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yaujj48's avatar

What is the unit size in real life compare to Total War?

Asked by yaujj48 (1189points) February 25th, 2020

In the game series Total War, I am playing with my army and wonder the army size in game is how much in real life. I don’t know what ratio I used for the unit size. For extra information, the maximum size the army in Total War is 3000. Other than that, I am stumped and Internet can’t give a straight answer.

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4 Answers

Zaku's avatar

The Total War series consists of many games over the past 20 years or more, and some are more or less realistic, detailed, and literal than others, and the answer may be different from game to game. I’ve only played a few of them, but…

In general I think they mean to have one soldier represent one soldier from a tactical point of view, but they are not attempting to accurately reflect historical army sizes in various situations. In general they’re probably a bit low in the numbers compared to history, but the games cover a lot of history.

In Rome:Total War, I remember that some of the legions in the game were based on ¼ of their historical sizes.

But the Total War games, particularly in campaign mode rather than a one-shot historical battle-only scenario, I have seen all overlay their own abstract notions of what a “unit” is, and how many can be in a “stack”, which are just based on relatively abstract game design ideas. It’s not trying to be particularly historical for the actual numbers of men, particularly compared to some of the larger battles in history.

yaujj48's avatar

Reply to Zaku
It is just that I want to create a story in my campaign and a glourious battle between a medium size army against a large size army.

Zaku's avatar

Are you interested in some examples of historical battle sizes for a certain place and time?

yaujj48's avatar

It is like starting a campaign as one settlement faction like Nervii or Getae and starts to expand their lands by engaging other factions which battle involve the king itself. I just like to know the initial army numbers in the story.

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