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KNOWITALL's avatar

What luxurious bedding do you prefer?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30076points) February 21st, 2020

Honestly, I don’t ask for much in this world, but nice bedding is one of my gifts to myself that make me feel good.

What are some brands or items or specific thread counts for bedding that work best for you that scream luxury or comfort?

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21 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. My heated waterbed with a feather mattress on top, and a downy sleeping bag over the bedspread. Never, ever will I get out of bed. This kid literally laid here, wide awake, for over 30 minutes, just luxuriating in the softness. My bed is one of their favorite places to play. The kid with her mouth wide open is the same kid in the first two pictures, but it’s 5 years later.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Tell me more about that feather mattress please. What brand and how thick? I assume it’s not washable?

I love my bed, too, those babies are cute and have the right idea!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they used to carry them at Walmart, but I don’t think they do any more. They aren’t a whole mattress (I misspoke. My bad.) It’s just a topper, a couple of inches thick. I just looked on Amazon and didn’t see one. I never washed mine. It’s gone now, though.

zenvelo's avatar

As far as luxurious, I have always had an eye out for the Westin Heavenly Bed.:

I love staying at Westin Hotels.

One can get the matrress and box spring and all the pillows, sheets and blankets.

gorillapaws's avatar

We got a standard Casper mattress and love it. It’s firm/supportive, but conforms to the body and it doesn’t get hot like other memory foam I’m used to.. As for the sheets, I used to have these linen sheets, but now the wife has us using something else (it’s soft so no complaints).

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I bought a set of 1000 thread count sheets expecting to be floating on a heavenly cloud of happiness.
That’s when I discovered that I like crisp bed sheets,like a piece of plywood.
I do like down comforters.
I have slept on a feather mattress and that was nice for a minute.

ucme's avatar

I honestly could fall asleep on a washing line, so long as I have 3 fluffy pillows I am as happy as a pig in shut :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme Three? How do you keep them together so your noggin doesn’t get stuck in between?

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I shave my head & so benefit from the “velcro” effect!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme -Like a lint roller! That’s awesome!

ucme's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Yeah well, beats this look!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Ewww, the comb-over. Hate it!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme Does it,ucme? Does it??
@KNOWITALL -Give it a chance!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille NEVER! Trump is pushing it, too. I want someone to fix his hair so badly!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@KNOWITALL -He should just cut it down to the wood.
Once upon a time, I knew a guy whose comb over sat on his head like a coon skin cap. It took time to sculpt that. It had to,
Anyway, when the wind blew, it lifted up like the top of a tin can.Crazy, I tell ya!
His fiance made him get it buzzed off and he looked great.
The End

ucme's avatar

@KNOWITALL You are correct m’dear

RabidWolf's avatar

Water bed with black silk sheets. It really takes you No One Has Gone Before. Then again she proved that there is a heaven.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, give me cotton over silk any day.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Give me fleece or give me death! :D

I’m with you if we can add “Egyptian” cotton….haha!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know what the big deal about “Egyptian cotton” is….?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess It’s thick and silky cotton, really feels nice. More substantial. It’s my favorite set and I grew up with good ol American cotton.

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