General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Where are you getting your information about COVID-19?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37769points) February 28th, 2020

COVID-19 is the name given to the novel coronavirus which originated in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.

Here is some background and basic information about the disease from the CDC.

Here is a good source of information from the CDC in Atlanta.

Here is what the WHO is saying.

There were news reports yesterday that the White House is censoring what the doctors and scientists at the CDC are saying. I therefore will be taking most of my information from the WHO. However, at work, I post on a government social media page for Hawaii’s State Dept. of Health. We post our own information as well as that put out by the CDC.

Basically, the disease is not yet a reason for mass concern in the US. Right now, the bigger threat to public health is the flu.

What can you do to protect yourself? All the experts are saying to wash your hands after venturing out in public.

Where are you getting information? What information do you have from reputable sources to share with us?

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110 Answers

chyna's avatar

The only thing the hospital I work for has put out is information on washing hands. Also they have requested that no one hoard masks <shifts eyes>.
Thanks for those sources. I’ll keep WHO as my source.

zenvelo's avatar

I get most of my info on it from the SF Chronicle website. But I am also on an industry Business Contingency Plan working group that distributes daily updates from WHO and CDC (plus NY OEM.)

hmmmmmm's avatar

John Hopkins has a decent interactive map of confirmed cases here. Note: Only really works on desktop – not mobile.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@hmmmmmm Thank you for that link.

rebbel's avatar

1: WHO
2: WHO
3: A Dutch virologist that has informed us on several outbreaks in the past 20 – 25 years.

jca2's avatar

I have been looking at the NY Times daily (as I always have). I also was looking at Bloomberg News the other day to see the effect on the stock markets (bad news). I check The New Yorker and Atlantic magazines (previously known as “Atlantic Monthly”) as I subscribe to both and they’re both trustworthy, in my opinion.

I’ve been googling daily. I also work for a County (large county in southern NY) and we get information from county officials.

I recently googled death rates for flu and for Covid, because some people were online saying “it’s a mild cold” which is not true.

As for the comparison, yes more people die from flu because more people contract the flu, but covid has a higher death rate.

To me, it’s more scary than Ebola or SARS because Ebola really didn’t affect the majority of us, unless we came in direct contact (i.e. bodily fluids) with someone who had Ebola. SARS wasn’t really a big thing in the country I live in.

Stock markets have taken a big hit all around the world, and they say this could cause a recession because of the supply chain (auto supplies, pharmaceuticals, etc.).

I don’t like that Trump has ordered that all information has to come from Pence. I don’t know how anyone, especially Trump-lovers, could defend that.

Demosthenes's avatar

Wikipedia/local news.

This article on Wikipedia is especially helpful.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Demosthenes Thank you for that link. It looks to be a direct download of the information in the first link in the OP from the CDC. Still, it’s helpful.

filmfann's avatar

I am getting lots of information from lots of places.
For example, President Fat Ass is saying it’s under control, just don’t touch railings, and wait for April. Seriously.
The right is saying “only 2% die from this!” , while the left says “Oh my God! 2% are dying from this!”
As a moderate, and an antisocial isolationist who is currently on a cruise ship in Hawaii, I spend my time between mockery and total panic.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Besides washing ones hands often, it is recommended not to touch ones face with unwashed hands.

LadyMarissa's avatar

In my opinion, there is NO reliable source!!! The government will only tell us what they determine that we need to know. They will only allow the doctors & the CDC to release info that they’ve approved. Putting Pence in charge does NOTHING to make me feel safer. Hell, he believes that homosexuality is the ultimate sin & God will give them the virus to eradicate them. I read everything that I can find & then try my best to see any discrepancies from the last thing I read. I’ve been supposed to die from the Flu for the last 70 years & I’m still here. I’m of the opinion that whatever I’m doing to take care of myself is working as well as anything the experts recommend, so I’m going to keep on trusting myself!!! The main thing I do is to try & NOT panic when the sky is falling. When God is ready to take me, it won’t matter IF the doctors are holding my hand at the time, I’ll be leaving this place!!!

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mazingerz88's avatar

NPR and Washington Post

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tinyfaery's avatar


And thanks for the other links. There is a confirmed case without any known exposure in the northern portion of my state, so that is worrisome.

stanleybmanly's avatar

NPR, NYT and local outlets. I have great respect regarding the functional efficacy of this city’s health department, and take the announcement that it has assumed an emergency footing worthy of my attention.

Caravanfan's avatar

We are getting our info from the CDC and our local public health department. There is no question that they were behind in this, but they’re catching up.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan What do you think about the fact that the administration directed all government scientists to clear their messages through Pence? (I’m not being snotty here, I value your opinion on this.)

