Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If and when a devastating break-out of the Corona virus does take place in the US, how long before Trump supporters put the blame on illegal immigrants?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) March 1st, 2020 from iPhone

As asked.

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93 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

The spread of unchecked diseases carried by people entering the country undetected is a valid concern.

Right now, the virus is contained because we can detect its origin and in people infected, because it is known if they have come from a place where the virus is known to exist, But infected people entering into the country undetected should be a concern for every American.

This is not an issue about Trump or Trump supporters.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess they already have started. On another Q @KNOWITALL brought up the illegal immigrants.

The jelly above seems on board also.

Illegal immigrants could bring disease, no question, but we have people traveling in and out of the country daily who are legal who are not scrutinized. Legal or illegal they can be sick.

Coronavirus is traveling similar to flus, starting in Asia, then moving to Europe and North America, and just now there have started to be cases in Latin America. If Latin America had closed its borders they possibly would have had no cases.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It was Hillary’s fault ! ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

It is Pence’s fault he is waiting for “The Rapture” !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog A Washington state women just passed away from it, and she hasn’t traveled or been around anyone who recently has, how do you respond to that?

Yellowdog's avatar

Are you implying its not a communicable disease?

Its origin in China is irrefutable. And it has been passed on, person to person., ultimately from someone who HAD travelled there. What exactly are you implying?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

All I am saying is this woman had it died from it and hasn’t traveled, or been around any one who recently had.
Yeah it’s been known fact it originated in China, has passed from person to person, what I am implying is your orange haired god better start taking this very serious, it is not a democratic hoax.
I am a truck driver not a medical professional, but to hear a leader say it’s a democratic hoax and don’t worry about it is truly disgusting.

Yellowdog's avatar

The United States was taking this very seriously while the virus was spreading throughout the world, and the Democrats were losing the impeachment battle and trying to rekindle the Russia hoax.

The hoax about the Corona virus is that we have a pandemic in America, which is being spread by some on the left, calling it ‘Trump’s Virus”.

San Francisco, for instance, declared a state or emergency and put on masks and ridiculous restrictions, even though they had no cases of the virus, and have plenty of serious third-world diseases rising from the feces and rats of their own city. The Corona virus is being dealt with here, and the United States will probably be the nation who handles this pandemic worldwide. We’ve been on it for over a month.”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Then please explain the Washington state woman.

Yellowdog's avatar

If you have some revelation or insight that isn’t already known, say it. You are being obtuse.

I don’t see any alternate news giving alternate information. Everyone seems to ne in agreement. Yet some are trying to make this about Trump, which can only be explained as politicizing the issue.

Sagacious's avatar

Why do you ask such a question?

SEKA's avatar

I heard someone say today that covid19 is fake news being put put by the Dems

stanleybmanly's avatar

Clearly, not enough is understood about transmission of the disease to draw conclusions. And San Francisco declared a state of emergency because it is the smart thing to do in the face of a disease that WILL continue to spread. Anyone claiming this thing is contained and under control in this country is a fool and dangerously so. This is the time for mobilization. And this is indeed about Trump, principally because those of you in jurisdictions unwilling or unable to initiate preparatory measures are at the mercy of agencies with an incompetent fool between you and them.

JLeslie's avatar

I can explain the Washington woman. It’s an assumption of mine anyway, I haven’t listened to what they are saying about the Washington woman in the media.

Most likely there are many more cases than we know about. This woman became gravely ill, and so she was finally tested. There might be someone who was a carrier (no symptoms) getting people sick. Maybe someone in contact with her thought they had a flu, but it was actually the coronavirus.

