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How do I deal with someone this bullheaded and ridiculous?
We’re working on a group project. Not only did he leak what we were doing to other groups in the class so that now another group is copying us, but he refuses to assist in the work. I’ve done what I can on my own so far, but the other group is way ahead of us and will inevitably turn over their project first so that they will get the grade and I will be accused of plagiarising an idea that I came up with in the first place.
I don’t have time to start another project because this is due in 2 days, and I’ve texted and called my teammate like 10 times asking him if he will cover certain areas of the work but he keeps leaving me on read, or just flat out ignoring me. This has been what has happened since we were assigned the project. I have tried talking to him in school multiple times but he simply said “I’ll text you later” and ran away, and the time I forced him to sit down and hear me out he was sullen and uncooperative and fought with me saying he would do absolutely nothing if I treated him this way.
I don’t see how that would’ve made a difference though since he still has done nothing.
There is simply no way I can get this done by the deadline even though I’ve done my absolute best to manage time and have squeezed in as much work as possible. My teacher will be upset since I’ve already pushed for delays and she’s given me a delay which is why I’m turning in the project a day after the others. I am immensely upset at my teammate and I truly feel like knocking his front teeth out.
So how can I firstly manage my anger, secondly try to get him to work, and thirdly talk to my teacher (I have tried mentioning my teammate’s laziness and uncooperative attitude to her but she simply tells me that is a hurdle I must deal with)?
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