Is anyone surprised that the Russians are once again working hard to assure Trump’s re-election?
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This doesn’t make sense since no United States President has ever been harder for Putin.
@johnpowell I missed the ~ ~ ~ ~ !!!
Oh that’s according to Trump!
He’s probably just tired of the whole thing being blamed on him.
The replacement is just temporary.
I’d say that the Russians don’t need to do anything at this point, we are so polarized it’s not even necessary.
@KNOWITALL The point is the Russians are doing things, they found two Facebook sites for North Carolina voters that were tracked back to Russia.
It is not okay for them to do, this just because your hero in in the White House!
It doesn’t surprise me in the least.
Like I said it’s cool for them to meddle because it supports your hero in the White House.
Have you joined the Putin political party yet? ? J.K.
The reason is the manta of USSR and Russia to disrupt the USA ! ! ! Have you caught on yet the major split with “old orange hair” leading the infighting ? ? ?
@KNOWITALL The US may meddle in other countries elections so as to limit communism worldwide. The US has held this stance for many years.
Obviously, Russia wants to meddle in our elections because it helps to make us look bad to these other nations. And Trump is just the president to make it pay!
Talking about “pay”; the money “old orange hair” withheld from Ukraine was for supplies to fight PUTIN !
Can you connect the dots ? ?
@kritiper Of course we did it for a good reason -to us.
How can we expect other countries not to do so for their ‘good’ reasons?
Russia’s been doing this for a long time and stats show it averages a 3% increase in vote share for the party they support. :
Russia attempted to sway 36 foreign elections from the end of World War II to the turn of the century – meaning that, in total, at least one of the two great powers of the 20th century intervened in about 1 of every 9 competitive, national-level executive elections in that time period.
@KNOWITALL Are you sure what they want is for THEIR “good reasons?” Or Russia’s?
Nope would be surprised if they weren’t .
No one is surprised by that.
That is also not the main point you should take away from it.
With McConnel blocking any legislative measure to improve election security, with republicans promoting the crackpot conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election, with drumpf firing the director of national intelligence after briefing lawmakers of Russia’s machinations, and replacing him with an unqualified lapdog, the main point and inescapable conclusion you should take away from this is: drumpf and the republicans want the Russians to interfere with the next election in the Orangutan’s favour.
I am surprised our favourite fright wingers are not here screaming it’s all left wing propaganda.
Oh, they will show up eventually. They just need a bit of time to cook up their bullshit stew.
What exactly are they doing? Not that I’m disagreeing. I just haven’t seen anything that screams “RUSSIANS FOR TRUMP.”
It is not “Russian for Trump” it is miss-info about his Democratic opponents or anyone to the left of the KKK or neo-nazi. Facebook took one page earlier this week with a trail back to Russia bots, it was a support page for Trump in North Carolina filled with lies and Trump quotes !
@Dutchess_III Exactly.
I’m very skeptical anyone would change from Dem to Rep based on a meme or fake news story. I don’t think Dem voters are stupid, but apparently some here are really worried about it.
You either love him or hate him already by now, and have heard more than enough to make up your mind without any Russian influence.
It is try to get “on the fence” people to vote for the ORANGE gangster. The attempt was it to call it satire; to get around the “Facebook Police” it was lies and more Trump lies.
They’re NOT trying get you to change parties but to vote for Bozo with bad make-up job.
The December 2019, Gallup polling found that 28% of Americans identified as Democrat, 28% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent. They want the independents to vote Trump.
@Tropical_Willie Should be interesting. All my Independent and Libertarian friends hate both parties so much, many are saying they’ll go ahead and cast a third party vote. They literally can’t stomach either party.
North Carolina is now considered a maybe Republican state; it is no longer a strong Republican state that maybe the reason the Russian bots targeted NC.
@Tropical_Willie Maybe, but opinions seem to vary, even among political savants.
