Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

How long will it take Democrats to denounce actions like this?

Asked by seawulf575 (17291points) February 9th, 2020

Came across This article

Obviously it was politically motivated. I found another description of this incident that included that the alleged perpetrator waved right before flooring it into the tent. He then stopped, flipped everyone off, took a few pictures, and drove off.

I also found this article

of a guy that threatened to assassinate Trump.

How long will it be before any Democratic party leader INCLUDING presidential candidates actually addresses these events and condemns the action? The first story was posted 2/9/20 0533, the second story was on the same day at about 1500 (3 pm to you civilian types)

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74 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

The news is hardly out of the box. Are you seriously suggesting that Democrats instigated the incident? Can you seriously believe that any sane candidate would endorse such behavior? What’s wrong with you? You haven’t allowed time yet for the microphones to be deployed asking for comments. You and I can write those comments virtually verbatim right on the money. We both know the denouncements will be uniform across the spectrum. Surely you can find more interesting rabble to rouse.

ragingloli's avatar

I am pretty sure that none of the democratic candidates will offer to pay their legal fees, unlike your führer.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Ha! Raggie got you there!

elbanditoroso's avatar

I recall that when the Charlotte incident happened and the girl was killed, your president said that “there were good people on both sides”.

So I would think that you would support the same Trumpian thinking with this incident. “There are good democrats who do bad things.” Being a Trump supporter, you must understand that.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I CONDEMN THEIR BEHAVIOR!!!! But other than their behaviour they are fine people.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I sure as hell would NOT vote for the bastard!!!
I find his actions cowardly & criminal. Have the Republicans denounced him yet???

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Don’t cross the thirteen year old dickhead, not only did he fired Vindman, he fired his twin brother and implied he would get the rest of them. Teenage temper tantrum !
When are the GOP wimps going to put on their “big boys” pants, maybe after the get voted out of office in November.

mazingerz88's avatar

What are the chances these guys doing this are trump cultists wanting to make peaceful anti-trump Americans come across as dangerous?

But yes indeed, the beloved impeached reality TV president should never be blamed for anything for he is the very epitome of civility, wisdom, sanity and absolutely devoid of knowledge and expertise in the evil art of pouring gasoline into the fire. He is as pure as pissed on snow!

Demosthenes's avatar

I guess I’m not sure why they should denounce it? Let’s be clear that after Charlottesville, it wasn’t that Republicans in general needed to denounce what happened, it’s that the president, because he is the president (regardless of party), should denounce such things. More is expected of the president in the wake of ideological violence (and yes, I know that Trump denounced the violence, but his choice of wording was poor and equivocating). I don’t expect every Republican, Democrat, Muslim, and Christian to speak out in condemnation every time someone who may or may not be associated with those groups does something crazy. Sometimes the condemnation is a given. (Often they do speak out anyway and it’s ignored by the media and those who prefer to push the narrative of “tacit approval” of extremist actions from the groups they hate).

stanleybmanly's avatar

And the way this usually works is some correspondent will poke a microphone at a celebrity, politician, official, etc. and ask for comment on the event. The victim (of whatever stripe) then gives the standard reply expected from any normal human being, then disappear as quickly as he or she can arrange.

seawulf575's avatar

And the big lie continues to spread! For all of you (@elbanditoroso, @Dutchess_lll and others) that are trying to compare this with Charlottesville, you are right to do so. But what you miss is that Trump DID denounce the bad actors on that event. He specifically denounced the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis AND specifically stated that was not who he was talking about with the phrase “good people on both sides”. But you go ahead and propagate the lie the left created. You make the claims of “fake news” and biased media absolutely true.
Something else I have noticed is that every single one of you has deflected. You haven’t addressed the violence of the acts nor what response the Dems should have. You have all tried to turn this somehow into a Hate Trump issue. Hey @Tropical_Willie: “Whatabout!”
And @stanleybmanly No, I am not suggesting the Democrats “instigated” these specific events directly. However, they have, with the help of their propagandists (the MSM), created a hate-filled attitude towards all things Trump. How many people wearing MAGA hats have been attacked for no other reason? How many attacks have been made by Antifa? And through all these things, the Dems have never ONCE denounced the violence. What was it in the early days of Trump….by any means necessary? Heck, there’s even an organized group called BAMN. Has that ever been denounced?
You all want to nit-pick and lie about Trump and call him violent and hateful, yet you refuse to hold your own darlings to that same standard. Hypocrites, one and all.

