General Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Is Trump out of the hot seat or not?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30076points) February 7th, 2020

With the Federal court ruling against the emoluments suit by Democrats in Trumps favor, as well as his acquittal, is Trump finally out of the hot seat?

Is it over? Will Democrats continue pursuing other avenues to prevent him running this year?

As a taxpayer, are you willing to continue funding these endeavors rather than spending the money on other things?

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103 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Would conservatives care about cost if they were pursuing a democrat they wanted to fry??

Jons_Blond's avatar

As a tax payer, are you willing to continue funding Trump’s golf outings?

ragingloli's avatar

Funny, you never complained about the cost when it came to the approximately 5 million fruitless investigations into Hillary’s Benghazi.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He is out of one hot set, but he was going to be acquitted anyway.

He is still susceptible to the rape/assault lawsuit, the tax lawsuit, the emoluments lawsuit, and several others.

SO, no, he is not out of the woods.

And I completely agree with @ragingloli that the republican’s fixation with Hillary, continuing to this day, was far worse than Trump’s escape.

josie's avatar

Of course not. He’s too much of a threat to the established order.
In my opinion, the Presidency is going to be a hot seat for anybody, of any political stripe, who occupies the office for the next half a generation. If not more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I don’t speak for all conservatives, so I wouldn’t know.

@Jonsblond No, not really.
Bill Clinton has received the most benefits — $21 million — since 2000. Clinton has an estimated personal net worth of more than $70 million. When calculated by year, Barack Obama has collected the most — $1.4 million per year — followed by George W. Bush at $1.2 million per year. Both men are also worth millions.

@ragingloli Well no one asks me before they do those things.

@elbanditoroso Emoluments was dismissed today.

@josie Isn’t that the truth! Agreed.

zenvelo's avatar

He wasn’t ever in a hot seat. Mitch McConnell was there to cool things off before Trump ever got near.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo I wondered about that actually. Trump seemed to be so nonchalant the whole time. Either he’s got nerves of steel, truly doesn’t care (which I don’t believe), or he’s received reassurance from fairly high up or trusted advisors.

janbb's avatar

While there are children in cages without their parents and public lands being sold to mining companies, he will not be out of the hot seat in my book. After all, I’m pro-life.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He definitely doesn’t have nerves of steel look how he looses it when any one mocks him.
He is still going on and on about the Bidens,like you got away with it let it go but not Trump.

ucme's avatar

The path is clear for a mostly unchallenged second term.
I don’t pay taxes in your country & as such I can sit back & relax lol

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb So killing babies good, killing trees not good? Am I misunderstanding you?

janbb's avatar

^^ You’re the only person here talking about killing babies. I’m talking about not killing them after they’re born.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@janbb You brought up being Pro-Life. I simply asked for clarification as it was an odd statement, since children are in detention centers by their parents choice,and are not facing a life or death issue, unless they’re ill.

ragingloli's avatar

detention centers *concentration camps
Call them what they are.

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump is the most divisive president that I have seen. People seem to either love him or hate him. He has been talking about lowering Social Security and Medicaid after the next election. I am surprised by how little reaction there has been to this.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LostInParadise The spin lately is just incredible to see from a journalism point of view.

“He’s not cutting Medicare in this budget,” Russell Vought, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, said at a White House press briefing Monday. “What we are doing is putting forward reforms that lower drug prices, that, because Medicare pays a very large share of drug prices in this country, has the impact of finding savings. We are also fighting waste, fraud, and abuse.”

Obama also implemented similar cuts to Medicare through his signature healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare.” That law cut $716 billion from Medicare by cutting hospital and doctor payments and by reducing spending on Medicare Advantage, the private health insurance option for Medicare. Both spending cuts were meant to pay for other parts of the healthcare law.

