Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

When did “yep” become “yup”?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) February 5th, 2020 from iPhone

I now see “yup” in place of “yep”. Yep is short for “yeah”. Not sure why it got changed.

Same with the term “num-num” which is mostly written as “nom-nom” now. I had always thought that num-num was a slightly different take on nummy-nummy, which was a different take on “yummy”.


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20 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

It’s always been yup for me.

josie's avatar

It used to be yep.
But the Russians can’t pronounce yep, so they talked Donald Trump into using yup in order to influence the public. And it worked!
If you listen real closely, Trump says yup instead of yep.

Kardamom's avatar

I never saw the spelling “yup” until about 3 years ago.

JLeslie's avatar

I just read the entire original post. I had to LOL a little. Yep is short for yeah? Don’t you mean short for yes? Yeah is slang for yes already.

Demosthenes's avatar

Dunno. Young people, I guess. I started seeing “nom” become more popular through the internet, particularly with images of animals eating.

josie's avatar

Three years ago. Do the math…

JLeslie's avatar

This is like Frikkin’ and freakin’.

Prank and crank.

I think it’s parts of the country. Maybe now that we see so much written slang on Facebook we become more aware of how others write, or even pronounce these things.

I still shake my head that so many people right yeah instead of yay when they are celebrating something. They didn’t learn to read and write phonetically I guess.

si3tech's avatar

Don’t know when. I use both.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

We’re becoming a world of writing and it’s simply evolving to sound more like the speaking version of the language.

Sagacious's avatar

It didn’t. They both have always been around.

ucme's avatar

When all the dyslexic dogs took over the pound.

rebbel's avatar

Young Urban Professional, is what YUP used to be (around here).

I use them interchangeably.
Yep, when I want to acknowledge in a enthusiastic manner.
Yup, when I intend it to be a short, less enthusiastic one.

kritiper's avatar

Both show up in 1891 according to Webster’s. Might matter if you’re from the North or South, East or West.
I never say “yep” or “yup”” just “yeah” and “yes.”

JLeslie's avatar

I just realized I used to hear yep-pers. Almost said like two separate words.

zenvelo's avatar

My girlfriend (and all her siblings) uses “yeap”.

janbb's avatar

I’ve always seen both.

jca2's avatar

I say “yup” or “yeppers.”

Zaku's avatar

Yep did not become yup. Yep remains yep. What people around you tend to do is just what they’re doing.

To me, “num num” is a Star Wars character and someone using it to mean “yum yum” isn’t something I’d understand.

“Nom nom” I think means “sound effects” for eating something, not the same as “yum yum”.

“Yum yum” is just “yum” said twice.

JLeslie's avatar

Lol. A friend of mine just wrote yeppers on a status of mine.

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