Yellowdog's avatar

There has already been a panel of over 75 of the White House, the World Health Organization, and the Center for Disease Control—and from the private sector, organized by the President himself. None of the news networks and relatively minor local health organizations mentioned are going to have any additional information on COVID-19. Nor have any of the sources mentioned contradicted the White House panel which you say is censoring information.

When the President took precautions and banned travel to the U.S. from Hubei Province, China, for non-U.S. citizens, early this month, some of the sources listed were calling the move ‘racist.’

It is disingenuous, and a lie, to say the Trump Administration is censoring information—the information that basically all sources are affirming,

Caravanfan's avatar

@janbb Doesn’t bother me. They need to have a unified message. They don’t want different people saying different things.

Caravanfan's avatar

I agree with @Yellowdog. People need to calm the fuck down. It is true that the administration cut funding for the CDC and they are to blame for that incompetence. But now they’re doing the best they can.

Pence, for all his faults, has administrative experience. You don’t need to have a doctor or a nurse in charge of administrating. You need an administrator.

Now, that written, I can say that the response has been slow and incompetent up to this point. But the information on the CDC website and can be trusted.

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@all, this is a General Section question. All answers that do not attempt to answer the OP are being flagged. Please do not let this devolve into political nonsense. This is a question about a serious public health risk.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m getting my info from the official sources…CDC, WHO etc. I suspect it’s worse than they are saying and I do not believe it is contained. I’m concerned for my 90+ year old relatives but not for myself.

Yellowdog's avatar

What I am saying, @Hawaii_Jake, is that the CDC and WHO are already a part of a panel assembled by the POTUS. Yet you are saying the POTUS is the one censoring information, and espousing other sources.

It is YOU, not any of us, who by that very statement is making political a very serious issue. I am only getting my information from the official sources, such as the CDC and WHO—and anyone who contradicts these superior sources or accuses them of censorship should be ignored, in the wake of this crises.

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JLeslie's avatar

I would look to the CDC and WHO as the most reliable, but I admit that I’m just watching MSNBC mostly, because that’s what the other people in my house have had the TV turned to, and here and there I google a little. That along with my own feelings about these sort of things based on my own experience (I’ve never gone to the doctor when I’ve had the flu nor has my husband, so it seems obvious to me flu is underreported and likely coronavirus is also).

Maybe in the last month in China citizens have been obedient always reporting if they have an illness, but from what I have read, some people have zero symptoms and some very mild. I don’t know if the people with no symptoms were carriers or just in an incubation period, it wasn’t clear.

Since I mostly watch MSNBC I want to say I am disgusted that they made fun of Trump recommending to wash hands and be prudent and be aware of what we are touching. I think every flu season the President or Surgeon General should be on TV reminding the masses to think about these things.

All the people who are disgusted with anti-vaxxers because not only do they endanger their children, but other people too who maybe can’t take the shot or have weakened immune systems, well, every time you’re sick and still go to work or someone in your house is sick and you don’t take care to wash your hands and try to protect others if you are likely to be contiguous, you endanger other people. It’s the same. Shaking hands in church, taking communion, touching order and payment screens at restaurants and grocery stores, Trump is right. Nothing wrong with him suggesting reasonable measures to stay well and protect others.

If Obama had said let’s not be panicked and people should use general precautions as we learn more about the situation would Democrat’s be so upset with that statement? Does it seem so far fetched for a President to say that?

That Trump tried to calm people down by suggesting to be prudent, and that hopefully the virus behaves similar to the flu and dies down by April, but maybe it won’t, is not wholly wrong, it could, but it might not, just as he said.

I think Trump was dead wrong about getting rid of employees at the CDC and I don’t like Pence in charge, but he’s just not wrong about everything. I do take issue if Trump is controlling information that the public should be told. Reminds me of Reagan trying to control Surgeon General Koop regarding HIV and AIDS. One of the things that bothered me most about Reagan.

I think they should have brought our Americans back sooner from the cruise ship and quarantined them in America, and then likely fewer of them would have become sick.

There is every reason to believe the death rate is slightly lower than what is being reported, but also if you are the 1 in 100, then it is 100% for you, so no matter what we certainly rather not have the virus circulating here or anywhere.