Still, several Democrats and their supporters seized on the information shortly after the budget became public.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Nope! Mueller and the acquittal on this his first impeachment are but opening stages in what is to come. Look at his record. At what point in the past 3 years has he been out of the hot seat? There are currently close to 40 investigations of the dummy and his machinations underway in this country alone. And his bank fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion propensities have made him the target of investigation for virtually every nation on the planet with a functioning bank. The revelations raining down from these inquiries are going to keep our fool dancing like nobody’s business. Giuliani is the 7th or 8th lawyer in Trump’s parade of lawyers that will be rewarded with a prison sentence as a bonus for the honor, while the hookup with Parnas has explosively reopened the Russian collusion can of worms. Meanwhile, the courts continue to frown on the slimeball’s efforts to thwart the myriad probes into his inventory of irregularities. The House, if it chooses can don a blindfold, reach into that inventory and be guaranteed another opportunity to once again embarrass the Senate into the transparent farce of “no it is not a turd”. And the entire show is going to roar on through the height of the election.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly I can smell the desperation, and you’re right that it’s been constant from day one, but it still is not something I’m looking forward to.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think the fact the Dems have been wasting 3 solid years of harassing Trump instead of, oh I don’t know, doing something productive for the country speaks loudly to the question of should we continue funding these silly things. They have spent probably close to $50M in 3 years and have absolutely nothing to show for it except some egg on their face. Why waste any more money? Here’s a novel thought! Why not actually work with Trump and see what we can accomplish?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Serious question:

If there were someone who’s rhetoric, policies and actions were diametrically opposed to your own principals, would you work with that person?

janbb's avatar

@seawulf575 The House has sent over 400 bills to the Senate that Moscow Mitch is sitting so don’t talk about who is and isn’t productive.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have to agree ^^^ there are a crap load of bills sitting on Moscow Mitch’s desk that he has done nothing with some of them go back quite some time so who is doing nothing?

MrGrimm888's avatar

Trump has made a career, out of being on the hot seat…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Now it is revenge for all the people that told the truth!

Wonder if he’ll try to single out and fire all the Democrats and Mitt Romney ?

He is a vile and repugnant, he could play Don Vito Corleone no make-up required.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 you and the rest of Trump’s proponents make the same mistake as the fool himself. The heat on the fool is by no means an exclusively liberal endeavor. To assert the Federal, state and municipal agencies on his ass as liberals or Democrats is not merely delusional stupidity. It is clear and obvious lying and distortion of fact—the other reason why “it is not a turd” grows ever more ridiculous, and the defense has shifted to “it doesn’t matter if it IS a turd”. If nothing else, the spineless acquittal compelled a considerable contingent of that group to admit to the man’s absolute guilt. These soothe what they remember of their integrity with “he just isn’t guilty enough” With this in mind, the proposition that the people are tired and don’t want to know any more about the crook is as laughable as the “wasted money” excuse. All one must do is peek at the indictments and convictions pouring from these inquiries into the turd’s behavior to appreciate an actual working demonstration of “draining the swamp”. You haven’t understood and still don’t understand that the momentum toward Trump’s destruction is both irreversible and irresistible. I don’t worry one bit about his re-election for the simple reason that the sheer weight of criminality and malfeasance defining the man cannot be covered up.

kritiper's avatar

Not by a longshot! In fact, it looks like he is stirring the fire and creating a blast furnace!

JLeslie's avatar

It’s not over. Many Democrats fear for the country’s well being and people’s lives.

They feel it’s a moral obligation to go after Trump.

The political shows thrive on going after politicians. The American audience eats it up. As long as there is money in it, these cable stations will continue, which just encourages the fear on both sides. Even Pelosi in her weekly address to the press this past week accused the journalists of never reporting when the House and White House work together and get things passed. This was in the middle of her stating how disgusted she was with the President’s State of the Union address, and that it was packed with lies, she still wants the public to know that it everything is combative between the branches of government.

Pinguidchance's avatar

No, but given that approximately half of all Americans voted for Trump and the party he represents all I rhetorically want to ask from a considerable distance is how do you sleep

Jons_Blond's avatar

^Half of the voters, not half of all Americans. Please don’t give Trump that much credit.