@Stanleybmanly A Governor needs to call a state of emergency to ask for federal help. When a hurricane is coming the Governor declares a state of emergency BEFORE the hurricane for counties that might be affected. The hurricane might never hit. Declaring a state of emergency can mean there is an emergency, or that there is thought to be an emergency looming. Anyway, it’s a way to get personnel and money from the fed. I agree we need to be doing things to curb the spread and to be prepared, I think it should be done within reason every flu season. This virus is more concerning because of the rate at which people get severe disease obviously, but we don’t really know the rates of this virus, but it does appear to be fairly high.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Anybody entering into the United States needs to be checked. Nobody is putting the blame on illegal aliens but if we put policies into place to check all those entering or traveling and nobody got in unchecked, yet it still got in and devastated the U.S wouldn’t you wonder how? Totally possible that it can go undetected which is why we shouldn’t straight up blame the illegals but people still will anyways. And they more than likely will be at fault mixed with those that got here legally/ got back from travelling and got checked, but it was undetected because it didn’t show yet if that makes sense.
People just love to put blame on the illegals but they aren’t the 100% fault for all of America’s problems so it’s kind of a dumb argument sometimes.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Anybody? As in everybody? We aren’t doing anywhere close to that right now.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It’s pointless assigning blame until it’s understood HOW the disease is transmitted and WHO is susceptible. The apparent ability of the virus to remain latent means that answers to these questions may be difficult in coming. In fact the latency question will render detection of carriers beyond problematic until the pathology of the pathogen is fully understood. And of course this is also true regarding development of a suitable vaccine. What I wonder about is the apparent fact that not everyone exposed to the infection shows any evidence of contamination while others believed totally isolated from the disease apparently spontaneously acquire infection. Big clues will come through looking at the mathematics of the spread of infection in comparison to known diseases, but the time involved in figuring this out almost certainly assures us an epidemic. Get ready.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Maybe it lasts a long time on surfaces? I assume they are testing that. Then it might be harder to pinpoint transmission.

zenvelo's avatar

The President on Saturday stated that COVID 19 was justification for building the Southern border wall.

Me, I’d be more worried about Canadians crossing the northern border to shop at Trader Joe’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar


“Person-to-person spread”
The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person…Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet)...Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.”
These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.”

Same way a cold is spread.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The virus may have been spreading for weeks in Washington, and started with ”a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States.” After that it just started spreading like wild fire because nobody has an immunity to the virus. It was just discovered in 2019. So, in the end, everyone who gets is will be, in fact, a victim of this person who traveled from China back to the States. And others, as rumor has it that trump refused to send infected patients back separately from well patients.


LadyMarissa's avatar

@Yellowdog My Q is HOW did the first victim get it as there was NO ONE with it to pass it on to them???

Dutchess_III's avatar

@LadyMarissa Are you talking about the Washington caes(es)? They’ve traced the first one back to ”a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County [in Washington State] in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States.” It’s been spreading for weeks in Washington, the way these kind of viruses spread, they just did know it. See my post directly above yours.
It spreads exponentially.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Thanks for mentioning that I brought it up in another thread @JLeslie. Too bad you didn’t post the factual links like I did, but surely anyone can go see for themselves that Chinese people are crossing in through the southern border, which was the point.

LadyMarissa's avatar

NO Dutch, I’m wondering about the VERY FIRST case that started all this. I understand how it spreads. @Yellowdog seems to understand it, so that’s who I was asking.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky learned that the virus can survive on a hard surface for up to 9 days, she works in the health care industry, so I believe her.
Best defence keep your hands super clean, and try to limit touching your face.

seawulf575's avatar

Considering the disease started in China, it is unlikely that illegal immigrants are the primary entry into our country. They might bring it, if some how the disease hop-scotched to a country or countries in North, Central, and South America, but I’m pretty certain it will make its way here long before that is the issue. The thing with Covid 19 is that it shows no symptoms immediately. You could have it and not no it and still spread it to others. I suspect that is how most of it has spread.
Italy is currently seeing some impacts from this. They banned all flights from China, but not from other countries that had connecting flights from China. Now they are getting hit pretty hard. @SQUEEKY2 mentioned someone that had it and hadn’t traveled. There have been others that hadn’t traveled, but had come in contact with someone that had. There was a case in Italy as well that was a guy that had not had any specific contacts with China…no traveling to it or from it, no relatives that had traveled, no co-workers, etc. And he came down with the virus. They are still working through that mystery as well.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Don’t forget that I do have a concern re diseases coming across our borders, but I don’t think illegal people are more likely than legal to bring diseases. American citizens travel and bring back diseases, we aren’t regularly checking them. There is so much travel now it is different than 100 years ago. My husband has to get a health check and vaccinated when he became a green card or citizen, I don’t remember which, I think it was for citizenship. Our government still does that.