Jons_Blond's avatar

How many black people, brown people, gay people and trans people have been attacked for no other reason?

Guess who usually attacks these people… those who support Trump. What does Trump do? He uses his power to suppress and discriminate against these people.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 your bitterness has rendered you as delusional as the poor soul driving the van. Every bit of your bizarre hypothesis beginning with the idea that lies and fabrication might be required to generate resentment of anything as visibly hateful and vicious as the turd king is just plain warped thinking. Democrats are just as appalled at the violence against the poor simpletons in the silly hats as you are, and you know it. Turd worship is every bit as legitimate as any other religion and I defend the right of the fanatical sect to don the vestments emblazoned with the silliness by now commonly understood synonymous with “I am an idiot”. The truth of the man behind this will be out soon enough. Why not wait to hear it before pointing the finger at democrats, the msm or the man in the moon?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@seawulf Actually several Dems encouraged violence.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Name one. And while you’re at it, try to list a Democratic President who encouraged his fans to rough up the opposition in his audience.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It is good to know that

1) @seawulf575 ‘s original question was nothing more than a troll.

2) that he reacted as predicted

SEKA's avatar

@seawulf575 You sound frustrated. I didn’t see you denouncing this nut job’s actions. You are beginning to act like my rep friends who are embarrassed that they voted for the nut job in office. So embarrassed that they feel the need to apologize, but that would also mean admitting that they are wrong. At least my friends are adult enough to admit they had a lapse in judgement rather than throwing tantrums like your illustrious leader

seawulf575's avatar

So what I am gathering here is that absolutely NONE of you on the left feel there is anything wrong with the actions I cited in the original question and would not only not expect Dems to denounce these actions but would probably be upset with them if they did. Got it. That is pretty much what I expected out of this question and was not let down. A Question, though…if you don’t expect this sort of action from the Dems, why do you expect it out of the Repubs or Trump?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Here’s 2020 only.