Sagacious's avatar

The pathetic House will announce some other phony investigation just any day now. There is incentive to which we are privy exactly. There is a lot to be paying attention to. I hope the people here are doing that. Start with the New Way Forward Act.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar Serious Answer: Yes. If it was my job, I would work with them. I have worked with people before when we had diametrically opposed views on a problem. We managed, like adults, to work through the issues. It’s called dialogue. It’s called doing your job. Now, serious question for you: Wouldn’t/Shouldn’t you expect more out of our elected officials than the crap we have gotten for the past few decades?

seawulf575's avatar

@janbb Got a list of them? I know of a few that were sent over knowing that they were not acceptable to the Repubs. They were sent over for just this conversation….political fodder to be able to say “Look! we have been doing things but the Republicans are not advancing them!”. But if you have a list, I would be happy to look it over.

LostInParadise's avatar

@KNOWITALL , This article talks about cutting disability paments under Social Security. So the cuts would not be for everyone, just the most needy.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LostInParadise That was 2017. I read about the 2020 budget but thanks.

kritiper's avatar

Trump cannot be “out of the hot seat” when he IS the hot seat! The source of combustion!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jca2 Opinion piece? I posted above from the Director of the Budget, direct quotes. But of course you are free to choose your truth, I just won’t debate opinion. Everybody has one.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Also, as I originally asked, don’t you feel taking millions from taxpayers to pursue further legal actions takes money from the people you are supposedly fighting for? Could Medicare, Social Security or even the Immigration holds use another 45 million instead of feeding the DC machine?

Demosthenes's avatar

As a taxpayer and voter, I’d prefer to focus my effort on voting Trump out of office, so should any Democrat (I’m not a Democrat, but I don’t like Trump/Trumpism). But Trump will not be out of a hot seat whether his term ends next year or continues for another four years and I’m concerned about the precedent this sets: is every president going to be “pursued” in this way or is this unique to Trump? Can’t say yet.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think you are viewing this from the wrong perspective. You should not buy into the turd defender argument that he is being picked on unfairly because he is persecuted beyond the extent of his predecessors. That is the vacuous argument that must be countered at every turn, and we must be grateful to Wulfie as our foil here to furnish the opportunity. His retort to every Trumpism— Obama did it too or Biden did it too or Hillary did it too why pick on Trump?—must be whack-a-moled every time he brings such nonsense to the fore. Put simply, Trump is under extraordinary prosecutorial pressure because he is an extraordinary criminal. And it is the ways in which he is extraordinary that threaten the shit out of every thing you or I believe decent or good. To put it bluntly, from my perspective Trump must be crushed because the evil he represents is so shamefully obvious. It is crime virtually IN THE OPEN, and it is crime without INTELLECT. Trump is the test of whether or not justice might prevail against STUPID criminals. THAT is how serious this is. It is as though he were sent here to test US on just how much he can get away with.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m not simply talking about differing opinions, I’m talking about policies fundamentally opposite your own principals. Would you work with that person in implementing those policies? Or do you draw a line somewhere? I assume you have your principals, so do you breach them because “it’s your job”, or do you at some point stand up and say “no, I will not do that”?

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar Two people will disagree at some time….always. They may find they agree on some things and will disagree on others. 532 people are likely to NEVER agree on anything. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have dialogue. If you believe that spending on entitlements is better than spending on infrastructure (just an example), you need to have that discussion. List the pros and cons. Eventually you can have at least an understanding of what each party is viewing as important. And guess what? You will never get things all your way. To fight to the death for every aspect of your view is maniacal. And to be honest, we haven’t even gotten that out of our federal government for the past 3 years. It has been a personal, self-serving battle. Adults can understand they won’t always get things their own way and can buy into opposing view points or compromises once in a while. I don’t expect anyone to just roll over…that’s not how it works. But I also don’t expect either party to entirely ignore the other. And that is where we are and have been for the past couple decades and it is getting worse, not better.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Neither party completely ignores the other. And yes, they do work together, as plenty of passed bills will attest to. That doesn’t get mentioned much, since it doesn’t really work with the cable news narrative. There are, nevertheless, some things on which there can be no compromise.