Our southern border states for many years had more HepA risk because of immigrants. Growing up in the northeast it was extremely rare for me to hear someone had Hep A. My husband, who is Mexican, he and his siblings all had it as children, and his sister was shocked to find out I don’t know anyone personally who has had it except them.

TB also, I agree that comes in through our borders, but we have it here also anyway. I know way more than one person positive for exposure. Especially drug addicts and hospital workers are positive.

I’m with you on caring about our borders regarding health, but it’s very difficult to control it now.

Republican politicians usefully make immigrants the boogie man to get elected.

Coronavirus did not likely travel from Latin America to the US, it is more likely we infected them.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie My only concern was you posting my name in a thread I wasn’t participating in without context, making me look like an immigrant hater. It’s not okay, please don’t do that again.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It simply mutated @LadyMarissa. The first person had an existing coronovirus, like a cold and it simply mutated.

mazingerz88's avatar

@JLeslie I shudder at the idea of the Corona virus first entering the US through the Southern Border. The hate will spew from trump’s mouth like a volcano exploding driving his supporters in a frenzy! (as usual)

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 It would certainly make arguing for open borders a lot harder, wouldn’t it?

mazingerz88's avatar

I have no idea the very names of those Americans arguing for “open borders.” And if they stated so, was that a committed political proclamation that Americans who actually vote would support?

JLeslie's avatar

@mazingerz88 H1N1 did come up from Latin America, but most seasonal flus travel from us down to them, I don’t know the usual pattern of the coronavirus.

@KNOWITALL You’re right. My apologies. I wasn’t trying to paint you as an immigrant hater, only that you are in touch with the Republican talking points. It was wrong of me to bring your name in without you on the thread though.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Well obviously I didn’t mean right now. Duh. I know we aren’t to that level yet

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s already IN the US @mazingerz88. And it didn’t come via the southern border, either. Two people in Washington State died from it. ””....a patient who traveled from China to Snohomish County in mid-January and was the first person diagnosed with the disease in the United States.”
They’ve found cases in Oregon, too.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Four more just died in Washington State.

seawulf575's avatar

Well, @mazingerz88, many of your Democratic politicians have called for decriminalizing entering the country illegally, they have espoused doing away with ICE and CBP. They have fought against enforcing our borders at every turn. So yes, they are for open borders and yes, that is their political proclamations. Bernie did, to his credit, try changing his tune. After being called on his stance for open borders he suddenly flip-flopped to say he didn’t support them. If Trump did that, you’d be screaming about what a liar he was, but since its a Dem, I guess it’s all right, eh?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@seawulf575 prove it. Show us the link where they wanted to do away with ICE and CBP.

mazingerz88's avatar

Did Bernie say he wanted open borders? Did he even explain what open borders meant to him? The issue here is how scared and hateful Republicans talk about illegal immigrants. Americans who are humane don’t actually like that. The more you demonize them, good compassionate Americans would fight and oppose you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Maybe Ben and Andrew can set up a recorder, where we just hit F2( some key combination and “Prove it. Show us a link to something that proves what you are claiming,” automatically types in.

Dutchess_III's avatar

C’mon now. Nobody is more compassionate than Christians @mazingerz88. And they got the kids in cages to prove it.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^I’m hoping they see the light and embrace it eventually. Jesus would probably agree.

The hateful rhetoric and policies of trump and miller against illegal immigrants would naturally make good Americans see ICE in a negative light. I don’t agree but I can understand the emotional and moral motivation behind it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think border control actually is necessary, of course. But God, give them a chance. Give them a chance to come here legally. Give them asylum . Don’t just rip their kids from them, helter skelter, for no reason other than pure hate and contempt that they’re in situations they have no control over.

