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JLeslie's avatar

Democrats: now that a few of the presidential candidates have dropped out, who are you going to vote for?

Asked by JLeslie (65980points) March 4th, 2020 from iPhone

In the primary.

If you live in a state that hasn’t voted yet, have you had to rethink your vote? Maybe your favorite has dropped out, or maybe you just have changed your mind over time.

What’s your story right now during this election cycle?

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54 Answers

rebbel's avatar

This charade happens of course every four year, but every time I would get disgusted by it (were I American).
I feel these endorsements are a real turn off (whoever endorses whoever).
They are all a bunch of non-trustworthy hypocrites.
In my humble opinion.

chyna's avatar

Probably Biden.

zenvelo's avatar

I voted for Bernie yesterday in California.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It seems to me that there may have been some behind the scenes , decisions. Candidates who dropped out, decided to back the most likely Trump beaters. They fell in line, and supported the head runners. It’s quite obvious, they spend a lot of time, saying that certain candidates are inferior to them, only to now drop out, and endorse certain others…..

This is one of the things that make me unsettled, about voting
They spend months, talking about why the other candidates aren’t good for the job . Then, they circle the wagons, around those same people…

Then. Their own critiques, of that person, become irrelevant. It’s clearly partisan, and proves them all distrust worthy.

It’s hard to escape, how they criticise each other, and then find a sudden respect for them..

This is true for the Republican party, as well. When the shoe, is on the other foot.
But. This was the dems try, to knock each other down. Now. They drop out, and give about how great the likely candidate will be…
It’s a bunch of political bullshit. All designed to defeat the other party.

I don’t see these things, as the actions of a true democracy. I think each candidate, that drops out, is not how it should work.

It’s just partisan BS….

longgone's avatar

If I could vote, I’d go with Sanders. My husband will definitely vote for him. Biden is just more of the status quo. With fires to put out everywhere (at the very least healthcare, climate change, immigration, inequality, foreign affairs, poverty, and education), it seems obvious that change is desperately needed.

I believe most of Europe would welcome Sanders with open arms. The US has so much influence. We really can’t afford for its leader to be irresponsible about the Earth we share.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t have a political party, but my plan is to vote for whoever the Dems run…at least at this point. I’m NOT a huge fan of Biden, but he’s NO worse than what we have right now!!!

johnpowell's avatar

Don’t give a fuck who is nominated. We vote very late in the primaries. But we vote by mail so it takes two minutes to fill out and stick back in the mailbox.

Sadly I would probably just vote for Biden at this point since I just want the primaries to be over so we can start fighting the real enemy. But I have always preferred Warren.. Even bought a t-shirt!

The Democrats could nominate Ted “might be a human in a skin-bag” Cruz and I would stand in a bucket of shit for 8 hours to vote for him if it meant getting Trump out.

gorillapaws's avatar

@johnpowell Trump is going to wipe the floor with Biden—even worse than Clinton. Biden does great in the South… which will go Republican anyways. How many times do moderate Democrats have to try and fail at the same thing before they get it? This is just insanity.

kritiper's avatar

Now that Bloomberg is out, I’ll most likely go for Biden.

Demosthenes's avatar

Trump asked Republicans to vote for Sanders and he got impeached trying to take down Biden. Seems to me that Trump feels more threatened by Biden.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@gorillapaws: “How many times do moderate Democrats have to try and fail at the same thing before they get it?”

Because nothing materially changes for them. Their lifestyle is comfortable and they would like to keep things this way.

Biden’s dementia and early problems caused the Dem establishment and corporate media to pause. They had thrown a lot of things at the wall to see if they would stick, including a ton of attacks on Sanders and a bunch of saviors that would rush in to save the party (from Beto to Warren to Pete). But with Biden about to win South Carolina, they all decided that this was their last chance. Everyone got on board, appropriate players dropped out and endorsed, and everyone got their messaging straight.

