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ucme's avatar

Why is your username here what it is?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 4th, 2020

Been asked before but a few new faces so what the hell!
Also…I can’t remember :D

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32 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

I have said this before, but my name is a combination of a random mouse I saw on a ruler and my birth year. I created my account during my last year at high school, and I literary used that name for every account I created online because the Internet was still a new thing to me and I didn’t want to remember everything I created. Never knew I would be stuck with that name forever :D

Caravanfan's avatar

My favorite band is Caravan.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’m a Willie and enjoy the Tropics.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I think I’m having thought I shouldn’t have about you now ~

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’ve had so many, I forgot. :D

canidmajor's avatar

I am a large dog. Woof.

ucme's avatar

Mine, for those who don’t know, forgot or just don’t care lol
Well, twas random letters tossed into a short punchy name…that’s all!

Demosthenes's avatar

@ucme I thought it was a play on the phrase “fuck me”. lol

My username is a reference to the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, in which Ender’s older siblings take on the usernames “Locke” and “Demosthenes” (a British philosopher and an ancient Greek statesman, respectively) and engage in political debate on the internet and become political leaders through their online influence. I just thought it was remarkable the way this novel written in the 80s predicted the influence the internet would have.

raum's avatar

I thought ucme was a play on fuck me too. Ha.

Kind of embarrassed that I missed the Ender’s Game reference since that’s actually one of my favorite books.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Demosthenes & @raum -His mom was an optometrist.

ucme's avatar

@Demosthenes & @raum Interesting lol that thought had never occurred to me.
People have thought it was a play on acme or some wrestlers catchphrase.
I wanted a really short name one that would stand out & picked 4 letters off the top of my head.
Pure accident it turned out you lot were aware of my presence :D

ragingloli's avatar

One night, many, many moons ago, the naked wrinkly ghost of Angela Merkel appeared to me in a drug fuelled vision, and with her ridiculous saxonian accent, commanded me to do it.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It’s a play on my name and another jelly suggested it… so, here we are.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I’m a Queen

filmfann's avatar

I like movies. I watch around 60–80 each month.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Honestly I chose it because it’s a power name. When I joined it was quite a different atmosphere.

@Desmosthenes Still one of my favorite series. Movie wasn’t bad.

cookieman's avatar

I’m a man who enjoys cookies. Plus, I’m a big comic book reader and the name is super hero-ish.

Bat Man
Cookie Man

Caravanfan's avatar

Hey @cookieman What comic books do you like to read? I’m currently reading Mister Miracle by Tom King.

cookieman's avatar

@Caravanfan: I’ve been a Marvel fan since I was eleven (I’m 48 now), but dabbled in some DC and independents over the years.

Haven’t read Mister Miracle, but Tom King’s Vision for Marvel was fabulous (a few years back).

Currently, I’m reading an Invisible Woman mini-series. I recently finished the House of X and Powers of X mini-series by Jonathan Hickman.

Caravanfan's avatar

@cookieman Tom King just finished a spectacular run on Batman. Just sensational. He also wrote a book called Sheriff of Babylon that was awesome. I’m a huge Tom King fan.

I love Jonathan Hickman also. I hear those X series of his are great. I’m going through East of West, which he also wrote.

cookieman's avatar

I started East of West, but fell off. I should finish it.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Mr. Grimm, was a character on a video game. He rode a motorcycle, and was generally a stupid character, to choose.

I have always rode motorcycles. And, was very reckless. I usually broke the speed limit, by a LOT. One of my first memories, was on the gas tank of my father’s bike. I was only 2,maybe 3 years old. Something that you would definitely get in trouble for, today.
I would hold the gas tank, and he would fly down the streets.
We would exceed the speed limit, all the time.
I used to go over 130 mph, every day, when I rode. I LOVED speed.

When it was raining, I would put my feet down, so I wouldn’t lose traction. I couldn’t even see.

I eventually got the nickname. And it stuck…

I was a moron… But. I drove it, like I stole it, every day for decades.

8, was always my number. I even got a special tattoo, on 8/8/2008… Three 8’s. It’s part of my sleeve. So. Most people don’t notice it.

There you have it. Mr. Grimm888.

A lot of my friends, still call me that…

I’m pretty pessimistic, so, the nickname fit.

Mr. Grimm…..

The character, on the video game, rarely survived.

Stupid. Amazing, I’m still alive.

At your service…

RabidWolf's avatar

I am the RabidWolf. That comes from way back when I was a teen and was attacked by the wolf. We were afraid he might have been rabid. Lucky for me he wasn’t. The Native Americans say that if you get attacked by a wolf, a bear, etc and you survive then the blood of that animal is forever inside you. I learned long ago that sometimes just getting pissed off isn’t always enough. Sometimes you have to go Rabid. So was born The RabidWolf.

Patty_Melt's avatar

When I first signed up, I was experiencing social distancing as a result of my disabilities keeping me pinned down at home. After a while I was obsessed with desire to get out of the house if only long enough to get a couple of greasy fast food cheeseburgers. Hence, Jonesn4burgers.
When I went through a run of high stress I left, closing my account. When I decided I wanted to come back, I tried to think of something clever which would associate with my old name. I heard someone on tv mention a patty melt, and I knew it had to be.

So, @RabidWolf, are you native?

RabidWolf's avatar

Not sure what you mean.

Patty_Melt's avatar

You reference the belief of some Native Americans. I wondered if that was your people, or if you just read it somewhere.

RabidWolf's avatar

My people. My Papaw was Cherokee.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Patty didn’t know your old name had such a deep meaning. Now I’m crying :(

RabidWolf's avatar

That wolf attack taught me how to deal with attacks from people and how to face life. There isn’t always going to be someone or a very brave dog to come and save me. You go Rabid Wolf mean and win.

Coolhandluke's avatar

Cool Hand Luke is a movie. I identify a lot with the character, Luke. I’m really laid back and I’m constantly planning. I people watch and learn from their mistakes and usually don’t talk much.

I also like eggs but not 50 of them.

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