January 2020
Florida anti-Trump leftist Matthew Ajple was sentenced to 90 days in jail, one year of supervised probation and ordered to pay $155 restitution and court fees after pleading no contest to battery for spitting on a person wearing a MAGA hat and slapping at the hat in October 2019.[586][587]
Leftist Bernie Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek profanely called for gulags and violence against both Trump supporters and more moderate liberals.[588][589][590]
The far-Left began imploding on itself as immature Antifa-associated punks cowardly attacked Democratic Socialist congressional candidate Heidi Sloan by childishly throwing paint and eggs at her during a campaign stop in Austin, Texas.[591] Far-Left news website Incendiary News admitted what happened in two stories posted to its website, but when Sloan subsequently accused members of that website, as well as members of the far-Left groups Red Guards and Defend Our Hoodz, of attacking her, Incendiary News and Defend Our Hoodz both publicly denied any involvement in the attack and refused to say who was involved when asked about the assault by Austin NBC affiliate KXAN-TV.
Rebel News reporter Keean Bexte was violently assaulted without justifiable provocation by gender-confused sexual predator and pedophile Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv.[592][593] Bexte, who had originally been barred from entering the courthouse by its police unit at the behest of Yaniv (who also attempted to make other outrageous demands during his hearing), had been waiting outside of the courthouse and attempted to ask Yaniv about his prohibited weapons charges when he suddenly charged at Bexte. The paranoid and desperate Yaniv then punched Bexte in the head and attempted to steal his microphone before he cowardly fled the scene, then threatened to sic the police (who Yaniv mistakenly thinks is at his beck and call) on Bexte and have him arrested when the latter pursued him toward the street by the courthouse. The RCMP initiated an investigation into Jonathan Yaniv for the violent assault when Bexte, who suffered subsequent bruising and headaches due to the attack,[594] decided to file charges against him in the aftermath.[595] If charged and then convicted for the assault, Yaniv risks facing up to five years in prison. Yaniv was subsequently arrested by the RCMP in Surrey, British Columbia for the assault on Bexte, as well as possible charges for making online death threats against a video blogger during a video conversation and filing a false police report against the blogger, accusing him of what Yaniv himself had actually done.[596]
Yaniv and his mother, who frequently runs interference for him, also attempted to cause trouble for Amy Eileen Hamm, a reporter for the Post Millennial news website (who incorrectly called Yaniv “she/her” instead of the correct “he/him” in her report), when they confronted her outside the women’s washroom at the courthouse after she fled the washroom to escape Yaniv, who had no business being in that washroom to begin with, and falsely accused her of “voyeurism” and of trying to take pictures of him while he was in the women’s washroom.[597] A quick investigation of Hamm’s cell phone by courthouse police found no such pictures, disproving Yaniv’s false claim.
An unhinged Trump-hating leftist went into a violent rage and verbally attacked a MAGA hat-wearing volunteer for conservative journalist Laura Loomer, who is running for Congress, at a restaurant in Delray Beach, Florida, then while he was forcibly removed from the restaurant by security guards, cowardly attacked the same volunteer by slapping the volunteer’s hat off his head from behind, which provoked a near-fight as a result.[598]
Corrupt beta-male York Regional Police officers assaulted Rebel News reporter David Menzies when he tried to get an interview with Hockey Night in Canada host Ron Maclean in Vaughan, Ontario, regarding the controversial firing of former co-host Don Cherry for comments defending Canadian military veterans, which liberal media pundits proceeded to deliberately misinterpret and twist out of context by falsely accusing Cherry of being “racist” and “anti-immigrant”.[599][600] One of the officers who assaulted Menzies hypocritically accused him of “criminal harassment” while criminally harassing the reporter himself and illegally preventing him from getting into what was a public media event. When Menzies tried to interview Maclean at a later public press event in Ancaster, Ontario, Maclean sidestepped Menzies’ questions before Hamilton Police Service officers confronted him as well and illegally forbade him from attending the press event, despite it being open to the public.[599] Rebel News subsequently announced that it will be suing the York Regional Police, as well as its three unidentified officers in the video of the assault, for the assault on Menzies and illegal obstruction of a journalist at a public press event.[601]
Paranoid anti-Trump leftist Mason Toney, who claimed the government was “out to get” him, was arrested by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in Orlando, Florida after witnesses saw him murder his Pro-Trump boss William Knight at a construction site, after which Tomey fled the scene and remained at large for several hours prior to his capture.[602]
Man With Acute Trump Derangement Syndrome STRANGLES Girlfriend After She Gets Bored Of Impeachment.[603]

February 2020
Immature Antifa terrorist mob commits acts of vandalism and disrupts the New York City public transit system as part of a childish and profane anti-police “protest” while also demanding “free” public transit.[604] Multiple arrests were made against the punks for their actions by the NYPD, while Twitter did nothing to punish the “protest” organizers who used that site to put out their calls for criminal behavior and violence.
Daily Caller reporter Mary Margaret Olohan was assaulted by a leftist pro-abortion male college student, who walked by and snatched leaflets she was holding out of her hand and threw them on the ground before walking away without acknowledging those who berated him for his cowardly action.[605]
Hannah Roemhild, a registered Democrat, deranged leftist and supporter of Bernie Sanders and abortion who has posted anti-Trump screeds on her Facebook page, rammed a rented SUV through two security checkpoints at Mar-A-Lago.[606] Roemhild, who behaved erratically in front of a Florida Highway Patrol officer at a hotel prior to driving to Mar-A-Lago, was fired at by both Secret Service agents and Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputies and was pursued by police vehicles to a motel in West Palm Beach, Florida, where she and another woman inside the vehicle were eventually arrested. Roemhild is now under investigation by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department, the FBI and the Secret Service for the incident.
Hartford, Connecticut brewery the Hanging Hills Brewing Company went into damage control when it came under heavy public criticism after one of the brewery’s co-owners used its main Twitter account to send violent threats to Andy Ngo, who publicly outed the threats (which made reference to the brutal “milkshaking” attack on him by Antifa in Portland in 2019) by retweeting the threats on his Twitter account and posting the news coverage of the incident by Hartford CBS affiliate WFSB on his YouTube channel.[607] Not surprisingly, when called out for his behavior, the leftist co-owner who sent the threats tried to minimize the seriousness of the incident by dismissing it as “a joke”, but while the brewery subsequently issued an apology on Facebook for the incident and announced it would conduct an internal investigation for the co-owner’s actions, the damage had been done as it was hit with a backlash of negative online reviews against it from offended customers.
A deranged leftist college student came unglued as he confronted a Students for Trump group at a campaign table at Arizona State University in Phoenix and screamed profanely at the top of his lungs about threatening to slash the throats of Republicans and President Trump.[608]
Comedian Steven Crowder was targeted for assaults twice (the second of which failed miserably) by two gender-confused men who did not like what he had to say about gender confusion at a “Change My Mind” event near the Women’s March 2020.[609] The second gender-confused man, who played both the race and gender cards against Crowder during an argument before storming off, later returned and attempted to throw a stolen lunch container at Crowder from behind, but missed his target and was then caught on-camera running away cowardly while doing a stereotypical “sissy boy” run, with both arms flailing at his sides.
Andy Ngo reported that Portland photographer Brandon Brown was attacked by rioting Antifa thugs.[610] Portland police, acting in dereliction of their duty once again, refused to do anything to stop the punks.
TDS-afflicted leftist Gregory Timm deliberately drove his van into a Trump voter registration event for the Duval County GOP in Jacksonville, Florida.[611] Timm then got out of the van, shot a video of the chaos he caused and made an obscene gesture at the victims before cowardly fleeing the scene. Donald Trump, responding to a tweet by GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel regarding the van attack, weighed in on the incident and tweeted that law enforcement had been notified about the attack,[612] while the attack also drew widespread condemnation from other public figures. Timm was subsequently caught and arrested by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Department and was charged with two counts of aggravated assault on a person 65 years of age or older, one count of criminal mischief and driving with a suspended driver’s license.[613]