However, they are in no way under the impression that Biden can win. That doesn’t matter to them. They have found a way to stop Sanders (most likely). The stock market is celebrating, and the corporate media has stopped acting like we are under some terrorist attack. Things are “normal” again.

Biden will easily lose against Trump. Easily. Oh, and the Democratic party is done. F*ck them.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Biden can’t form a coherent sentence. Most of the states he won last night will be going to Trump so his wins that the media is telling us is a huge deal really isn’t. Bernie can still win this and he still has my support. We still have ⅔ of the country who haven’t voted yet.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^^ Well then, IF Bernie is who they run, he’ll also get my vote. NO matter who they run, they’ll get my vote. This time, the ONLY one who I couldn’t support was Bloomberg & he’s no longer an option…any other Dem gets my vote!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@hmmmmmm I truly don’t know how you lean politically, but that answer was like you were reading my mind. Don’t hate the players, hate the game.

kritiper's avatar

@hmmmmmm The Democratic party isn’t done, not yet. And if they were, or appeared to be, they would exist under a different, more Moderate/Centrist name.
Obviously, you are a stanch Republican, and your attitude towards not only Democrats, but fellow Americans, would lead others to think the same way about Republicans as you do about Democrats.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@kritiper Many liberals here have sadly admitted they believe Trump will win again in other threads. That doesn’t make them Republicans all the sudden, it’s just a probable outcome.

kritiper's avatar

@KNOWITALL That doesn’t mean they have to like it.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^Staunch Republican? @hmmmm? Haha. That made my day.

The Democratic Party is over. I’ve considered myself a Democrat my entire adult life but I’m done with the party. I’m a socialist democrat, maybe. Certainly Independent and definitely not Republican.

kritiper's avatar

@Jonsblond A country run by a single political party, namely Republicans, is not a Democracy. Welcome to Socialism, in what ever form you make it, comrade.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jonsblond I’m more Libertarian myself, but I still think the Democrats could turn it around if they made some tactical changes quickly. What’s sad is that many of us have been saying that these 3 years of mistakes are going to cost them 2020, but I guess they just can’t see it up there in DC.

I’d love to hear your version of the Republican party sometime, too. Wouldn’t it be fun to dissect each party with each other and what we see as the pro’s and con’s of each? Maybe someday.

johnpowell's avatar

@gorillapaws : The same Biden that was Obama’s vice president for 8 years? Pretty good credentials.

I find it laughable that nearly everyone posting in threads about the primaries are going to vote for Trump because the shirt isn’t brown enough.

Seriously.. Look through all the threads about this. It is the same five people posting shit over and over again.

It isn’t because you are smarter or anything. I just stopped trying to stick my dick in brick walls.

I have been floating around the internet for decades and I have seen this before. It started with MacNN where the forums slowly became drudgereport and then the liberals were all “fuck this place, I know php”. PHP is a thing you use to make websites. So people moved on to new places and the folks in the trailer park thought they won. Didn’t win, just left behind.

hmmmmmm's avatar

@johnpowell: “The same Biden that was Obama’s vice president for 8 years? Pretty good credentials.”

Obama? I wonder what it is about Obama that people miss or find so appealing. Was it his drone bombing? Was it his 26,171 bombs he dropped in 2016 alone? Maybe it was the fact he passed an insurance-friendly health insurance bill without even pushing for a public option during a Democratic majority? Or maybe it was his extension of the Bush tax cuts? His crackdown on whistleblowers? The militarization of the police? The deportation of Honduran children, and support of the Honduran coup? His cute nickname, “Deporter in Chief”? His attempts to cut social security, only to stop when Sanders threatened to primary him?

We’ve all had someone come in to play the “adult in the room” and lecture about compromise and how imperialism, racism, and economic inequality are better when done politely and with style. Save your vote shaming for those who don’t know better. Or better yet – stop looking left and turn your disgust to the right. The right-wing Dems who are pushing Biden and those who voted for him are directly leading to a Trump re-election. Have a talk with someone who is over 45 years old and comfortable and explain to them why it matters.