“It’s much more difficult to make the case that North Carolina has shifted toward Democrats over time,” Dave Wasserman, U.S. House editor for Cook Political Report and one of the nation’s leading election forecasters, told the Editorial Board this week. “North Carolina is a substantially more rural than Virginia. It doesn’t have the same federal workforce that has come to dominate Virginia.”
The point is Russia was trying sway NC VOTERS for TRUMP !
It is not a maybe.
They got shutdown as a fake site! Run by Russia by Putin’s Chef in support of TRUMP !
@SQUEEKY2 , @ragingloli It IS a fake story.
Why would Russia want Trump to win when the U.S. economy is growing in leaps and bounds, the largest growth in the economy and jobs is in the working class and other sectors that are usually disenfranchised, the U,S, is energy independent and has a strong military?
Putin would want the U.S. with a weak military and open borders where illegal immigrants can flood the country’s infrastructure, where our energy resources such as natural gas and oil would be inaccessible to us and Europe would be dependent on Russia for oil.
where drugs would be legalized and destroy the youth, where law enforcement would be greaty restricted, where private insurance would be eliminated and everyone put on an inefficient government program, and where the economy would be broken with overtaxation and funds and infrastructure and what remains of social security to all go to non-citizens flooding the country.. These are all things the current, weak Democrat line up stands for,
It makes more sense that the Russians would support a great disrupter such as Bernie, or someone could go up against Donald Trump. who is overwhelmingly in the lead.
It surprises me that this late in Trump’s first term, anyone would still believe the rhetoric that was debunked eighteen months ago, and trust those sources again.
@Yellowdog “Go back to sleep” and before you do reread what is on here. (salient points against Trump and the website are not to be read by you I know) Russia wants there to be a second Civil WAR !
I know Trump can do no wrong and his BFF Putin has no input into fake websites !
to weaken western relations, torpedo nato and the UN.
And anyone who follows international news, knows that it is working.
@Tropical_Willie Yes—and that “Civil War” will only erupt when someone is selected who has a chance of beating Trump, and will make the most radical, destabelizing changes as quickly as possible, And, who is for strict regulation of energy, natural resources, health care, and supports the legalization of drugs such as Heroin and narcotics.
Trump has already said TRUMP 2020 TRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2028 and TRUMP 2032
Does that mean He’ll be Prez forever ? (Executive order to dissolve the Constitution maybe.)
Trump has called parts of your Constitution phony, guess that is just fake news as well.
Oh check tonight’s news where Trump offed his Intelligence head (he reported Russia wants Trump re-elected) and THERE IS a a Russian attempt at derailing Bernie Sanders campaign !
But truth hurts and I hope your blindly supporting the person that hates minorities, people of color and disabled people; I hope he doesn’t hurt you or your girl friend.
Remember if you can’t write a $250,000 check to join Mar-A-Lago, you are not worth a shit in the gangster’s mind. That be DJT; he is only in it for the money !
I can’t write a check for that amount.
So with what you are saying @Yellowdog democracy is dead because if your country elects someone who can defeat Trump and install their programs civil war will sure shit erupt?
But if someone is elected that defeats Trump,isn’t that the American people saying we have had enough of the Don Father?
Yeah and I can see universal health care being the catalyst to starting a civil war , better just to let the poor people die huh ??
~ ~ ~ DJT has an escape to Putin land all planned if he doesn’t win and Pence can complete his term.
But not kidding
The Russians sure know how to fuck with this country. We’re in a situation where both sides are already preparing to not accept the outcome of the election. There’s going to be trouble this November no matter what.
Are we ignoring that Trump wasn’t the only candidate they’ve supported?
And as soon as they try to slip Bernie half a million dollars, I hope you will return here to tell us about it.
Don’t worry the Russians will send the money to NRA (New Russian Agency) like the last time for Trump.
Ooh half a million dollars?! that should cover maybe 1–2 stops on the campaign trail.
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