You (not you personally, necessarily, but “you” in the general sense) want to talk about infrastructure? Great! I’m all ears and consider that one of the most pressing issues facing this nation. During the 2016 campaign that was one area where I generally agreed with Donald Trump on. However, three years in to his term, during two of which his party controlled both chambers of Congress as well, and we’ve seen no real infrastructure proposal.

You want to talk about entitlement programs? Fine. Again, I’m all ears. There are always ways the machinery can be made leaner, more efficient. However, I will not acquiesce or agree to anything that takes one single dollar from the elderly and disabled (like in @LostInParadise‘s posting above). I will not agree to anything that makes the most vulnerable in our society even more vulnerable. This, for me, is one of those things in which there can be no compromise. It is not a matter of simple political opinion, but rather a matter of moral principal for me.

seawulf575's avatar

See? We aren’t so far apart!

SEKA's avatar

No, he’s not out of the hot seat, but he’s also not safe.Many of my honest rep friends are fed up with his BS and beginning to say so publicly. I’ve also noticed that once the convo starts that there are others who have been afraid to voice their concerns. Just like I felt it stupid for the dems to think Hillary couldn’t lose, I find it crazy for the reps to feel that trump can’t lose. He might not, but he can because it’s not impossible

Darth_Algar's avatar


So where is your line-in-the-sand? What is one thing that you would not compromise on?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar “I will not agree to anything that makes the most vulnerable in our society even more vulnerable.”

Like making poor people who can’t afford insurance pay a penalty for not having it?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL BUT taking poor people off food stamps is fine??
Making people pay for affordable health care is bad, but starving them is fine?

Darth_Algar's avatar


Nice attempt, but I’m not taking the bait. Go fish elsewhere.

Jons_Blond's avatar

@Knowitall Poor people didn’t have to pay the penalty. I know because I was one of those working poor without insurance at the time. The middle class and on up had to pay, not the poor.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

@KNOWITALL or dying from Cancer because they didn’t have insurance or having their family go into bankruptcy.
Know of two families that survived Cancer, were working poor they were covered for hospital and didn’t get a penalty !

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar I have a real hard time with separate legal systems for rich and poor (or whatever separation you want to make). I have a hard time with using lies to try selling an idea. I have a hard time using one set of standards for one group of people and ignoring the violations of those standards in others. I have an overdeveloped sense of fairness…I think it’s the Libra in me. If you ever notice, when there is a discussion going on, I frequently cite similar circumstances as a reference point of how it was dealt with before. The goal there is, of course, to maintain equilibrium and fairness. The examples are myriad.

So those are probably lines in the sand for me. If you put me in a situation like Congress, I would be willing to listen to opposing or different viewpoints. I would work to understand their goals or their fears. And would expect them to understand mine. It’s how adults do it. What we get from our current crop of “leaders” is nothing resembling adults trying to serve the country.

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seawulf575's avatar

One other aspect about me that seems to be consistent is that I want to see the facts. I don’t like story time, I don’t like lies, I REALLY don’t like half-truths. Give me the facts. The alternative is to get to where we are in this country right now. Bullshit goes out, gets reacted to, and more bullshit results. To which more reactions occur and even more bullshit results. You don’t fix problems by pushing lies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Back to the question at hand. If anything is certain, any review of Trump’s record predicts that he will NEVER be off or out of the “hot seat”. There is enough dirt on the man to assure that he be investigated, sued, prosecuted, etc. for the remainder of his life. Indeed, his death will not deter the effort toward untangling the sordid extent of sleazy machinations woven by his tentacles

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I think you are confusing Democrat politics with Trump dirt. Take a look at both the Mueller investigation AND the impeachment. In both cases, they had false claims used to open investigations to see if they could find a crime. I’m not going to tell you Trump walks on water or anything like that. But he is certainly not as dirty as you like to believe. How about this: wait for an actual crime before trying to punish him. So far the other way around has made the Dems look foolish.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@seawulf575 I would like to know ,how do we know Trump handed over the real transcript, and not a doctored one that made him all innocent??
If the media is all lies how do we know Trump is telling the truth?

