General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is there a difference in meaning between "okey-dokey" and "okey-doke"?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33708points) February 5th, 2020

One friend pronounces it Okey-Doke (ending OAK like the tree).

Another says “Okey Dokey (with the KEY sound).

Both are southerners and have been for generations.

Is there a meaningful semantic difference?

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10 Answers

Patty_Melt's avatar

So far as I know, the only difference is maybe mood. Sometimes dokey is more playful or agreeable, with doke being somewhat dismissive.

Caravanfan's avatar

I generally go with a strraight “k”

KNOWITALL's avatar

No difference to me. Okey Dokey Pokey Artichokie.

Kardamom's avatar

They mean the same thing. Kind of like “yeah” and “yep”.

si3tech's avatar

Okie Dokie Smokie

janbb's avatar

Nopey nope

si3tech's avatar

One fellow said Okle Dokle

nannie64's avatar

Same thing. I am from south, so its okie dokie.

PaisleyFaye's avatar

Okie-dokie just sounds lil more upbeat to me, haha never heard anyone say it any other way, lately when I hear it, I imagine Ned Flanders saying it his way.. Okily Dokily..

SEKA's avatar

Not in my world. Okey dokey is more playful where okey doke is more serious; but in the end, they mean the same thing with a bit different attitude

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