So, in summary, I’m getting my information from TV and googling, and my own experience with flu season, and remembering the hysteria with H1N1 several years ago, and fairly quickly we saw it was not as bad as the media was making it out to be, but of course there was some very serious and horrible cases, and all too many of those who died were young children, which was especially heartbreaking with that particular strain of flu. Coronavirus is not a flu, but it seems fairly similar, it might prove to be quite different in various ways as we learn more. We’ll see.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@JLeslie Can’t look to CDC, he has put a sock in their mouth. He is controlling the info coming out from CDC! Look to WHO for real info about the COVID-19.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Well, to some extent I do believe that our CDC scientists would say something if they really felt the President was putting the American people in serious jeopardy. Koop went along with some things that Reagan wanted, but refused to outright lie on his behalf. I think there are still people at the CDC who have integrity, or even people who used to be at the CDC who would speak out.

Trump is a germaphobe, I do believe he doesn’t want an outbreak here. Plus, he may want to control the flow of information regarding coronavirus to help himself politically, but stifling the CDC will not help him politically if the number of illnesses increase dramatically. In fact, it could work against him politically. I think he named Pence possibly to be able to get angry at him if things go awry and try to take the blame off of himself.

Sagacious's avatar

I would not put any stock into anything from WHO now. It is a totally corrupt organization today. We need to have a world health organization, but we do not in the present.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Canadian Prepper on YouTube, and Canadain and American news channels.

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Caravanfan's avatar

Hey @Hawaii_Jake You’ve lost control of this thread.
Despite all the noise, the CDC has up to date information.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But are they allowed to give us that information?

kritiper's avatar

From NBC and CBS.

I don’t give the CDC much credit for anything. When I got out of the hospital after my run-in with MRSA, I contacted them to inform them of my experience with the infection I had, and they blew me off. Told me I had to get the infection from another person who was infected. If they would’ve bothered to ask, I would have told them that I hadn’t been in contact with anyone.

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Caravanfan's avatar

Yes @stanleybmanly they are allowed to give us the information. As I said before, that doctor was NOT muzzled. He just stepped back for a bit to make sure that they give unified information and don’t tell people different things from different sources. You can trust the CDC.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

The death rate of those that catch COVID-19 is 20 times that of the Flu.

So in 2018–2019; 61,000 people in the USA died from the Flu, 20 times that is 1,220,000 people.

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rebbel's avatar

The latest numbers: The novel coronavirus has killed more than 2,900 people worldwide, the vast majority in mainland China. There have been more than 85,000 global cases, with infections on every continent except Antarctica.

86.983 infected – 2.979 dead – 42.294 cured.
As of today.
Not millions.

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JLeslie's avatar

Oh dear God. Stats like 20 times the death rate is only going to be relevant if just as many people get this strain of coronavirus as people get the flu every year. The flu is much much more widespread (at this point anyway). Zero measures are taken to quarantine the flu, except some school districts do close (Nashville area schools closed when I was there a month ago due to flu, but that is not a quarantine). But, people are still out there working, shopping, shaking hands, kissing hello, during our flu seasons, and so it spreads exponentially. People might actually curb that with coronavirus on the loose.

More concerning is that a high number of people with this coronavirus get very ill, and need medical treatment in hospital, while the need for this with the current circulating flus is a very low rate.

Let’s keep our heads and be prudent.

Moreover, there is every reason to believe there is more people infected than being recorded, which means the fatality rate is actually lower.

I agree with @Caravanfan the CDC isn’t lying to us.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Who would you prefer to get your health information from? A doctor or a politician? it’s really that simple.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That! Exactly that. Politicians have too many motives behind what they say.

kritiper's avatar

The CDC may not be lying to us but what they do tell us might not be totally factual. See my earlier post.

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JLeslie's avatar

Here’s some good news. I am just catching up on DVR and saw a very interesting spot regarding country readiness to deal with pandemics. The research was done last year before this current outbreak hit China. I found it on YouTube.

canidmajor's avatar

I tend to check in with the Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, and The American Journal of Nursing sites to see what they say at any given time. There are some medical corespondents of news sources that I like as well.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Here is what to do to stay healthy directly from Dr. Bruce Anderson, PhD, Director of Health of the Hawaii State Dept. of Health:

You can also assist in sharing helpful information with your family and friends. Here are some important public health messages to remember.

Everyone can help prevent the spread of respiratory illness with these everyday actions.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
• Stay home when you are sick.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

The Dept. of Health (DOH) is advising people to take steps now to prepare should the risk of community spread increase.
• Prepare a family plan should there be a COVID-19 outbreak in Hawaiʻi. If you have a large family in one home, consider what measures you can take to prevent the spread of illness.
• Prepare a kit similar to those used during hurricane seasons. These should include a 14-day supply of food and other necessities. For more information, visit this site:
• Set aside an emergency supply of any needed medication and keep a copy of your prescriptions in case you run out of medication.
• Don’t forget supplies for your pets.

