I’m a great supervisor and trainer.
I’m always complimented by customers and vendors in my role as liaison for the companies I have worked for. Especially my current company, I guess because in this industry my role is often filled by someone who isn’t big on building rapport.
I’m good at written and oral communication, which goes along with building rapport. I know you wouldn’t know if from all of my typos on fluther, but I double check everything I write when emailing and texting with work colleagues. I currently work with journalists of all things! Some are top editors in the industry.
I admit when I have made a mistake and I correct it. I expect the same from my staff.
I check three times when handling important transactions. For instance in my current job I pay people around the world, and if a mistake is made it is not easily corrected, so it is extremely important all details, all commas and periods, are in the right places, that the bank account information is up to date, etc.
I’m good at spreadsheets. I can make a basic powerpoint presentation.
Good at answering the phone and customer service.
If I have to be at work early, before 9:00, I will likely be late now and then, unless I can work from home. I don’t have an attendance issue though, you can count on my to show up.
I much prefer a flexible schedule, I do not like M-F 8–5. I can do it, but I don’t like it. On the flip side, I will be willing to help out in the evening or on a weekend, when others usually hate that.
I’m not naturally very organized, but I worked on this, and have become quite good at it, especially in the work environment. It’s great if the workplace already has a system in place. I do like everything organized, It just takes me a bit to make a place for everything. I have a fear of not being able to find the folder again. A professional organizer told me about the different personalities of people regarding organizing, it was very helpful.
I am a team player, I prefer a team environment where people help each other.