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf Suppose you are absolutely correct and he is not as dirty as I believe. Do you believe Trump will not be under investigation or prosecution for what remains of his life? The current Stone episode has the turd at the gate of his 2nd impeachment as we speak. What is going to change regarding Stinky’s proclivity to draw fire? And beyond his assured certainty for future fkups and criminality, he has already banked enough egregiously questionable episodes to guarantee his investigation and probable prosecution for decades to come.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@stanleybmanly When you are President forever all is good 2024….2028…2032…2030. Right from his tweets !

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 because he would be a complete fool to have handed over a doctored transcript. The transcripts are generated by a consensus of three different people that listen to the phone call at the time it is happening and write it down. This ensures they get as accurate a representation as can be gotten without recording. Recording is not done for security and diplomatic reasons. Their transcript is then sent into a chain of command for review and approval and it is then logged in as a record.
For Trump to have “faked” it, he would have to have all those writing the transcripts as well as all those in the review cycle and President Zelenskyy and all his entourage AND the translators all in on it. Not to mention, the whole thing was brought up as an issue months after the actual phone call. So for Trump to have “faked” it, he would have to have re-written the entire thing and substituted it in the records without anyone knowing as well as having everyone going along with it. And all this would had to have happened within about a week. Given all that, do you really believe it would even be possible to do? I don’t.
The liberal media was reporting exactly what the whistleblower said happened as if it were the truth and they refused to change that story even after the transcript was released. The WB stated in his complaint that he had no first hand knowledge. So, given a complaint that the WB says may not be factual and a transcript that would be almost (if not completely) impossible to fake and having the two contradict each other, why would you continue to try pushing the one that is likely not accurate?

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly you are a true dyed-in-the-wool zealot. “The current Stone episode” has nothing to do with Trump. Barr took it on himself to step in. And he is allowed to do that. He has stated it publicly and has stated that Trump has never asked him to step in on a criminal case. Think about it…why would Trump go through some weird gyrations to get Stone’s sentence reduced when he could easily and legally just pardon him? I know…you can’t accept logic because it keeps contradicting those hate-filled thoughts you have.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 don’t worry Trump and the GOP is going to GUT the sciences including NASA and CDC and anything that could show he is an unbalanced and emotional thirteen year old !!..

Money to be spent on the phallic symbol along the Southern border (all those brown skinned nasty people might come in) build that WALL. SMH

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 Zealotry is preferable to denial. And if you believe that Trump is isolated from Barr’s actions, you are beyond delusional. And if you believe either of them will not be on the “hot seat” for it, you are clearly in denial. Stinky wants Stone’s sentence reduced because Stone knows too much and might not be willing to await a pardon. And there is little point in you EVER pointing to what Trump has to say regarding matters of veracity.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Remember @seawulf575 Government of Putin GOP! oh you know that ! silly me ;>)

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Ummm….one bit of flaw in your logic there, boss. If Stone were going to vent all those evil things he knows too much of, wouldn’t he have done it already, in an effort to ensure he never went to trial or that the trial would be abbreviated by a plea deal that gets him the best outcome? Your supposition is that he went through the trial and sentencing on the “hope” he would be pardoned before having to spend any time in jail. That is truly odd to me.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@seawulf575 ” because he would be a complete fool to have handed over a doctored transcript.”