Regarding masks for COVID-19 protection, a mask can be effective if you are ill to prevent the spread of infection. However, a mask is not effective if you are healthy and want to protect yourself from someone who is ill.

janbb's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Great list. Just to add one more thing, the Surgeon General has requested that people not buy masks so that the supply is left for those in the medical field.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb That’s addressed at the very bottom of the list.

chyna's avatar

Good information!

Caravanfan's avatar

Yep. Please don’t buy masks. If I don’t wear a mask in the hospital day to day you don’t need one on the street.

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Caravanfan Is there any truth to the claim that iodine kills viruses?

JLeslie's avatar

At least MSNBC and other “left leaning” outlets have stopped with making fun of hand washing and got on board with advising to wash hands, not shake hands, etc. It wouldn’t surprise me if the CDC told the media outlets to shut the fuck up with the criticisms regarding prudent behavior, and to put out information that is important to curb transmission like the list @Hawaii_Jake gave above. If not our government than maybe some people in the ivory towers of the news outlets actually have a brain in their head and felt some responsibility, realizing how important it is.

I think it’s reasonable that the CDC wants to inform but not panic people.

Over the weekend many of the Sunday shows like Meet The Press, Fareed, and even the 24/7 cable shows seem to be putting out fairly consistent information, interviewing experts, and I feel like we can get fairly reliable information from many sources, but I also think the president will downplay it as much as possible to keep people calm and going about daily life. For now, I basically agree with that advice, the question in my mind is will he downplay beyond a point that is truly advisable, and will his supporters like Limbaugh and Fox News be very slow to earn the public when we should be increasing our caution.

mazingerz88's avatar

Really good article here from the NYT


By Heather Murphy
March 2, 2020
Updated 5:29 p.m. ET

A delicate but highly contagious virus, roughly one-900th the width of a human hair, is spreading from person to person around the world. The coronavirus, as it’s known, has already infected people in at least 60 countries.

Because this virus is so new, experts’ understanding of how it spreads is limited. They can, however, offer some guidance about how it does — and does not — seem to be transmitted.

If I cross paths with a sick person, will I get sick too?

You walk into a crowded grocery store. A shopper has coronavirus. What puts you most at risk of getting infected by that person?

Experts agree they have a great deal to learn, but four factors likely play some role: how close you get; how long you are near the person; whether that person projects viral droplets on you; and how much you touch your face. (Of course, your age and health are also major factors.)

What’s a viral droplet?

It is a droplet containing viral particles. A virus is a tiny codependent microbe that attaches to a cell, takes over, makes more of itself and moves on to its next host. This is its “lifestyle,” said Gary Whittaker, a professor of virology at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.

A “naked” virus can’t go anywhere unless it’s hitching a ride with a droplet of mucus or saliva, said Kin-on Kwok, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care.

These mucus and saliva droplets are ejected from the mouth or nose as we cough, sneeze, laugh, sing, breathe and talk. If they don’t hit something along the way, they typically land on the floor or ground.

To get access to your cells, the viral droplets must enter through the eyes, nose or mouth. Some experts believe that sneezing and coughing are likely the primary forms of transmission. Professor Kwok said talking face-to-face or sharing a meal with someone could pose a risk.

Julian Tang, a virologist and professor at the University of Leicester in England who is researching coronavirus with Professor Kwok, agreed.

“If you can smell what someone had for lunch — garlic, curry, etc. — you are inhaling what they are breathing out, including any virus in their breath,” he said.

How close is too close?

Christian Lindmeier, a spokesman for the World Health Organization, said it’s best to stay three feet from a sick person.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that standing within six feet could carry risk.

How long is too long to be near an infected person?

It’s not yet clear, but most experts agree that more time equals more risk.

Will you know a person is sick?

Not necessarily.

Keep in mind that if you do get sick, most symptoms are as mild as a cold or the flu. Still, others who are infected with coronavirus never fall ill at all. (Technically, COVID-19 is the name for the sickness caused by the respiratory virus.)

But the flip side of this is that it can be hard to tell who is capable of spreading coronavirus.

In a growing number of cases, people without symptoms have infected others. The W.H.O. still believes that most of those who have spread coronavirus were clearly ill at the time of transmission, Mr. Lindmeier said.

The coronavirus is a delicate microbe that is killed easily with disinfectant.

Can the virus last on a bus pole, touch screen or other surface?

