Does anyone here honestly regard Trump as a reliable source for news—ANY NEWS?
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38 Answers
At 11 to 20 lies a day; it does not make him anything but “Liar liar pants on fire”!!
Totally reliable. I listen to him every day.
Whatever he says – the opposite is true.
Trump is not a news reporter, but I’ve never heard him proclaim anything that is not already known about.
The POTUS does not operate in a vacuum—there are always panels and agencies involved. It surprises me that so many of you anti=Trumpers just seem to propagate the idea that Trump just says things and his ‘followers’ comply. This is a rather weak and unrealistic understanding of the way the government operates.
@Yellowdog When he gets up in the morning and tweets he lies; it does not stop ! !
If you truly expect any politician to be honest with you, you’re an idiot. (Not directed at anyone)
His job is to keep the country as safe as possible. Part of that is managing us and our proclivity to panic. He doesn’t owe us every bit of news on the subject. I guess I’m the only one here with leadership and management training. It’s just a piss poor time to play politics. I guarantee you the government is not more concerned about Republicans than Democrats right now. But the idiot masses are doing what they do best!
I don’t trust him as a reliable news source. It doesn’t mean he always lies and is always wrong, but I don’t think of him as reliable. I’d always be checking other sources for information. Actually, I don’t trust anyone now as reliable, I feel like I always have to do multiple fact checking with most things.
I expect all politicians to be frugal with the truth to some degree. What I do not expect is one who wears his lack of honesty and his utter duplicity like a badge of pride. Nor do I expect one to be such a pathological liar that he routinely lies about stupid, irrelevant shit that can be fact-checked by anyone in a handful of seconds. Nor one to absolutely unwilling or unable to acknowledge when he’s wrong.
He’s currently saying the virus is a “Democratic hoax.” How anybody could defend him is beyond me.
@jca2 That’s disgusting. This virus might really show the ignorance of some people and the integrity of our top scientists and our politicians. I’m ok with keeping the population calm, but not for lying to the citizenry or gutting our agencies that help protect us and the world. Outrageous. Have they been able to prove the hoax message is actually coming from Trump? Was it a tweet?
This is exactly what I’m talking about. If this is true there is no need to make fun if or trust when he says something that is reasonable or correct, we should just ignore it. There is so much material Trump gives us that is harmful and lies we don’t need to make up stuff.
@jca2 Yeah I heard him say that as well.
Problem his sheep will believe him.
Actually, Trump was dealing with the Corona Virus when you all were in the throes of the impeachment hoax, and tried stirring up the remains of the Russia hoax. When Trump banned travel from China to the U.S. for non-citizens, Biden took the lead in calling the move ‘racist’ and ‘xenophobic.’ The Democrats and much of the media were not even taking this seriously until mid-February.
No, Trump isn’t calling this a ‘Democratic hoax,”
Thanx @jca2 So it didn’t out of his mouth but out of his ASS !
@Yellowdog don’t you listen to Trump ? ? ?
Actually, the clip says Trump is overreacting by considering banning travel from countries where the outbreak is spreading.
But yes, the threat in America has been overblown by the media and the Democrats. We made precautions very early, and are not suffering the outbreak seen in other countries.
When Trump banned travel from China, the Democrats were so seething and scheming about impeachment that they largely ignored it and didn’t block Trump’s ban from China.
”It surprises me that so many of you anti=Trumpers just seem to propagate the idea that Trump just says things and his ‘followers’ comply.”
Hahaha,this is rich….
Banning travel from countries such as China is about all The Don Father can do he already has slashed the CDC funding to bare bones, he mis quotes cases of confirmed in the states keeps saying it’s only 15 when a two second google search says it’s 85plus and climbing.
Then claims its a democratic hoax! said so in his latest rally, and one of his biggest fans says oh no ^^ he didn’t say that.
Gee with a two second google search you can see he said it, guess next you will say we took it out of context.
Or @SQUEEKY2, “Don’t pick on him he has something on his mind !”
What can I cut back on to build MY wall, oh Armed Forces budgets just before I send them to start TWO wars in Iran and China.
@SQUEEKY2 Although Trump has proposed cuts to the CDC, such cuts have been blocked by Congress and CDC funding steadily has increased since Trump has taken office. You can thank Congress rather than Trump, I suppose, although Trump has signed the increases into law.
@chyna – republicans don’t need to quote sources. Facts don’t matter. It’s the law.