Yellowdog's avatar

@Dutchess_III The decades-old practice of separating children of illegal aliens from their parents, which became especially overcrowded in 2014, was ended by executive order in mid June 2018.

For a while, I thought you were trying to perpetuate the lie. But maybe you just didn’t get the memo.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III what prevents these people that want to come to this country from applying for visas? It is cheaper than paying someone to help smuggle you into the country. It is safer than traveling thousands of miles with your kids through a journey that results in thousands of rapes, murders, and human trafficking. And it is legal and allows that person to eventually become a US citizen if they decide that is what they want.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Why do you waste time asking for citations? You never read or believe the ones I post anyway. And why don’t you ever ask anyone else for citations? Oh yeah…because you are a hypocrite. But in an attempt to satisfy you…once again…here you go

I even chose CNN. Are you now going to slam the source? Maybe tell me how much they lie or are just right-wingers on a rampage?

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 “The issue here is how scared and hateful Republicans talk about illegal immigrants.” No, the issue here is our nation and our laws. Isn’t it funny that your argument is really that we should ignore the laws we don’t like? Or that we should entirely do away with our borders since we shouldn’t actually enforce them? Do you really believe that shit?

mazingerz88's avatar

Yes, laws that doesn’t make sense anymore and cruel should be changed. And btw, you enforce that law using an asshole to lead you guarantees the issue will never be put to rest. Better believe it.

seawulf575's avatar

Huh. How does having a border for your country not make sense? How is it cruel? And as much as you are obsessed with hating Trump, you need to remember that it is Congress that writes the laws. And to date, neither party has been burning up the hallways trying to do anything with immigration reform. And I’m not surprised. It would be political suicide to suggest a law that says we shouldn’t enforce our borders.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog right and wrong, the practice of separating children was suppose to have stopped in 2018 but it is still going on today.

Ole orange might be the best thing in your eyes but he aint with us, he is still all sleaze.

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 To you it’s really as simple as having a physical border that settles present and future illegal immigration issues once and for all. Narrow and short-minded.

Enforcing your border laws trump style was founded on hate and getting votes pretending to be common sense law application. You still don’t get it do you? When a hateful opportunistic asshole leads a deranged mob who supports said asshole, enforcing the law turns into something else deplorable and evil by nature. I really, really hope that you get it now.

Your idol trump and Democrats could settle this debacle in a day. But no because he’s being an ass who needs votes not real and lasting solutions to the problem.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 No, having a physical border establishes the country. without borders, we are just a plot of land. Think about it for a moment. If we decide we want “open borders” what we are really saying is that we don’t care who comes into our country. We are just an open spot for anyone that wants to come and settle and they are under no obligation to help our “country”. Why would they be?
As for enforcing the border laws, I suspect if Trump had a policy of asking them nicely to not enter, you’d call that hateful. What is hateful about enforcing borders and entry laws? Again, let’s put it into terms you could recognize. If I showed up at your door and walked into your house and decided to stay for as long as I liked, would you be okay with that? Would you tell me to leave? Would you call the police? And if you did ask me to leave or call the police, would that make you hateful? If the police came and enforced the law and took me out of your house, does that make them hateful? And if I brought my kids, it should be all right for us to stay, right? I mean, you can’t drag me out and put me into a cop car and then drag my kids out and put them into a different car, right? That would be evil…separating a parent from their children. And so you would have to put us into the same car and then into the same jail cell (if I was going to jail). But isn’t it evil to put children into an adult jail? So I guess I shouldn’t be punished for walking into your house…that would be hateful.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You cannot assume that displeasure with Trump’s methods equate with some advocacy for open borders. To this day, Trump’s efficiency at deporting the undocumented has not equaled the records set by Obama, the supposed flaming leftist. So what is the difference? Why all the fuss around THIS president?