Liberals are Republicans that shop at Whole Foods with an NPR tote bag.

janbb's avatar

^^ How to win friends and influence people!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@hmmmmmm How big is your Swastika flag in the front yard ? J.K.

Asking for a friend

Jons_Blond's avatar

Well I guess I have a huge swastika flag in my yard as well. smh

How to win friends and influence people.

filmfann's avatar

I am currently on the Grand Princess, a cruise ship headed back to San Francisco and quarantine. We voted ahead of departure for Warren. Had we seen the events of the last week, we probably would have voted for Joe.
As for me, I’m considering walking up and down the halls of the ship, calling “Bring out your dead!”

gorillapaws's avatar

@johnpowell “The same Biden that was Obama’s vice president for 8 years? Pretty good credentials.”

Biden is no Obama… Biden is obviously suffering from some kind of cognitive impairment. Bernie is too polite to bring it up, but you can bet your ass that Trump won’t hold back for a second. Trump is a bully with no shame.

“It isn’t because you are smarter or anything.”

I’m not saying I’m smarter, but I did make the correct case in 2016 that Clinton would lose to Trump despite everyone telling me I was crazy. What are the policy differences between Clinton and Biden? In what ways is his voting record and platform substantially different from the one that got decimated in the Rust belt?

Joe doesn’t even have the advantage of trying to become the first woman president.

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann Oh wow! How long will they keep you quarantined? I didn’t even think about people losing their chance to vote if they are quarantined.

Darth_Algar's avatar

You know what I love about ideological purists? They’re utterly ignorant of the fact that politics is a game of pragmatism, not idealism.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Darth_Algar There’s nothing pragmatic about nominating a guy who is clearly experiencing cognitive decline, and has nearly an identical platform to the person who lost to Trump in 2016…

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@gorillapaws but you missed the “Tea party” is not thing they were in 2016.

I know WHO ? They were the difference for Trump in 2016.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Trump has higher favorability ratings today than he did in 2016.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

So says Faux Newz !

Darth_Algar's avatar


And nominating a guy who’s about as divisive as Trump, has yet to score any significant legislative accomplishments in three decades of serving in Congress, and recently had a heart attack is?

Jons_Blond's avatar

^It was a minor heart attack. At least he doesn’t fumble every other word and he knows what decade it is. He’s of sound mind. And he’s not divisive. He works with Republicans in the senate.

This “he had a heart attack” is bullshit. You never hear Democrats complaining about RBG and her health. They applaud her, because she’s tough and of sound mind just as Sanders is.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Agreed. A sharp mind, is good thing. But, his age, and over inflated health concerns lead to think that Sanders, should pick strong VP running mate. It would ease many people’s issues with his health. That way of course, if he had any health issues, a very competent person could step in for a while.

Jons_Blond's avatar

My husband and I filed for medical bankruptcy under Obama and went into medical debt again during his term. We are now struggling to pay for it without filing for bankruptcy again. We’re almost 50 years old! We’ll never get to retire. Why should we support Biden when it will be more of the same for us?

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’m tired of being in medical debt. It’s been a major life stressor for over a decade. We are currently $30k in medical debt. We bring in $50k per year.

Come visit my swastika flag. Yay me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. One thing, is for sure. Something has to be done about health care. FAR too many Americans, go under because of health issues that put them in massive/unreasonable debt.
That is almost as bad as just dying. It robs them, from a future. It also robs the country, from the contributions these individuals could have made to it.
I have mentioned before, I got a DVT (blood clot,) in my early 20’s. Long story short. When the dust settled, I owed almost $100,000, for medical care. I was making less than $12,000/year, at the time. I had to simply not pay… I couldn’t get a place to live, or any type of loan, until I was over 32 years old. Some employers, refused to hire me because of my credit.

