Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you find the tit for tat between Trump and Bloomberg on Twitter funny?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) February 13th, 2020 from iPhone

Or, are you horrified? What do you think?

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Wealthy bulshitter versus wealthy man with accomplishments. Like a cage fight.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I find it moderately amusing, but childish. Let the two NY millionaires carry on like children.

It reminds me of Trump vs Hillary in 2016, everyone knew they were friends back in the day but many people believe these made up drama’s.

NEW YORK — On an autumn day in 2013, New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg traveled to the Bronx to hail the transformation of a massive garbage dump into a world-class golf course. Donald Trump stood nearby, beaming as Bloomberg said the course would be operated by “the great Trump Organization.”

“If there is anybody who has changed this city, it is Donald Trump,” Bloomberg said. “He really has done an amazing thing, and this is another part of it.”

Trump turned to Bloomberg, gushing: “You have been a great mayor. You really have. I mean, this guy is fantastic.”

ragingloli's avatar

They are basically the same person to me, one being less vulgar and less retarded, but cut from the same cloth nonetheless.
And the fact that some people want Bloomberg the one to run against the Orangutan, when really, he should run for the republicans instead, just confirms to me once more the collective uselessness of the entirety of thehuman species.

ucme's avatar

I find the teat for tat between Trump opinions on here funny!

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO, I don’t follow trump & I don’t like Bloomberg, so I didn’t even know that they were acting like 2 two year olds.I’m just praying that the Dems have more sense than to run the blooming onion!!! I’m not stressing myself over who the Dems might run until they actually choose a candidate & then I will determine who or what I’m going to support!!!

Darth_Algar's avatar

Mildly amusing, but Jesus Fuck, I miss the days when we had a President who acted like a grown-up.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I haven’t been paying attention.

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