@yellowdog: the link I provided above will bring you to a video of Trump saying it’s a democratic hoax.
@Tropical_Willie Your source is a ‘letter to the editor in the Charlotte Observer.
The first actual news source I came upon when searching was this
Snopes might also be a good source you’d consider neutral.
@jca2 The hoax is in that people are walking around several major cities wearing masks. The claim is that Trump did not react and now we have a pandemic right here in America.
This claim was widely believed four or five days ago, and that Trump and the CDC were lying to us about how widespread it was in America. Entire cities went up in masks and were shown o the news,
Sorry, but Trumpers can’t change the definition of “hoax” to suit their need to spin. Total bullshit.
No spin, @JLeslie —that’s what the Left was saying. It was Trump’s fault. Now we have a pandemic, Several active threads here on Fluther are based on that premise.
Trump had the GOP House in 2017 remember ?
They cut the CDC budget in 2017 !!!!
Get a grip and check the DATE !!
Rubbish. Only the fool himself would be so obtuse as to pin the outbreak on a specific individual, the press OR the Democrats. The criticism is strictly on his judgement before the fact and his usual reaction to bad news— that he can lie the problem away
“It surprises me that so many of you anti=Trumpers just seem to propagate the idea that Trump just says things and his ‘followers’ comply. This is a rather weak and unrealistic understanding of the way the government operates.”
It should be dead obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that when people talk about Trump’s followers, they’re not talking about people in the government. They’re talking about the legions of fans who just accept whatever he says as the truth (or at least act like they do) even when it is plainly false. Not all Trump voters are this way, but an unfortunate number of his most ardent supporters are.
There is nothing Trump says that does not come from panels, focus groups, and various agencies of the government, such as the Department of Homeland Security, which we hear from daily.
I see, several times a week, the cut-and-paste news where a four or five word phrase is used out of context in quoting Trump for a news story. I am surprised at how many of you are duped by the spin, when original material is widely available. And how many times a story which we have been following for two or three years, if not a decade, is something you believe was just made up out of Trump’s mouth and we believe it.
It’s amusing (and a bit sad) how @Yellowdog accuses most of us of being duped by the spin, when he has drunk and thoroughly enjoys drinking the Trump lemonade.
Do the Trumpies truly think that their 35% is totally right in all things and that 65% of us who disagree are total idiots? Puhleeze.
@Yellowdog I guess that is why they were having a press conference on the coronavirus and Trump out of no where go off about the stock market?
Guess that was taken out of context as well, focus groups really is that why when on TV about the California wild fires he goes off about raking the forest floors? was that focus groups as well?
@Yellowdog You say focus groups and such before ole orange hair reacts OMG really??
Do you actually believe that? DO YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT US TO BELIEVE THAT!?
The entire republican party said tariffs were not a good idea, Trump said fuck you I know what I am doing, yeah he listens to focus groups.
We know you absolutely love the guy, but please don’t expect the rest of us to eat his BBQ bullshit on a bun.
@SQUEEKY2 The reason he broke loose with stock market comment is a downturn of the stock market usually means the incumbent is not reelected.
“A political crystal ball. Election results may not be so great at predicting stock market returns, but the converse is not the case. It turns out that the stock market has an uncanny ability to predict who will call the White House home for the next four years. If the stock market is up in the three months leading up to the election, put your money on the incumbent party. Losses over those three months tend to usher in a new party.
The statistics are compelling. In the 22 president elections since 1928, 14 were preceded by gains in the three months prior. In 12 of those 14 instances, the incumbent (or the incumbent party) won the White House. In seven of eight elections preceded by three months of stock market losses, incumbents were sent packing. Exceptions to this correlation occurred in 1956, 1968 and 1980. According to Stack, the S&P 500 has an 86.4% success rate in forecasting the election.” Kiplinger February 2016
@yellowdog: I posted video link above and you tried to spin it as meaning something totally different, even though other Jellies called you on it.
@Yellowdog No panel or focus group on earth will counterbalance the fool’s asinine propensity for running his mouth and blatant idiotic tweet fevers. Moreover, there is no longer any question regarding the moron’s ability in matters of recognizing or advancing people of talent. The turd is distinguished for his accumulation of criminal toadies and no talent sycophants, and the routine flushing away of any and all who display either talent or integrity. He has systematically debased top management of Federal agencies to the point that those critical bureaucracies are now openly dysfunctional.
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