Demosthenes's avatar

@seawulf575 I think there is something wrong with all of these actions, whether they’re anti-fa, white supremacists, etc. But I think the “who should condemn” question is largely BS. I think the president has a duty to speak against violence and extremism in his country. I think anyone else is under really no obligation, left or right, especially if there is only a very flimsy reason to link them with the actions of the extremist.

LostInParadise's avatar

The right committed a murder in Charlottesville, and Trump did not condemn it. All he said was that there are good and bad people on both sides. Totally inexcusable.

Demosthenes's avatar

Just to give an example: I’m gay and have sometimes had people present to me articles by radical LGBT thinkers and hateful bitter homosexuals and say “so, do you condemn them?” Why the fuck do I need to condemn them unless you were already under the impression that their views are somehow shared among all LGBT people and your biased thinking leads you to fear that I “secretly agree” with them? Am I supposed to monitor the opinions of everyone in my demographic to make sure they don’t “step out of line”? Do you condemn them? Are they the kind of views any rational non-hateful person would condemn or are they something that I, as an LGBT person, need to contend with uniquely? The former seems to be the case every time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@LostInParadise The Unite the Right group had legal authority and permission to be there, the counter-protestors did not.

The ‘Right’ didn’t commit a murder, James Fields, Jr did. One man in his car.

At around 1:45 p.m., self-identified white supremacist James Alex Fields Jr. deliberately rammed his car into a crowd of counter-protesters about 0.5 miles (0.8 km) away from the rally site, killing Heather Heyer and injuring 19 other people. Fields fled the scene in his car but was arrested soon afterward; he was tried and convicted in Virginia state court of first-degree murder, malicious wounding, and other crimes in 2018, with the jury recommending a sentence of life imprisonment plus 419 years.[26][27]

Here is the final independent report, that contains timeline as well as non-biased facts.

Demosthenes's avatar

@KNOWITALL That James Fields isn’t “the right” is exactly why the concept of “imperative condemnation” is BS. Is Dylan Roof “the right”? Was the Dayton shooter “the left”? How about the extremist in Gilroy who was interested in all kinds of extremism and had no ideology? Which “team” should condemn him?

How about all of us who aren’t hateful extremists condemn all these people by default?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Sounds good to me, sir.

I do think Maxine Waters and a few public officials have taken it too far at times, yes even Trump at his rallies.

Demosthenes's avatar

Yep, and I do think public officials have a duty to not seem to encourage extremism and violence and if their supporters are doing so and behaving badly, those public officials should try and distance themselves from them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Demosthenes Agreed.

