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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How much dental knowledge does a Medical Doctor or Psychiatrist have?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25194points) February 6th, 2020

Do they have any overlap with a dentist training?

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31 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Not that I I’m aware of, except going to the dentist.

But taking care of your mouth and teeth is important for general health

elbanditoroso's avatar

A psychiatrist deals with mental problems not dental problems.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso But both have a common core. When in med school.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso Sorry I mean the M.D. and the psychiatrist have a common core.

zenvelo's avatar

MDs get very little exposure to dental problems. It was even a topic a few months ago on the Sawbones podcast, about the history of the split between dentistry and medical school.

It’s a pity, because there are connections from inflammations caused by dental problems that exacerbate medical issues such as heart disease.

Nuggetmunch's avatar

Zero. Only trust a specialist in the field.

Yellowdog's avatar

As for the psychiatrist and the dentist, the difference is about like the difference between M and D. One is Mental, the other is Dental. Except for the difference in M and D they are about the same

And speaking of M and D, an M.D. is a medical doctor. They are usually general practicianers whereas the psychiatrist and dentist are specialists.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Probably enough to tell you to go see a dentist.

JLeslie's avatar

Almost nothing. They would know things like a dental infection can kill you maybe. Even that they might be stupid about. Dentists notoriously under treat dental infections, I found this out a few years ago, long story, and it seems ER doctors too often see severe and dangerous dental infections that were treated inadequately. Even then the ER MD would need an oral surgeon to do any work above and beyond the antibiotics.

Psychiatrists and the average MD certainly couldn’t treat a typical dental problem, or know if you even need to treat a dental problem. Where I live they tell 90% of the people they need a crown. It’s a money making racket. My guess is an MD wouldn’t know one way or the other if it was necessary or not by an X-ray.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’m sure they have a general familiarity with the anatomy, and certain tissues/systems will more-or-less work the same as the rest of the body. For example, bleeding/clotting are going to behave more-or-less the same in the mouth as the rest of the body. Nerve cells would be similar, as would bones. So there is that common core of how human biology works.

SEKA's avatar

I could be wrong, but I don’t think that either has to have any. On the other side, I think dental students are required to learn some of the sciences included in medical school. In other words, I think that the courses involved in the initial courses are in the sciences. Then when the time comes to decide whether to go dental or medical, the courses split into a more specialized knowledge for your choice of dental or medical. Psychiatry is a study of the brain and should be completely different from dental

Logically speaking, if doctors understood dentistry, I’d think that we’d see a lot more practices that included both Since we don’t, I assume they can’t

Darth_Algar's avatar

They don’t. Sure, they’ll probably possess some generalized knowledge, but if you go to your doctor for a dental problem he’s going to tell you to see a dentist. Doctors won’t treat issues that are outside their realm of practice.

Caravanfan's avatar

very little

MrGrimm888's avatar

@gorillapaws . Nailed it. You can’t become a doctor, without taking anatomy and physiology. At least the basics…

So. Although I am unfamiliar, with psychologist degrees, I would say that they had to take a A/P.

I mastered, in a medical field. I had to take multiple A/P classes…And all of the labs….

A medical doctor, would/should have a basic understanding of dental care…

Caravanfan's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Not really. We know to tell people to brush their teeth and floss. But we know nothing about filling cavities or anythning like that.

elbanditoroso's avatar

General knowledge, yes. But I don’t want a dentist to fix my broken arm, any more than I want a physician to install a crown.

kritiper's avatar

Not that much. A person has to go on to Dental school to learn all of the tricks of Dentistry.
The same is true of doctors in general. They aren’t experts in proctology but they’ll give you advice on the subject that the proctologist will squelch.

flo's avatar

I guess a general practioner would know more than a psychiatrist.

Caravanfan's avatar

@flo Not much. A little. Much more if they do oversesas 3rd world work.

flo's avatar

@Caravanfan Why would you think that?

JLeslie's avatar

A psychiatrist goes through medical school like any other doctor before specializing.

Caravanfan's avatar

@flo Because I’m a general practitioner.

flo's avatar

But the day to day experience of a medical doctor, (the physical) versus the day to day experience of a psychiatirst.

SEKA's avatar

^ Better man than I am

flo's avatar

@SEKA Do you mean it’s hard to admit….when it’s applicaple?

SEKA's avatar

No, I mean that I admire @Caravanfan for reasons that he can understand

Caravanfan's avatar

@SEKA LOL Thanks. I’m good.

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