The debt, kept me poor. It ruined my chances of getting ahead. Had it not happened, I could be making more money. Paying more taxes. Buying more things. You know, stuff that would have overall helped the economy.
Instead. The hospitals, were out $100k. And I have STRUGGLED, since. Never recovered…

I know of several people, who are in similar situations. There must be many thousands, or more, in the same boat….

When the big banks fucked up, because of their own greed, they were bailed out. It was their own fault, that they were in such financial trouble. It wasn’t my fault, nor that of many Americans, that they had a crazy medical issue…
So. The message is clear. If the rich, by their own actions, have a financial crisis, they have options. If you are poor. Good luck…

There are really no excuses for this, in this country…

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Actually, the hospitals get the money, because they raise prices on people and insurance companies that do pay to cover that you didn’t. It’s already a social system in that we ALL pay for each other, because hospitals can’t run at a loss for very long, they need to get the money somewhere. So, your financial life is negatively affected and the medical system still gets their money.

I always think if the system was more honest and reasonable in its billing, maybe more people would pay. People who get a $100k bill who make $50k a year might think fuck it, I’ll pay nothing. What if the bill was $10k? Then they might pay it over time. I feel like the huge numbers are so ridiculous and intimidating that people feel it’s not worth even trying.

If you were making $12k maybe you could have been on Medicaid? In that case I feel like the government should make it retroactive and cover your bill.

The banks were bailed out, and I don’t fully agree with what was done to save the banks, but most of the banks paid the money back. It was a loan from the government.

I’m in favor of socialized medicine, so I’m basically on your side with that, but a lot of people in big medical debt I find didn’t have insurance for many many years when they could have, they paid in nothing. You were in your early 20’s and that I completely understand, most 20 year olds don’t expect to get sick, and you were making very little money. Also, buying insurance has become more and more expensive. However, @Jonsblond, for instance, I think her husband could have been paying for insurance through his job, she can correct me if I’m wrong, but anyway the average person working for a large company can do that. Now, those people will be paying via taxes under Bernie. Even Bernie thinks it’s only fair that people pay. All people will pay except the very poor. I hope to God Bernie or Biden, whoever wins, gets after the medical pricing and costs, that’s the biggest problem. Even if we pay through taxation for medical care, if it’s too expensive it will be a fortune for everyone, which is unacceptable. Although, I do think everyone needs to participate (pay) for it to really work. I wish Bernie was giving examples of how he will lower costs, examples of where the gouging is happening, that would make me feel better about him. Instead, he just talks about how he will pay for it. I never liked Warren very much, and I always felt she would not relate to the average person and so it would be hard for her to win, but maybe someone like her should be appointed to analyze the data and get down to the details.

People thought ACA would be great and a lot of Democrats talk about it like it is so great, but there are all sorts of details about it that suck. People like @Jonsblond could have bought insurance through ACA too. In her defense, it most likely would have still been expensive. My husband didn’t want to buy insurance when we were business owners, but I bought it for us through ACA against what he preferred, and it became much more expensive every year, it was ridiculously expensive. My only point with that is a government plan can sound good, but then when it really is rolled out we find where it doesn’t work well. I hope Bernie has really thought it all through.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Darth_Algar ”...yet to score any significant legislative accomplishments in three decades of serving in Congress”

Don’t believe the propaganda, Bernie is known as the “Amendment King.” He passed 90 amendments in 25 years, more than any other member during a Republican Congress.

By comparison, what are Biden’s legislative accomplishments? The major ones that come to mind for me are fiercely opposing desegregation, playing a major role in suppressing Anita Hill’s accusations against Justice Thomas—helping to make the Supreme Court more conservative, his signature crime bill that skyrocked the prison population with drug possession offenders, NAFTA, Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China, he pushed for the TPP, Biden lead the the charge to go into Iraq, his signature bankruptcy bill.