If there is one thing that Trump has established beyond question by now it’s that he is, indeed, a fool. You may question his guilt or innocence if you wish, but all except his most fervent idolators acknowledge him as a fool.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar Actually, I think you are deluding yourself. You and many others keep saying he is a fool. Yet think about it….he has been attacked, slandered, set up, falsely accused, been sabotaged from within and many other versions of smears and has still not actually had anything stick to him. Yes, he was impeached…I know…impeached forever. But that was a political weapon at best. It SHOULD worry every American that the Dems weaponized it. But he was also acquitted. And his approval rating went up while the Dems’ went down. So who are the fools in this game? The Dems are killing themselves trying to smear him and they don’t even recognize it. The liberal media has lost all credibility and they can’t stop themselves. And Trump continues to gain in popularity and continues to get stuff done despite the obstruction from the Dems. Yeah, I think you are entirely bass ackwards on who the fool is.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Falsely accused my ass! The accusations are by no means over, and if you think the buffoon is in for smooth sailing ahead, I relish the disappointment awaiting both of you.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I’m certain accusations are not over. That is the defining characteristic of the Dems….accuse, accuse, accuse. It doesn’t matter what the facts are or how made up the allegations are. And I’m certain they will continue to be that stupid.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You can’t be serious. Nothing compares in the history of false allegations with the trash from the right. But here’s the difference between what’s going on with dem accusations and those of conservatives. Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, birther bullshit, Steele dossier—all of it empty nonsense. No indictments, no convictions. The windfall of criminals uncovered THUS FAR from Mueller and the impeachment is unprecedented. The total is approaching upwards of 40 individuals, with dozens more in the hopper. I’m afraid it looks really bad for Stinky, because frankly, the dem accusations clearly yield results, that were not duplicated in the 30 year effort by the other side where the accusations were stridently monotonous yet vacuous. The months preceding the coming election are going to be the biggest turd kicking fest you will ever see. And I am heartily looking forward to it.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, gee, let’s review those a bit, shall we? Benghazi…Americans die, no help was given ahead of time when it was asked for and no help came during the attack, Hillary and Obama were both in on those bad decisions, a lie about the cause of the attack was created and spread, continuing weeks after the intelligence community debunked the lie, and it was Obama’s DoJ that refused to look into it. Isn’t that convenient? When your boss screws up all you have to do is ignore the calls for an investigation? And if you don’t investigate, you never have to actually show (or more likely suppress) any facts that could get you into trouble.
Birther. This is an interesting one. The question is whether or not Obama was a US citizen. He claimed to have been born in Hawaii, but really the location of his birth is meaningless since his mother was a US citizen. That alone would have been enough to give him dual citizenship at a minimum. But he put forth a birth certificate that was proven to be a fake. Now, that is not to say that he wasn’t born in HI, but just that the form he presented had been a forgery. But again, no investigation means no one has to be held accountable. Convenient.
Hillary’s emails. This one is particularly fun. Let’s review. Hillary, against all the laws involving classified materials, used an unauthorized personal server to do all her Sect of State work, including handling classified materials. When it became known this was going on, she denied ever having sent any classified materials through her unsecured email account. An investigation was called for and the Obama DoJ at first refused to do so, calling it a witch hunt (sound familiar?). Then they finally did an “investigation” and concluded almost instantly that nothing had been done wrong. Sounds suspicious given the length of time from the start to finish of the investigation. Then another investigation was called for and Hillary was told to hand over all her e-mails. SHE then went through and deleted over 30,000 emails using only herself as the decider as to whether it was necessary or not. Sounds like an attempt to block investigators and destroy evidence. Isn’t that what you would call it if Trump did it? But then it gets even worse. She turns over some of what is left of the emails, claiming all the rest were destroyed by a faulty server. Even in those she turned over, classified materials were found. Then over the next couple months, tens of thousands of more emails were mysteriously found that showed even more classified materials. Heck, classified materials from her were even found on Anthony Weiner’s personal computer. In the end, the FBI (Comey) puts out a statement that while it is true she lost control of classified materials, she didn’t mean to so no actions would be taken against her. This is significant because the law specifically states that if you lose control of classified materials for any reason, even through negligence, you are guilty of breaking that law and it will be punishable by fines and/or jail time for each instance. Intent has no bearing and is specifically addressed in the law. Yet because of that sham statement, she is let off the hook for her gross violations of the law. But again…Obama’s DoJ chose not to punish her and, in fact, opted to let Comey re-write the law.
Steele Dossier. A smear campaign, paid for by Hillary and the DNC, concocted by a British (foreigner) agent, filled with information (or better, disinformation) supplied by Russia, to be used against Donald Trump. Wow. Where to start? Well, let’s start with the idea that you idiots on the left felt Trump was “colluding” with Russia to om the election. Isn’t that a pretty good description of what the Steele Dossier is? A collusion with foreign agents, including Russia, to influence the election? Seems like it was Hillary and the Dems that were colluding. But it gets better! The FBI used this unverified and unverifiable dossier as the basis for FISA warrants to spy not only on Americans, but on opposing political opponents. Even after being told it was suspect, they used it anyway. And yeah, they got some crap on people. But have you been keeping up on the news? The FISA courts have blasted the FBI for lying and misleading on their FISA warrant applications. Some of the warrants they received have now been deemed to have been illegal. So all the information they gathered is now inadmissable. So many of the cases that resulted in indictments are now being revisited or thrown out entirely. Funny how that works. And the real kicker? All this occurred under the Obama administration and likely with his personal knowledge.

