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ucme's avatar

What are your best socks doing right now?

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 13th, 2020

Why are they your best?
Go on, sock it to me!

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10 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Waiting to be laundered. They’re best because they’re the least worn out socks of the most typically useful type.

SEKA's avatar

They’re keeping my feet warm and my legs from sagging. I’ve recently fell in love with compression socks and the pair I’m wearing today double as a regular pair of socks that also just happens to provide the much needed compression. They are very comfortable for the job that they need to do and look like everybody else’s socks. They’re nothing like the little old lady compression socks that I see women wearing in church

Inspired_2write's avatar

Whee they should be..on my feet, keeping me warm and comfortable.
They are thinner and thus NOT bulky in my runners.

Pinguidchance's avatar

They appear to take it in turns to visit the coat hangers in the unit above.

The left sock is particularly prone to being found succumbed of wanton abandon.

ucme's avatar

I always put my left sock on first, same with shoes.
So maybe @Pinguidchance yours is rebelling, tired of preferential treatment.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

They are in the sock drawer waiting to spring into action.
They are thick, warm with no traction whatsoever,
I have done dances that would make Micheal Flatley green with envy just walking across the wood floor in them.
That is why I love them so.

KNOWITALL's avatar

My favorites were worn yesterday so they’re in the hamper, but they are white with pink hearts, very fuzzy and warm.

Inspired_2write's avatar

See link of video on the English series called “Black Adder”
listen especially about the “Socks”.

There was another one that makes fun of socks..quote“Socks, Socks that’s all you think about is socks” LOL

Your question reminded me of this funny video and more.

ucme's avatar

@Inspired_2write Ahh, I need no reminder of the excellent BlackAdder series, remains one of my faves.
But yeah, always good to laugh!

Inspired_2write's avatar

It took a couple of years to finally understand his English accent in the earlier videos.
( had cockney accent?)

The later ones were more understandable and clear.

But funny series, I loved it.

Lots online free.

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