Where are all of these great accomplishments where Biden works with Republicans to get them to move left and help pass legislation for working class Americans? The examples I see are Biden moving RIGHT to help Republicans pass conservative policy. How is that a good thing?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@JLesie . It wasn’t that simple. I had to apply for financial aid, which wasn’t easy. And wait for the government, to grant me a program that would fund part of my care. So. I had to wait around for weeks, for a condition that I was called as being fatal. Then, I was tasked, with a ridiculous bill… So. I lost work, and the ability to pay back it’s incredible bill…

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Such a mess. Nothing is easy in our healthcare system. Years ago I had a an ectopic pregnancy, which also can be life threatening, and my insurance wouldn’t approve the medicine to end the pregnancy.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^See. That’s BS.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Insurance wouldn’t approve the $450 for the medicine, It’s shot, so I told the woman trying to get it approved for me that I would just pay and try to fight with my insurance company after the fact. She called up to the pharmacy to see what the self pay price was, and that I am a patient of Dr. Maxsom’s. The reply was if I go to Maxsom’s office to receive the shot it’s $45. That was when I found out just how much BS is in the system. Now, I have had several situations like that, where self pay is much cheaper, but a lot of doctors won’t even tell you the self pay price, it just happened to me a month ago. Trump signed a bill for more price transparency, but I think maybe it only applies to hospitals, I don’t know enough about it, but I do think we need more transparency, and the government has to do something about how pricing is done in general regarding medical, it’s a racket.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Many prescriptions are cheaper without insurance, I don’t understand it either.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL It’s a game. Sometimes the company/doctor charges insurance a high price, then insurance shows the discount they negotiated, and we are all suppose to be happy our insurance got us a great price. It’s totally artificial. Sometimes the insurance price is flat out more expensive and we patients pay more because we have insurance. Trump talked about this when he was running for office, he was right. I was really hopeful he would do more to help the medical BS that goes on, because he used language that I use, like that they are thieves in the system, but in the end he talked about competition being able to take care of the gouging, and there is no way that will work.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie What really peeves me is paying $50 for something at CVS and finding it at Walmart for $5. That should be illegal.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This article appeared this morning. It is good food for thought.

Demosthenes's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake The “dirtbag left”. I like that. I’m going to start using that instead of “Bernie bros”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@JLeslie . I was saying that your situation, was BS. It shouldn’t be an issue, for you…

The US spends billions on the military, and trillions more, on aid to other countries. We have the resources to help our own…

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I think gouging laws apply when there are catastrophes, but I have argued for a long time that illness is a personal natural disaster. Charging extremely high prices for medicine should fall under gouging laws, and I have seriously thought about going to some consumer advocate law firms to see what they think about my idea of trying to go to court regarding this very thing.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^That’s a VERY good point.
The government does help, when a natural disaster happens. A random event, that’s nobody’s fault. An illness, or medical condition, isn’t that different at all.
It’s like the US, sending the Coast Guard/Search and Rescue, for a capsized Cruise Ship. But. Ignoring a single drowning person.

If an American citizen, is falsely imprisoned, by a foreign country, the US will get their back.

When one of our citizens, is in trouble we try to help them. Except for when it’s a medical condition. If the Corona Virus, infects millions, I have no doubt that the US, will step up, and pour money into the problem. That’s a medical condition…

Health care, should be treated the same, as any other catastrophe.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Jonsblond _“It was a minor heart attack. At least he doesn’t fumble every other word and he knows what decade it is. He’s of sound mind. And he’s not divisive. He works with Republicans in the senate.

This “he had a heart attack” is bullshit. You never hear Democrats complaining about RBG and her health. They applaud her, because she’s tough and of sound mind just as Sanders is.“_

I’ve been a cardiac patient my entire life (literally). Plus my father and both of his brothers have had multiple heart attacks and/or bypass operations. My mother had a “minor” heart attack, and then another “minor” heart attack and then a heart attack that finished the job. I know a little something about these things. It’s not something you just shrug off like a headache and it doesn’t just happen. It’s symptomatic of a long-term issue that doesn’t just go away.

As far as “the Notorious RGB” goes, she should have retired years ago. But she’s bought into her own rockstar hype and her ego wouldn’t allow it.

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