So what are the common themes?
(1) Obama’s administration is deeply involved in all of these.
(2) the Obama administration opted to cover up or refused to investigate ALL of these.
(3) they all have the same common denominator…if you don’t investigate, you don’t have to show any wrongdoing.

So while you are trying desperately to smear Trump, you once again open the door for the facts to slap you upside your head.

stanleybmanly's avatar

And where was her or Obama’s impeachment? How many of their lawyers and political operatives are under arrest, on trial sentenced etc. The answer is of course zip, zero, nobody, and the contrast is so embarrassingly lopsided that if you had the sense God gives a goose you would stfu about Dem malfeasance in comparison to Stinky. Again, NOBODY has to smear STINKY. Why defame or slander a whopping big and undisputed turd? Smear is the right word however for what happens to any and all who rub against it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wait WAIT WAIT ! @seawulf575 _
” the Obama administration opted to cover up or refused to investigate ALL of these“_
Didn’t the GOP spend two and a half FREAKING years trying to prove Hillary was in the wrong ?? Nada zip, zero. Don’t complain about a couple of months for orange skin’s impeachment SMH

@seawulf575 It really hasn’t sunk in, orange skin was gangster and thug in NYC, he just moved in the White House; no change in his character or integrity.
As @stanleybmanly keeps saying he a turd of deluxe proportion.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

My god I hope the American voters kick his ass to the curb in 2020, but knowing ole orange hair he will cry rigged, and refuse to go.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t worry fellas, and I don’t think you should either. I am a very cynical person. So I believe the adage “crime doesn’t pay” isn’t true. People get away with criminal acts all the time. But the career criminal is doomed, and if we can’t nail the stupid career criminals, there’s no hope for us. Here we have a President who brags on national television that he can literally get away with murder. Unlike his fans, Trump challenges us with “Yes I’m a turd. But what are you gonna do about it?

stanleybmanly's avatar

There’s another way to view Trump, and I admit it fascinates me. Suppose you wanted to devise a test on just how far from our ideals we might drift. All of us are aware of the undertones of corruption that permeate the background of our existence. That murder on 5th avenue quote along with the grab em by the pussy tirade—those aren’t fantasies— they’re convictions for Trump as certain as the golden rule is to most of the rest of us. As an example, this narcissistic sociopath is impossible to top. You couldn’t find a more certain or unambiguous test of our system’s capacity for sleazy disruption, and the ability of our citizenry to discern ( yet ignore) the obvious. Perhaps I’m not cynical enough. Perhaps the correct answer to “is it a huge turd out in the open?” Is “Yeah, but so what?”

Darth_Algar's avatar


Have you, for example, seen Trump’s Twitter account? Jesus Christ, he holds one of, if not the, most powerful office in the world. He’s responsible for the well-being of a nation of over 300,000,000 people, the largest economy in the world and the most powerful military in the world. Yet he wastes time getting into petty social media bitch fights with D-list celebrities, nursing decades old grudges and whining about about comedians and satirists making jokes about him (something pretty much every other president we’ve had has taken in stride). The man is a goddamned fool.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But the buffoon like aspects take a back seat to the criminal ineptitude overshadowed by the silliness.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Darth_Algar when you talk like that his loyal sheep respond the only way they know how with your nothing but hate, Trump is shallow, ego maniac, blow hard, illiterate, self centred,moral less, loves to mock the less fortunate, but absolutely can’t take it when anyone mocks him, over twitter user, acts like a mob boss, and yet his base still love him one of his sheep here on this site said even if you hate him you still have to vote for him or lose your country, hows that for fear mongering?