Yes. After numerous people who attended a Buddhist temple in Hong Kong fell ill, the city’s Center for Health Protection collected samples from the site. Restroom faucets and the cloth covers over Buddhist texts tested positive for coronavirus, the agency said.

Technically, the virus widely known as the coronavirus is just the latest of many similarly shaped viruses. (Coronaviruses are named for the spikes that protrude from their surfaces, which resemble a crown or the sun’s corona.) A study of other coronaviruses found they remained on metal, glass and plastic for two hours to nine days.

Whether a surface looks dirty or clean is irrelevant. If an infected person sneezed and a droplet landed on a surface, a person who then touches that surface could pick it up. How much is required to infect a person is unclear.

Coronaviruses are relatively easy to destroy, Professor Whittaker said. Using a simple disinfectant on a surface is nearly guaranteed to break the delicate envelope that surrounds the tiny microbe, rendering it harmless.

As long as you wash your hands before touching your face, you should be OK, because viral droplets don’t pass through skin.

If you are concerned about getting sick from someone who might have sneezed onto a product you’ve ordered that’s made in China, don’t worry. In the time it takes to get to the United States, you should be safe, and if you are really concerned, you can clean the surface with a disinfectant or wash your hands after touching it.

If an infected person sneezed and a droplet landed on a surface, a person who then touches that surface could pick it up, experts said.

Does the brand or type of soap you use matter?
No, several experts said.

My neighbor is coughing. Should I be worried?
There is no evidence that viral particles can go through walls or glass, said Dr. Ashish K. Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute.

He said he was more concerned about common spaces than dangers posed by vents, provided there is good air circulation in a room.

An infected neighbor might sneeze on a railing and if you touched it, “that would be a more natural way to get it from your neighbor,” he said.

Can I get it from making out with someone?
Kissing could definitely spread it, several experts said.

Though coronaviruses are not typically sexually transmitted, it’s too soon to know, the W.H.O. said.

Is it safe to eat where people are sick with coronavirus?
If a sick person handles the food or it’s a high-traffic buffet, then risks cannot be ruled out — but heating or reheating food should kill the virus, Professor Whittaker said.

Dr. Jha concurred.

“As a general rule, we haven’t seen that food is a mechanism for spreading,” he said.

Can my dog or cat safely join me in quarantine?
Thousands of people have already begun various types of quarantines. Some have been mandated by health officials, and others are voluntary and primarily involve staying home.

Can a cat or dog join someone to make quarantine less lonely?

Professor Whittaker, who has studied the spread of coronaviruses in animals and humans, said he’s seen no evidence that a person could be a danger to their pet.

Caravanfan's avatar

Re; iodine. Not sure. I imagine it does.

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JLeslie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Topical iodine kills germs including bacteria’s, viruses, molds and more. When I was a kid my mom would put iodine on my scraped knees. I think iodine is absorbed through the skin, so you have to be careful, because too much iodine can be a bad thing. Now, mom’s usually use an antibacterial ointment or spray for those injuries.

Iodine is an ingredient in Betadine, you might want to research that if you’re interested. I think there are Betadine soaps and washes.

I don’t know if you were asking about topical iodine or ingesting it, so my answer might have nothing to do with what you were asking. Iodine is important for our health, it very directly affects our thyroid function, which regulates so much in our bodies. Too little or too much are both bad.

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Hawaii_Jake's avatar


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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@all This is a question to discuss the public health emergency. It is not a question to argue about what politicians are doing. That includes you, @jca2.

If you want to argue about the response of politicians, please ask your own question.

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SavoirFaire's avatar

[Mod Says] This question is in the General section, which means that all answers must be both helpful and on-topic. If you want discuss things that are off-topic with regard to this question, please consider asking a new question for which those responses would be better suited. Thanks!

filmfann's avatar

Currenty I am quarantined on a cruise ship off the coast near San Francisco. You would think I’m getting lots of information about it. I am not. We passengers are very much in the dark about what is happening.

chyna's avatar

I hope you stay safe @filmfan.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@filmfann I am so sorry this is happening to you. There are links above in the OP from both the CDC and WHO. @Caravanfan posted a link with a lot of good information in it. Those will give you some good information.

I can imagine that the cruise line should be keeping you informed about what exactly is happening on the ship. I also doubt they are doing that. I’m sorry. I hope they are indeed being transparent. If you can stay connected to us, we can link articles about your ship as we see them. However, it may be better for you to ask a question of your own about your situation so that the thread will be more relevant.

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Laura8888's avatar

Usually from CNN. My husband and I watch it often.

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