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 It’s clear with your insistent use of same metaphors why you still don’t get it. You’re just using your head totally excluding your heart. Do you really think your pathetic hammer clown corrupt thug tyrant wannabe trump has a “soul”? You probably don’t give a shit.

stanleybmanly's avatar

That is precisely the difference! It is the marked ability of the present thug to ignore any aspect of tragic humanity accompanying the distasteful business of enforcing those borders. There is absolute disregard on the part of this fool for the factors driving these pathetic people from their homes. It is the despicable image of a clearly overfed and spoiled despot who has never known a day of discomfort kicking the desperate and downtrodden, as if they were little more than reprobate such as himself flocking here from sheer avarice with no other motive than to deprive him of his birthright. There is something truly shameful about anyone so jaded as to not appreciate the distaste and frank dishonor involved with the necessity to defy those merely seeking the uplifting promises which defined our very reason for existence.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley Exactly. Why have Dems turned on Obama, the Deporter in Chief’s ideals? What changed other than Trump saying the same thing as using Obama’s cages?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Dems haven’t turned on Obama—far from it. What would you say is the principal difference between Obama & Trump? Not specifically on this issue, but what is it that separates Trump from any of his predecessors, Including the 2 Bushes, Reagan, Clinton, the entire bunch?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan There are many differences from changing parties to being accessible online, but I’m not sure what you are specifically referencing if it’s not immigration-related. Feel free to expound.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I went to a birthday party on Sunday where that was the theme of the day. My opinion wasn’t very popular when I pointed out that most of the carriers passing it on here in the US were of Chinese origin who flew into the country legally & were welcomed on arrival with opened arms!!!

JLeslie's avatar

Ironic that our very broad definition of birthright citizenship had to do with denying a Chinese man return to America. He was born in America to legal parents, and at the time the parents had no path to citizenship, because they were Chinese, even they they had done everything legally and had paperwork. Hatred towards the Chinese at the time was very high, and there was a belief they could never assimilate well to American culture. America has an embarrassing history of treating the Chinese very badly. Like all things in our history, treating others badly never works out well for those who do it from a place of hate.

I’m not accusing anyone on this thread of hate, and like I said above, America should take precautions at ports of entry to watch for signs of illness, I’m on board with that, but we need to be careful in making the new immigrant the scapegoat. Americans with lots of money vacationing on a cruise were exposed, there is tremendous movement across borders, and mostly legal.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 so you would be okay with total strangers setting up camp in your living room. You do have a big heart, son! Good to know.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@seawulf575 “what prevents these people that want to come to this country from applying for visas” What??? They have a legal right to apply for a visa. They should not BE prevented.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly while you are frothing at the mouth about how horrible Trump is to the illegal immigrants, and how he puts their lives in danger, YOU are supporting them making the trip of thousands of miles, a trip that is known to be full of many dangers, so that they can break our laws to enter this country. So it is YOUR views that lead to the human trafficking, the drugs, the rapes, the murders, the kidnappings and all the other crap that happens to these folks. So who is the callous fool? I’m putting my money on it being you.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III I absolutely agree…they have the right and there is nothing stopping them. Except for the lies that get sent to them telling them they have to sneak into our country. And you are now on my side of the argument. I have stated numerous times over the years that it is cheaper and safer for them to apply for visas rather than risk their lives and the lives of their children on a trek across several countries to enter our country illegally. So yes, they have a legal right to apply for a visa. So why don’t you fools on the left encourage that instead of trying to eliminate this country’s borders?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think the root of that problem is it can take literally YEARS to get a Visa. And it’s outrageously expensive.
They need asylum NOW. There should be some sort of inbetween place where they can at least wait in safety while they grind through the process.
We need to make it easier and cheaper for them to become citizens.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 The argument that I am somehow responsible for Trump’s barbarity is ludicrous on its face. I am NOT supporting them. I am stating FACTS that you and the fool refuse to accept. And there is one overriding fact that neither of you will get around. The fool is NOT going to punish or deport his way out of this problem. The notion that these people come here because I’m “on their side” is too silly to bear comment. The other indelible fact: that these people are prepared to endure unbelievable hazards and hardship to get here has NOTHING to do with how I, you or even Stinky feels about about them. There is no hurdle this country can erect short of certain assured death that is likely to diminish the tide of people literally fleeing here for their lives. Unless or until your great and clueless fool is prepared to dish out horrors proportionate to the terror driving them here, persecution and abuse of them is pointless, and they prove this with their numbers. As I see it, unless conditions (many of which result from our doing) are alleviated in their homelands, the fool is doomed to the intractable task of emptying the ocean with a bucket.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Where did I say you were responsible for anything that Trump does? What I said is that your foolish ideals are what puts thousands of human beings in danger by encouraging them to risk their lives coming to this country. But you are right, I might be going over the top. I’m pretty sure if they spent 2 minutes talking to you they’d realize they didn’t want to be anywhere near you or in a country that you represent.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stan You should try to get into Iran illegally and see how they handle it. Boom, you’re dead. It’s very naive to believe America will not enforce security post 9–11. The bipartisan Patriot Act cleared that path long ago.