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar While I don’t like all of Trump’s tweets, I find them boring and a waste of time, I will say that the liberal media has made them necessary. Without him going directly to where people can see what he has to say, all we would be left with is the Democrats propaganda machine telling us what they want us to know. And it was this format that allowed Trump to bypass this same biased media to get his views to the people and get himself elected as POTUS. Tell you what, when you can get the media to stop being biased, then the tweets will no longer be necessary.

stanleybmanly's avatar

So the only access to the truth must be from the pathologically lying turd or the batshit crazy wing nut conspiracy outlets?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@stanleybmanly of course because everything else is left wing propaganda ,you should know that by now,I mean come on.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Jesus, the mental gymnastics you perform in defense of the Orange Messiah truly are impressive.

seawulf575's avatar

So, it is the opinion of all of you that the liberal media is unbiased? That they fairly report? And you say I have to do mental gymnastics! Once you can admit the media is horribly biased and refused to report fairly, you can get to the point where the rest of reality can creep in. All the rest of the lies will suddenly become glaringly clear.

stanleybmanly's avatar

No. It is my opinion that the near unanimous concurrence of negative news involving the idiot has nothing to with bias. The news is ALWAYS bad because the man is a vindictive and stupid fuckup, plain and simple. The allegation that Trump’s bungling stupidity might be the invention of a biased press insults the intelligence of any and all who hear it. And those stupid enough to accept so ridiculous an excuse are worthy of the despicable turd.

ucme's avatar

If his arse is the same shade as his face, then clearly he’s been perched on the “hot” seat.

Darth_Algar's avatar


No, what I’m saying is that the mean ol’ liberal media isn’t making Trump engage in sophomoric Twitter fights with people like LaVar Ball. The mean ol’ liberal media doesn’t make Trump dredge up old grievances against food critics who gave a less-than-stellar review of his restaurant. The mean ol’ liberal media doesn’t make him spew the inane, childish mouthfarts he posts on social media.

And this isn’t a new thing. Long before his entry into politics, long before Twitter, for as long as he’s been a public figure he’s always presented this vindictive, ill-mannered, ill-humored and immature personality to the world. The man is regarded as a fool not because the liberal media is so unfair, but because he’s spent his entire public life building the reputation of a fool.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Trumps approval ratings are still all in the 80’s (out of 100), for GOP votes.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar I just find it hilarious that he’s such an idiot and so many people still think he’s more worthy of a shot than these Dem candidates.

ragingloli's avatar

Those 80% just confirm what everyone already knows: Republican voters are unthinking, goose-stepping lemmings. And some, I assume, are good people.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Really? Even Germany is starting to see the light on immigration. Having a job and speaking the language as a requirement interests me.

Your laws on abortion even make more sense, 3 day wait, mandatory counseling, and only first trimester. Some of what the Right here is fighting for, is already law there.

ragingloli's avatar

We also have universal healthcare, guaranteed 4 weeks of paid vacation per year, paid parental leave, six weeks of paid sick leave per illness, and glorifying nazis or denying the holocaust is a jailable offence.
But you are not interested in adopting that, are you.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I find it hilarious that you think that’s at all relevant to my point. It’s a real knee-slapper, I tell ya.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar Ah, don’t lash out just because he’s your President and probably will be for another four years.

Darth_Algar's avatar


All you’ve demonstrated with your above link is that Republican voters really are as gullible as people think they are. Now, do you have a tangible point to make here?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Darth_Algar It’s my question, sir. A simple yes or no, and why was sufficient.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Fortunately it won’t be the polls which will determine when or why he is imprisoned. And the race is on full swing to bare out the proof of this prior to election day. We have laws in place which supersede mob stupidity.

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