Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] Given the popularity of the genre of "Step Sibling" pornography, would it be unreasonable to say that incest is far less frowned upon privately, than people at large like to pretend?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) February 23rd, 2020

This is of course entirely analogous to the prevalence and popularity, and the implication thereof, of “18 years old” teen pornography.

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17 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

How would you determine the extent of the practice to begin with? It would be much more accurate to state that few in the general population are aware of the “genre” let alone its “popularity”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Not trying to argue how do you know it’s popularity?
Because a few porn sites offer it?

elbanditoroso's avatar

I doubt there is enough evidence to support that theory.

Look at all the porn fetishes that are out there:

BDSM and its variants
rape fetishes
animals (bestiality)

Each of those has their own audience. Looking a porn is fantasy. It isn’t real. I don’t think you can extend that just because people fantasize about something, that they necessarily are OK with it in real life.

Unsupported assumption.

Sagacious's avatar

No. I’ve never heard of step sibling pornography.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I agree with @elbanditoroso .

A fantasy, doesn’t translate to a person necessarily wanting to commit the act…

I’ve fantasized, about being with some of my female friends. But. I don’t think I could actually do it, in most cases.

I used to fantasize about being with a girl who I worked with. Then, one night at an employee party, she grabbed my penis. I was repulsed. I pulled away, and eventually decided to leave the party early…

I felt violated, and it really upset me. She was my friend. We flirted a lot, at work. But. I thought we were just playing around. She was very pretty, and I enjoyed her company. I guess I led her on… I honestly thought, she was out of my league. Apparently not…
She never apologized, and we never spoke about it. I did speak with some of our other female coworkers. I told them how I felt, and that it wasn’t OK…

Maybe I would have responded differently, to a different approach… It didn’t help her case, that she made out with 4 other guys, and a girl that night. It grossed me out. Well. Except for her making out with another girl…

But. Sexually assaulting me, in a crowd of my peers, wasn’t the best strategy…

If I had assaulted her, I would have gone to jail…

So. There is clearly a difference between fantasy, and reality… At least, for some…

Smashley's avatar

lol. prolly. is it really prevalent? you aren’t the first person to mention this recently, but how could we check? maybe it’s just our pervy browsing history.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I don’t think that’s it. There’s just way more of it now. The first time I saw “sibling” porn, I was just looking at lesbian stuff. Then, it just popped up. Lesbian sisters. I figured, cool. Then, that morphed into a selection of lesbian twins. Then, it started suggesting all this incest porn. And there is a LOT. Some of it is basically rape. A lot of step father, on step daughter stuff. Step mother, with step daughter. You name it. I’m sure that most of the actors, aren’t really related. But. There is an abundance of this sort of content. I see how one could conclude, that there must be a market for it… And therefore, maybe a increase in the societal acceptance of it…
Loli, isn’t just pulling her theory, out of thin air…

It seems to me, that people like stuff that’s typically unacceptable by society. Again, I think it’s just fantasy. But. It’s telling of how people think…

I wouldn’t have sex, with my sister. But. Clearly, people think about such things.

I don’t understand, a lot of porn.
As far as, who it’s marketed to…

I think the most infamous example, is “two girls, and one cup.”

A friend of mine, and a group of friends, were told to watch it at a party once. I have a pretty strong stomach. I have worked in the medical field, for many years. I can eat spaghetti, while watching a spleandectomy. No problem. But. I couldn’t finish watching that video. I almost vomited, and threw in the towel after a few minutes. How someone could derive satisfaction from that video, is beyond my compression…

I remember, a few years ago, my nephew loved (still does) basketball. There are a bunch of videos, of a team called “And 1.”

Kind of like the Harlem Globe Trotters. I wanted him to see, some of their old videos. Really cool stuff. So. I got on YouTube, and typed in “And 1.”
To my horror, the fucking “two girls, and one cup,” was one of the videos that came up…


So. I had to look up the players, by name. Hot Sauce. The Professor, etc…To avoid the awful video.

I have never looked up Two girls, and one cup, on my phone…Ever…

So. Browser history, wasn’t a factor….

I think I am going to vomit, just thinking about it… Uugh…

Smashley's avatar

Porn often reflects our taboos, as a culture. It could just be that as so many taboos, homo/bisexuality, interracial sex, cheating, public sex, group sex, anonymous sex, toys, dominance, age play, etc, become more mainstream and acceptable, they lose their freak appeal, and the porn industry needs to push the envelope for new taboos to break to draw eyes amongst all the competition.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think that what @Smashley and @ragingloli are asking is: Does porn reflect society as it is today? or is porn acting as an advance guard for what will be coming? In other words, is porn ahead of the game?

seawulf575's avatar

Not sure step siblings having sex would constitute incest. I always thought that meant direct blood family ties. If a man and a woman get married and their 17/18 year old children, who are not related through anything other than their parents getting married, decide to have sex or get married or whatever, physically it is not taboo. Socially, it might get a bit weird, but not necessarily. So I’m thinking the step-sib porn is probably just like most other porn…a fantasy being portrayed. Fantasies are really just that…fantasies. Some people, I guess, can get obsessed, but they certainly don’t need pornography for that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I think it’s highly frowned upon, regardless of the people paying to watch it online.

Frankly, I’m far more disturbed at the frequency of bestiality real stories and child items, or the people in nursing homes who get impregnated by caregivers, which are far too real and happen every single day. When your victims can’t talk, you can abuse them far more.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Still, it falls on loli to illustrate evidence of the supposed “popularity” of the “genre”.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly considering you NEVER give a citation, asking for one for someone to verify their claims is hypocritical.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I’m not asking for a citation. Go back to sleep.

NightShadow's avatar

Incest themed pornography actually HAS gained a foothold and is one of the top trending porn searches, recently. The only reason it’s labeled as “step” incest is due to the legal ramifications, possible investigations and legal hassles for NOT including the word. Yes, it’s niche and doesn’t have as large a following as the so called “main stream” pornography but it’s the fasting growing genre with new websites popping up that are centered around the theme every day.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Welcome to Futher.

We prefer sources, for such information. Even if you can’t provide a link. We prefer a souce….

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