Yellowdog's avatar

Or, try having the corona virus in those places. North Korea. Iran.

Boom. Your dead. Your body burned. That’s the cure.

cheebdragon's avatar

@Dutchess_III Nothing is taken care of instantly by the government. Everything takes time, it can take weeks, months or years to have simple bullshit processed and approved. Would you recommend that people applying for section 8, should rob banks to pay rent until they are approved for housing?

KNOWITALL's avatar

My Vietnamese friends left the American embassy as it was overran by communists. They had to go to Rome for several years before coming to America legally. I have never met such wonderful, proud Americans as that family.
Guess what, no legal immigrant I know from any country agrees with Democrats on illegal immigration. Zero.

stanleybmanly's avatar

What is it you people want me to say? North Korea and Iran? Who other than certified lunatics might you find crashing the borders Into North Korea? And it isn’t MY ideas or those of anyone else propelling those people here. I am not going to talk them into coming here anymore than the fool is going to talk them out of it. It isn’t rhetoric here that fuels or diminishes the numbers storming our borders. I am not saying that we must make it any easier for them to defeat our laws. What I say is that 1. There are not enough jails in this country to hold even a fraction of them. 2. Judging from Trump’s attempts, harsh extrajudicial measures will not turn the tide, and 3. It is both incorrect and immoral to regard these desperate people as criminal locusts. Which of these statements do you disagree with? And finally do any of you truly believe we can solve this problem through punitive measures? Are things going to improve because the fool kicks them harder?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But,but,but The stable genius will save you all, or at least the top 1%.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@stanley Actually they have decreased in number. They don’t want to be in cages without their babies.

I want you to acknowledge the fact that some illegals are criminals. Yes I’m okay with forcefully removing criminals, we have plenty and don’t need more. Act within the laws and there’s no problems.

Dude I have hugged, defended and cried with immigrants here from all over. Don’t act as if we are blind to human need because we call criminals out. That’s where you lose us. We help people as a way of life, not words. But legal immigrants deserve our protection as do our seniors and other citizens.

One city over two illegals kidnapped a mentally challenged woman and raped her for 3 days. You think that pos deserves a quick release so he can scurry to his next victim?
Let’s not lump everyone together for this subject. Good people welcome. Bad people not welcome. Sanctuary cities are also not okay, let the law do their jobs.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KNOWITALL I don’t want bad people in your country or mine, but people escaping life and death situations in their countries should be fast tracked for asylum instead of going to jail.
But don’t bring up a case where an illegal did a horrible crime.
That could be considered the same as cops always shoot unarmed black men.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I agree. Thats why we need immigration reform but only Warren seems interested in tackling it.
I’m not defending bad cops but I’m certain they exist worldwide, sure

cheebdragon's avatar

How do you prove it’s a life or death situation? People have been known to lie.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

