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chyna's avatar

Who should Biden or Sanders choose as their running mate now that it seems to be down to the two?

Asked by chyna (51731points) March 4th, 2020 from iPhone

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20 Answers

janbb's avatar

That’s an interesting question. I’ve been thinking of Stacey Abrams or Julian Castro.

filmfann's avatar

Biden should pick Harris or Warren.
Sanders should pick Klobishar or Castro.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Biden-Warren 2020.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I think the pressure for Biden to pick Warren will be strong, but I’m hoping for Stacey Abrams.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Abrams. no question.

Warren as VP would be horrible. She wants to be top dog and would not be a good assistant.

chyna's avatar

People say/said the same about Hillary. She wants to be the top dog and would not be a good VP.

Caravanfan's avatar

I’m a huge Amy Klobuchar fan—I have been for years. I’d love to see her as VEEP. I’d also like to see Warren or Abrams as VEEP. Basically I want a woman as VEEP as it’s about fucking time. But if I had my pick it would by Amy.

gorillapaws's avatar

I think Barbara Lee might be a decent choice for Bernie to show that he can reach out to the Establishment.

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws I wouldn’t call Barbara Lee establishment. She’s an Oakland liberal, which may be establishment to you, but to 98% of the country she is not.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan Only 20% of her funding comes from small dollar donors. She’s participated in the party machine a long time and plays the game with the insiders. She’s much more moderate than Nina Turner (who doesn’t have the necessary experience imo) or AOC (who is literally too young for the office).

elbanditoroso's avatar

The problem with Lee is that, aside from a million Californians, no one has ever heard of her, much less know anything about her record.

If you want to be elected, you need name recognition, not some anonymous ideologue that has no record whatsoever. Lee may be ideologically in the right place (and I’m not sure of that), but she is a nonentity.

Sort of reminds me if Sarah Palin – everyone said “who the hell is she?”. And she had been a governor.

If Sanders wants to be elected, he needs to run with someone that people have heard of. Otherwise it’s a waste of a good candidacy.

gorillapaws's avatar

@elbanditoroso “no one has ever heard of her, much less know anything about her record.”

She was the only member of the legislature to vote against Buch’s vague and broad carte-blanche authority to go to war following 9/11. It was among the most prescient and courageous votes in American history.

Caravanfan's avatar

I live here. I hear Lee on the radio all the time. I guarantee that it will not resonate with swings states. She brings Berkeley liberal politics to the table which is often fringe.

No what Biden or Bernie need is a Southern Like Stacy Abrahms or midwestern like Amy. I don’t even see how Warren is as much of a get but she’s a wild card.

Jons_Blond's avatar

The progressives need to unite. Sanders/Warren.

Sagacious's avatar

Warren is positioning.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@gorillapaws big deal. People in California know her. So what? There are 49 other states.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Jonsblond I know a lot of people who would get behind that in a heartbeat.

janbb's avatar

I could get behind Sanders/Warren too but the general strategy is to pick a VP who brings in a different demographic than you – either geographically, age-wise or more moderate if you are progressive or left wing if you are moderate.

Someone pointed out that Stacey Abrams whom I think would be a great choice for either of the winning candidates could bring her focus on gerrymandering and voting rights to fruition as VP.

gorillapaws's avatar

@elbanditoroso So your big plan is to push a Southerner, so Dems can lose in the deep red South by a smaller margin and still get nothing out of it in the Electoral College? How does that strategy make any sense whatsoever in a winner-take-all system?

This election will be won/lost in PA, OH, MI, WI, MN, IA.

And no, Klobuchar is not going to help win the midwest (she came in 5th in IA’s caucus).

KNOWITALL's avatar

And Warren’s out now. There goes that theory.

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