What, if anything, are you giving up for Lent?
Asked by
zenvelo (
February 27th, 2020
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season representing Jesus’ 40 days in the desert and a time of reflection for Christians leading up to Easter.
Older Catholics were raised to give something up for Lent, a small sacrifice of something meaningful but not overwhelming. My parents would often give up alcohol. Others give up chocolate, or swearing, or meat, or going to the movies.
I am giving up Facebook. I deleted the app from both my phone and my iPad. My son said, “that’s not much of a sacrifice”. But as an old person, I use Facebook much more than twenty-year-olds.
Did you give up anything for Lent?
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23 Answers
I gave up Christianity for Lent once about 10 years ago or more, and it stuck.
I used to but haven’t in a long time.
I suppose if I did, I’d give up not cooking. :)
It would be nice if I could give up anger. I’ll give it a try. I’ve been a lot angrier lately and it’s been quite unpleasant. :(
@Demosthenes -Meditation can often help with that. There are tons of guided ones on You Tube.
If anything, you’ll be relaxed afterwards.
Spending at Restaurants,and sugary foods.
I do a 30 day physical cleanse every year, as well as giving up a negative emotion, this year it’s not allowing myself to be angry.
Now you know why I’m not here as much right now. :)
@Desmosthenes I feel that.
I’m prepared to give up my eye shadow…smoked almond by the way!
But my blusher, ain’t no way no how…uh huh!
Are you never coming back to Facebook @zenvelo??! Will you still be playing WWF?
@Dutchess_III I am still playing WWF.
Since Facebook has become an evil tool of right wing disinformation and Zuckerberg wants it that way, I consider it a matter of casting out demons.
What does the World Wrestling Federation have to do with it?
@zenvelo almost always wins…because he’s stronger than me! In order for me to win I have to hit him over the head and knock him out. Then I will win.
@rebbel Do you mean Words with Friends?
I’m giving up crack for Lent.
I’m already doing without so much, the only way I can give up more, would be breathing or pumping blood.
I’m giving up @zenvelo‘s responses to my posts on Facebook.
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