They have to be properly vetted @cheebdragon , but is throwing them in jail till found true or not the answer?
Is taking their kids away at the same time the answer as well?

cheebdragon's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Where do you suggest we place them? Maybe they can stay at your house?
If I were fleeing a life or death situation, I don’t think I’d complain about being placed in jail temporarily. We are providing them with a bed, 3 meals a day, and safety from whatever shitty situation they’ve fled. That’s a fuckload more than we do for veterans, seniors, & homeless American citizens. If you feel so strongly about our efforts, why don’t you petition your government to step in and help them? Surely you’ve donated time &/or money to ease their suffering, right? Or do you just spend your free time trolling here instead?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Spoken like a true conservative good for you, let the beating continue until moral improves.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III I think your information is erroneous about legal immigration. It costs $190 for a visa. I looked it up. I would suggest you do the same. Now, compare that to the thousands of dollars they have to pay for someone to “lead” them into our country. So here’s the question: If they have thousands of dollars to spend on illegal entry into our country, why aren’t they spending the $190 to do it legally? Or why are they putting up with being “poor” if they can raise that money to split up their families? After all, it is often only one parent and a child or one parent alone coming here.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

For this time I do agree with @seawulf575 seems strange that they pay someone a lot more money than a visa would cost.
My question and no I didn’t look into it can these people safely get access to getting these visas if they have the money?

mazingerz88's avatar

^^Those who pay coyotes have no chance of getting a visa. They are mostly poor maybe. The criteria in getting a visa is beyond their reach. The money for coyotes are probably mostly sent by relatives in the US with no legal status themselves.

jca2's avatar

I don’t believe a visa is guaranteed. The government doesn’t hand out unlimited quantities like going to the motor vehicle bureau and applying for a license. But if the immigrants come here under the radar and disappear into society, they can stay indefinitely.

jca2's avatar

In order to work in the US, you need a green card.

If you know me, you know I like to go right to the source.

Here’s the Homeland Security site for who can get one and what it takes:

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 You don’t need a green card to work. You can be here on a work visa. If you are in the US on a work visa you need to keep the job it is tied to to stay in America. Your permission time be in America is the work you do. If you have a green card (permanent resident card) you don’t need to work to stay.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’ve worked in America since I was 16 and never needed a green card.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie We have buses full of day workers heading to the Tyson factories. One older couple asked the price of a banana and put it back. Saddest thing I ever saw. They were so embarassed. We have to do better.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL Are the day workers working illegally?

jca2's avatar

OK thanks for the correction.

I googled it to learn more about a work visa:

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Good link. I don’t even know all of the types of work visas. Some work visas the employees is basically trapped in the company to be able to stay in the US, because the particular workplace is saying they need that foreign person to do the work. If the employee finds another company that will do the paperwork then they can move companies, but it feels precarious to the person relying on this paperwork. When a company I was working for had layoffs at one point, one of the employees who was laid off called my boss almost every day for a week begging for her to find another place in the company, because he would lose his right to stay in America and have to go back to his country. The company laid of 30,000 people, they couldn’t just shuffle people around trying to save jobs.

On a Green Card you don’t even need to live in America. Once you have a Green Card you can live outside of the country, but you have to return to America every 6 months to keep your Green Card valid. My SIL was living in Dom Rep and got stopped at Miami Airport immigration for hours, because it had been 9 months since the last time she had been in the country. She had a medical reason, which is supposed to be a valid exception, she was very pregnant around the 6 month mark, and had the new baby with her. Immigration finally let her out that day, and she had to appear in immigration court a couple of weeks later. The judge found all of her paperwork in order. The irony of her situation is she wanted to have the baby in America so her daughter would be American, and her husband didn’t want her too, and she had gone along with what he desired. Her son was American, and she didn’t want the siblings to have different advantages and opportunities, especially that her son would have more than her daughter.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t think so, I think Tyson ships them in every couple days to work the chicken factories in Monett, MO. Locals call is Monexico.

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