James Fields, Jr plead guilty to 29 federal hate crimes. He was a definate extremist and is serving a life sentence at age 22.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@KNOWITALL As far as I can tell, there wasn’t a single individual in your roll of miscreants that is an adherent of the Democratic party. Leftist perhaps and off kilter psychologicaly —probably, but the crazies are out there and run the spectrum of ideologies.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 What you should
be reacting to is the response to a troll mining false presumptions and misstatements of facts. You conflate your own shortfall of logic with hypocrisy in others. Democrats, like Republicans will denounce the event WHEN they are asked about it. YOU know how this works. When something like this occurs, the side that is attacked rushes forward in condemnation and blares accusations to the press. The press then seeks out representatives from the opposition for commentary. Those representatives (if they have any sense) join in the condemnation of whatever lunatic responsible. If they DON’T have any sense, they say something stupid like “Both sides are at fault”, with which the focus immediately shifts from the story to the sensational fact that the “both sides” dummy is blindingly stupid. In your eagerness to troll this incident we find your hot ass HERE even BEFORE those seeking the high ground can bitch their horror at the press, and accuse the left of ignoring the incident. I’m certain that none of us would even know it had happened prior to your accusation that we would ignore it. There are lunatics operating across the political spectrum. It is simply the bad luck generated by the strident proficiency of the right that the term “lunatic fringe” is associated in the main as a synonym for right wing zealots.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@stanleybmanly He knows that. He doesn’t care. He gets his jollies by trolling others in order to display his holier-than-thou wisdom.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But it’s silly and matches the turd in its logical fallacies snd reliable inconsistencies. They are arguments and positions suitable for Romper Room level intellects, and sadly reflect the attainment only of that level of cognition.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wait WAIT WAIT it’s all the Democrats and Hillary’s fault ! J K

Good answer not !

seawulf575's avatar

@Demosthenes I absolutely agree that these folks all need to be denounced. However, in answer to your question about who should denounce them, I absolutely believe that all those that push the Anti-Trump narrative, including all the Dems in Congress and all the liberal media outlets need to lead the way when anti-Trump violence occurs. Unless, of course, they are okay with it.
We have heard parrotted a couple times here on this thread alone about how Trump said the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis were very fine people. I have posted several times the actual exchange where that statement came from. Here is a link to that exchange where the “very fine people” quote came from. Here are some of the excerpts that came from that exchange…said by President Trump”

“As I said on remember this, Saturday, we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. It has no place in America”

” I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. And that is – you can call it terrorism, you can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as the fastest one to come up with a good verdict. That’s what I’d call it. And there is a question. Is it murder? Is it terrorism? Then you get into legal semantics. The driver of the car is a murderer, and what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.”

” Those people – all of those people, excuse me – I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. ”

“I am not putting anybody on a moral plane, what I’m saying is this: you had a group on one side and a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch, but there is another side.”

“It’s fine, you’re changing history, you’re changing culture, and you had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats – you had a lot of bad people in the other group too.”

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

“If you look, they were people protesting very quietly, the taking down the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day, it looked like they had some rough, bad people, neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call ‘em. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest, because you know, I don’t know if you know, but they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this: there are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country, a horrible momen”

Now I know it goes against everything the liberal media and the Dems have drummed into people’s heads, but he pretty much denounced the violence totally and the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists specifically what…4 times? 5? And unlike the president, your fellow liberal jellies cannot bring themselves to denounce violence by those “on their side”. Go back up this thread a look. There is a lot of blaming Trump for all sorts of things, including using the Charlottesville Lie, yet not a one of your fellow libs has yet to say that what was done was wrong. Excuses have been made, deflections have gone out, but you are the only one that has actually said the actions were wrong and should be denounced. Congrats. And you are 100% correct. Actions like this should be denounced especially by the leaders of the “side” which is represented by their actions. Attacking Trump supporters is a pretty sure thing that it isn’t conservatives or Republicans doing it. It is people that buy all the hatred spewed by the left for all things Trump. There has been zero acknowledgement from most on the left that any of these actions or radical groups are wrong.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I denounce it in a heartbeat. And fully expect that it will be determined that the individual responsible has a history of “mental difficulties.” But to blanketly declare or imply that those left of you advocate murderous behavior on the part of madmen is disingenuous at best. And the last sentence in the post above is such a deliberate distortion of the truth that you should not expect anyone who can read to take you seriously.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Isn’t it funny? When some nut-job runs his car into a crowd of Antifa/BLM protestors, it is a right-wing issue and representative of all conservatives and is blamed on the “horrible rhetoric” of President Trump (Please note that the “horrible rhetoric” is never actually identified or explained how it contributed.) Yet when it is a liberal, suddenly none of those standards matter to you. I know you don’t see the hypocrisy, but those that can actually see reality do.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Are you crazy?! The “horrible rhetoric” is such a pronounced characteristic of the turd, that to deny it once more strips you of any and all credibility. To pretend that you are unaware of Trump’s proficiencies at slanderous hatred and crudely spewed inflammatory rhetoric places your functional sanity in question.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@seawulf575 “So what I am gathering here is that absolutely NONE of you on the left feel there is anything wrong with the actions I cited…
Do you just not read? Every one of us think their actions were horrible. Not one of us condoned it.

