didn’t want any investigation into Ukraine or the Bidens.
Got a link to that? I did a Web search and all I could find was that an aide in Romeny’s 2012 presidential campaign has ties to Burisma. Who cares?
And that was, what, 5 years before that aide even joined the Burisma board.
So, lets see…
In 2012 through 2016, Romney was a racist, fascist, homophobe, religious kook, every time he opened his mouth he embarrassed us, The World’s Fair was supposed to have been held in Salt Lake City but because of Romney’s ineptness it was moved to London, and Romney had a lot to say about that, insulting the British. Romney tied an Irish Setter with puppies to the top of his car on a road trip, and never paid any of his taxes, How many of these things were true, I do not know. But he was laughed out of his campaign by the evening news, entertainment, and political left.
But now, he’s a valiant hero and has shown real character, since he has parroted Schitt, Nadler, and Pelosi.
And yet you voted for him in2012 now you think he is an idiot.
My how things change ,Trump seems to be all those things you said Romney is and you just love him, how come??
No, I did not vote for Romney. I was a Huckabee and then a Santorum supporter in 2012, and actually an Obama supporter in 2008. I thought Obama might actually bring us together and fulfill the long sought dream of harmony and peace, using the vision of millennials,
Though Romney was a from a conservative state, he started out kind of liberal and I always assumed he was just representing his state by acting conservative.
I don’t know what you’re rambling about, but the World’s Fair hasn’t been held in London since 1862.
Maybe it was the Olympics I’m thinking of.
Maybe, but in that case of the 9 cities that bid for the 2012 Olympics Salt Lake City was not among them (London, New York, Havana, Leipzig, Moscow, Rio de Janeiro, Istanbul, Paris and Madrid). There’s also the pesky little fact that Salt Lake City did host the Olympic games not more than a decade before that.
The point is that for whatever reason Democrats OR Republicans care to fault Romney —the gulf between him and that turd when it comes to either intellect or integrity is beyond measure. For whatever reason you care to name, he has distinguished himself in the history of both his party and his country as the single individual in that party willing to acknowledge the difference between right and wrong, regardless of consequences. There ARE decent individuals on the Republican side of the aisle in the Senate. Romney shamed them all and every one of them knows it. It was a simple act of extraordinary courage and self sacrifice in an arena where craven self interest takes priority over all. It was a lesson for your children and mine and the exact opposite of the tutoring they receive from our Commander in Chief.
There was nothing about Romney from his pre-2012 campaign days until comparatively recent times that you weren’t still saying about George Bush and Sarah Palin and are still saying about Trump.
I remember well the lies, the laughter, news reports that Romney never paid his taxes, and all the ridicule on the talk shows and from news anchors. Seeing Trump triumph over even worse treatment probably effected him.
Romney could not take the defamation, libel, slander, insults, and ridicule even at a time he had a good chance of winning.
Having failed, Romney wants to destroy someone who accomplished what he himself promised but failed to deliver, or had no such opportunity, and enjoy his moment in the limelight and the glory from the left and Hollywood and the D.C. Beltway, which is probably what he wanted all along, and did so at the expense and wishes of those who supported and paid him to represent them in the Senate.
Besides that, I’m suspicious of why he doesn’t want the Ukraine and Burisma Holdngs and the Bidens looked into—which seems to be his greatest concern these past six months, and the reason for half his vote.
I really do wonder about you. You miss some basic points about Romney in that analysis, beginning with the fact that Romney unlike the turd IS actually worth a quarter billion dollars and IS a SUCCESSFUL
businessman who decided that politics was not worthy of sullying his principles regardless of his ambitions. Trump has no principles beyond self aggrandizement, and as such is not even on the same page as Romney, Bush, nor even Palin who next to the fool is rarified genius and a tribute to decency.
If Trump lost the election and Romney later won, and Trump lied to the Senate about Romney, you’d be lauding Trump as so many on Wall Street and in the media did before he ran on the Conservative ticket.
Romney still pretends to be a conservative, which you still loathe, but does not want Burisma looked into for unguessable but dubious reasons. And, maybe he wants the praise and limelight from the glamour of the Hollywood and D.C. self-proclaimed elites
Do you not understand that one can appreciate a single act by a person while still finding not much to like about that person overall? You seem to have this odd, unrealistic, polar thinking where it’s ether one extreme or the other, oblivious to the thousands of miles of ground between those two poles.
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