Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

What do you think about this gaffe from MSNBC?

Asked by seawulf575 (17190points) March 6th, 2020

This video clip went viral shortly after it aired. Host Brian Williams is talking with NYT editorial board member Mara Gay about the tweet that another journalist put out. The tweet stated that Bloomberg spent $500M on his campaign and that there are 327M people in the US. So that means he could have given each person $1M instead of wasting it on ads. Williams and Gay both were talking about how illuminating that was and how true. They later had to apologize for being “bad at math”. But does that speak to how irresponsible they are for pushing false facts without even a basic thought as to whether they are true or not?

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27 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Slip of the tongue, I would think.
Could happen to anyone.
I want to go as far as stating it happens to 10 out of 9 people.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! Well, it makes sense in an odd sort of way. They just weren’t thinking.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Obviously, this was no attempt to “pull a fast one” on the public. It was a dumb mistake, quickly corrected and far from typical.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’d be glad if he mailed me just a dollar and spent the rest of my share on postage. I could use it to buy a coke maybe.

kritiper's avatar

“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

johnpowell's avatar

Rick Santelli, who many consider the person who coined, tea-tarty, and started that mess.

Santelli drew attention for his remarks made on February 19, 2009, about the Homeowners Affordability and Stability Plan, which was announced on February 18. While broadcasting from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Santelli accused the government of “promoting bad behavior”, and raised the possibility of a “Chicago Tea Party”. He suggested that individuals who knowingly obtained high-risk mortgages (and faced impending foreclosure as a consequence) were “losers”.[9] The Tea Party remark was credited by some as “igniting” the Tea Party movement as a national phenomenon.

This morning I was watching CNBC and was all “wtf is this wanker on about with this apology”

Oh he said this the day before.

Some people fucked up the numbers.. The other dude fucked up his humanity.

josie's avatar

What’s interesting to me is that they imagine that they have a greater moral prerogative for how he should spend his own money than he has. What kind of fucking bullshit is that?

mazingerz88's avatar

Pushing false facts? Who do you think they are, trump?

Yellowdog's avatar

$1.57 per person.

But they got a lot of mileage out of their million dollars per perso.

Sagacious's avatar

They are a couple of dimwits.

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” does that apply to Trump as well? Or is it okay to blast any and everything you might think he has said or done?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Is it your contention that Trump might adhere to that adage? Does he deserve a break? Find me a single sympathetic reason for empathy with the sordid, disgusting turd of a man.

seawulf575's avatar

Is it your contention that MSNBC adheres to that adage? Do they deserve a break? Find me a single sympathetic reason for empathy with the sordid, disgusting turd of a network.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Don’t change the subject! Answer the question for a change. The network is in the business of reporting on the turd whom even you must concede is nothing if not a virtual rock hurling machine.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Of course trump would deserve a break for the occasional gaffe. But it’s not occasional. It’s a constant barrage because he’s so damn stupid.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly The subject was the gaffe on MSNBC. YOU are the one that changed it in a vain attempt to slam Trump. MSNBC is supposed to be in the business of reporting facts. They fail at that miserably. This gaffe is just another example of rushing to push a narrative instead of taking 2 seconds to verify the facts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wrong again @seawulf575. You are the one who brought trump into this conversation.

kritiper's avatar

@seawulf575 It allies to everyone, repeat, everyone because no one is perfect.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 indeed it is you who introduced the fool into this conversation with the question of whether he is worthy of tolerance. I simply offered you the opportunity to list any redeeming aspect of the dummy with which we might sympathize—a feat so impossible you won’t even consider it —-which is exactly why you fly off the handle and once again revert to faulting the messenger—-as usual. I just love rubbing your nose in your steaming turd!

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III Actually it was @mazingerz88 that first brought Trump into it. Go back and check your own citation.

seawulf575's avatar

@kritiper So why is it you don’t you pull that adage out when the rest of the libs are going crazy with the Trump bashing? You, yourself, have joined in.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly If you would like me to answer your first question, here is my answer. Your question was idiotic. I wasn’t saying Trump should adhere to that adage. I was pointing out that using the adage as an excuse for gaffes is weak, given that you fools refuse to use it for anything with Trump. Basic reading comprehension. And your challenge to me just verified that. Why shouldn’t we challenge Trump? And my answer back to you was exactly the same as yours…except about MSNBC. Why shouldn’t we challenge them? Why should be give them a break? And you dodge that. Repeatedly. You really do make my points for me very well!

stanleybmanly's avatar

You don’t have any points, merely empty rhetoric. Here is reality: Trump hurls stones left and right. It isn’t that he merely makes mistakes. His very existence iis dedicated to distortion of fact. To further insult all who witness him, those distortions are in the main over facts of which he is clueless to begin with. “Does that apply to Trump as well?” Is he without sin???? WHEN has he EVER hesitated in casting stones??? Hell no it doesn’t apply to him and never will. It’s YOUR question which is idiotic on its face.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Make up your mind @seawulfe!

Yellowdog's avatar

Several of you will use ANY chain of thought to bash or discredit Trump. But suspend the compulsion for the moment, and focus on the topic at hand,. It is NOT about Donald Trump. Take a moment and FOCUS.

I don’t think the Democrat base which supports Biden trusts his mental health.

They either want him for a puppet, or to remove him under Article 25—and place someone or some thing unelectable to control the executive branch.

seawulf575's avatar

@Yellowdog I love ya man, but I think you just answered to the wrong thread. I think you were looking for the one about Biden gaffes. But copy and paste this one since it completely applies there!

Yellowdog's avatar

You’re right, but ALL threada are about bashing Trump, so its hard to know, Or, maybe Trump is causing Biden’s gaffes to spread like the coronavirus.

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