LostInParadise's avatar

@seawulf575 , How come you don’t denounce Trump for saying he could get away with killing someone in the middle of New York City? How much more twisted can a person get?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I am seeing his comment about getting away with shooting someone in the middle of Times Square in a very different light now. At the time it was a WTAF moment, but nowI think some one told him that the presidency is his, no matter what because it’s rigged. Knowing what I know now I think someone said that to him, “You could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and still win,” so, like the unfiltered, special needs toddler he is, he ran out and repeated it.

SEKA's avatar

@seawulf575 Your “gathering powers” have been way the fuck off center since 2016 especially when you want to be correct about something. Lately you pop out to troll to make yourself feel better about the mess that you have helped to create. Sadly, you are beginning to act more and more like trump every day and you are brighter than that. You still haven’t denounced what the nut job did, yet you want to be mad at the world for not denouncing hm. Spoiler Alert: you are still part of the world

stanleybmanly's avatar

So the answer to wulfie’s question “how long?” is EXACTLY the unanimously demonstrated and universally anticipated and accepted response by all but the obstinate lone wulfie. How long will it take? As Dutchess tells us, there isn’t even a breath between the minute you raise the topic before there will be an affirmation of revulsion from any and all hearing it. It’s a non issue and a stupid one at that.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_lll I suggest you go back and re-read the answers. There were 18 answers prior to me making the statement that none of you on the left feel there is anything wrong with the actions. One of those 18 is my first answer, one is @KNOWITALL pointing out Dems have encouraged violence. We had one answer (yours) that said you denounced them, but you used it as a way to try ridiculing Trump so I really don’t count that one. The first person besides myself to truly denounce these actions was @Demosthenes which was the 21st answer. 20 answers (besides my own) before anyone of you liberals could actually bring yourself to say the actions were wrong. And that was only after I shamed you all into it. That is pitiable. You all need to really do some soul searching to see what you really value_. Because it obviously isn’t sanity.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly ” The “horrible rhetoric” is such a pronounced characteristic of the turd, that to deny it once more strips you of any and all credibility. ” Let’s look at that statement and compare with what I wrote. You didn’t actually identify any of the “horrible rhetoric” tried deflecting so you wouldn’t actually have to. You then tried turning it into a slam on me if I disagreed with you. In other words…you just proved my point that you fools on the left throw that around without actually any examples. Thank you.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You might as well demand proof that water is wet or dogs bark. You are insufferable in your pig headed recalcitrance. But never mind. I will not bother to furnish you with a list of the fool’s legendary hateful remarks, but instead dismiss the stupid allegation that because I won’t he is not a proven and despicable turd for just what it is worth.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SEKA It’s not trolling for one of five conservatives still here to ask a question. That’s the purpose of the site.
Do you have anything factual or intelligent to add? Calling people trolls as you literally troll their Question is so comical.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It’s trolling @KNOWITALL when they ask a loaded question and then go off on any centrist responders.
And the logic from the OP seems to be “my shit(head) doesn’t stink and know it”

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie But when someone posts another Trump bashing question it’s NOT trolling?

Start flagging all political questions as Flamebait if you can’t handle it, or like normal people, just move on to another question.

We knew you’d all be spinning out since Trump’s had the best week ever. Must sting a little.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I wonder what his best week actually has been. Has anyone noticed that he quieted down considerably (except for the “poor pitiful me ” whining about his persecution by the left?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanleybmanly Who knows, but I think he’s giggling today about the Iowa recanvassing and gearing up for the NH primary.

Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders were neck and neck, with both campaigns calling for a recanvass of certain precincts.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly as usual, YOUR recalcitrance demands that you provide no proof of any of the garbage you spew. That makes your opinions just that…opinions. Not backed by any fact whatsoever.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Isn’t it odd to you that anytime anyone asks a pointed question about Democrats that you all go into apoplexy and try every dodge in the book including calling it trolling? Not a one of you (except @Demosthenes) could even bring yourselves to answer the question. You went right into Trump bashing as a deflection. Isn’t it you that is always up in arms about deflection? You do an awful lot of it….

stanleybmanly's avatar

Here’s a fact. His fat ass was impeached. Do you want proof?

seawulf575's avatar

Yes, I want you to actually post a link to prove your statements. And when you do, I’ll post another one that shows he was acquitted of all charges.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He bought the GOP Senate except Mitt Romney, illegally fired both Vindmans from the White House service. (Being pissed at someone telling truth is not grounds in the Federal system for firing; maybe in a DICTATORSHIP it is grounds).

He has threatened to firing more too, maybe all the Democrats that would really be a dictatorship.

All I know is old BONES SPURS really loves his own ass and not his country ! Never served a second and some others never came back.

I wonder if the illegal firing of the Vindmans would constitute an impeachable offense ?

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie First you have to explain why it was illegal. Here’s a concept for you: Vindman had no real testimony except that he disagreed with Trump’s approach to foreign policy. That, alone, would be enough to fire him. It isn’t his (Vndman’s) position to establish foreign policy. And to try subverting your boss and a sitting POTUS with your opinion should disqualify you from any NSC positions. BTW, he’s a Russian. Did you know that? Is that why you are so upset? Because one of Putin’s plants got tossed out? Kinda hurts your cause, doesn’t it? After all, Putin loves your work.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Crazy stuff. Lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The POTUS is a thug and gangster, which seems to suit you just fine @seawulf575

The President wasn’t his boss !!! He worked for the National Security Council, yes NSC is under the Executive branch, it was revenge and he said there will be more.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How much is Putin Chef paying you?

Yes I know he was a distinguished solder unlike old BONE SPURS, I think POTUS got jealous, LtC Vindman was in a nice uniform.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Melania and Trump said in a press conference awhile back that several people in the WH were working against them. It doesn’t surprise me at all.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 and Vindman’s brother? What did HE disagree with?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Vindictive revenge – - – can you spell “spoiled rotten” @stanleybmanly

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s just what you would expect from an all around turd. Always vindictive——always petty.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan There’s something about him being suspected of a crime prior to his brother testifying. I’d have to find that article again to be sure. I believe Trump said that.

mazingerz88's avatar

Did any Republican politician ( more than two at least ) say anything about the Vindman twin getting sacked? Here’s the Mt. Everest of Hypocrisy the Republicans are displaying with a vengeance. If that was Obama or Clinton who did something like that, it’s a billion dollar impeachment saga. Lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I bet it was an overdue book ! @KNOWITALL That a reason for firing him and his name is the same as POTUS
TARGET Lt C Vindman.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That’s why we should stick to facts. Conjecture is pointless.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He said he would get Lt C Vindman and there would be others !

Oh I see you have hands over your ears and eyes closed going LA LA LA LA LA ! ! !

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Nope. Just waiting to hear the full story so we can really talk about it. You act like I can call Trump and ask him haha! I’m not twisting my hands with worry, everyone gets fired sometimes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yes you do !


The story is Trump got his revenge and you go (I’m a right wing supporter) :


seawulf575's avatar

Let’s review a bit our recent history. For 3 years, people that Trump gave a chance to, hold overs from the Obama administration, have tried to undermine him…to help his political foes get him tossed out. If you ran a business and had a bunch of people that were actively working against you, would you keep them employed? I wouldn’t. Toss them out. He had that prerogative all along….he gets to say who works for him. He could have flushed them all on Day 1 with no other reason than he wanted to put his own people in place. The truly disturbing part is that he waited this long.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie And let me point out that you continue to deflect from the original question. It is amusing watching you turn into a 5 year old throwing a temper tantrum, but you haven’t come close to answering the original question. Mr. Deflection himself.

cheebdragon's avatar

He didn’t fire them .—Generally I wouldn’t bother using CNN as a source, but Politifact already covered this way back in November.—

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